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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. Last time I heard some nonsense was in North Korea.????????????
  2. .....not a hub of thinking. ????????????
  3. My neighbour got a son who is smoking weed but not wood. ????????????
  4. For what? Involved in drug dealing and presumingly knowing about Thailand's laws there is no space for mercy at all.
  5. Well, that will push economy outstanding. How many trillions of Baht will flow into the country by millions of visitors????????????
  6. I can't see why it is disgusting. It's just a precise description how it works here. ????
  7. There are gangs with the same name in Western Europe as well. But democracies are very reluctant with arrests. That is why they could join even with right wing Nazis. The evil on 2 wheels.????
  8. Do you really ask that ????????????? To themselves of course. What else????????
  9. I'm not allowed to answer. My membership is in jeopardy ????????????
  10. 35 Baht per kilo on the market. Are you sure you have seen Avocados? Maybe testicles ???? ????????????
  11. Well, I would try it again. Simple?????
  12. Ernie and Bert. Bojo and Donald ????
  13. I'm personally do NOT miss them ????
  14. I suppose you're a regular reader of the "Sun"? That's make it easy for me to understand your response. You're excused ????????????
  15. If this is the result of your survey......why you wrote all the stuff???? I would have told you even without your survey that it's more expensive in Brighton.????????????
  16. That's a problem or at least a conflict. As a writer you got the right then to suppress/delete any critics. At the end you'll feel like a hero. Everybody likes me because I'm the best ????????????????
  17. You want to say that French were maniacs on the road during the 60s and 70s? I would agree to extend it up the 80s. However, I've been to Paris last year with my motorhome and was stunned. Perfect followers of rules. No honking anymore. The most surprising event was biking through Paris. Cycle tracks almost everywhere. Very safe. No troubles anymore.????
  18. It's not my Intention to offend you. However, it's truth that old People reflect on their lives. And it's fact that taking ganja got an impact on brain activity. Also it's fact that long Covid accompanied with weakness and fatigue can slow down any activities. In my post there are no statements about you. Never did. However question marks are offending? Freedom of speech is essential, especially in serious journalism combined with critics. Of course, as a moderator now you got all rights to stop unwanted posts. Happy Sunday
  19. Well, it's a crisis......for years already as it is not a democracy we would define. But who is backing the army? As long people have to kneel down like ants there will be not any slight significant change in Thai society.
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