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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. I'm not meaning UK's rotten nursing homes but those in Thailand, well organized and with excellent Care.
  2. Im talking about Thailand, man! If you speak fluently Thai, you are of course free in your choice.
  3. Typical preconception. My experience is quite different. I visited many homes before covid. All homes provide excellent Care with English speaking nurses and doctors. However, it's not for FREE. ☺️ At least 1000 Euro per month.
  4. As long the police is participating in fines there will be no change. Change the system and the police will change. The best change has to start from the top........the fish stinks from the head .....as you know.
  5. It's going the same way as in Western Countries. Not surprising. ????
  6. If he's doing crows.........do you think he could do my old dog too? ????
  7. Whom do you ask that? You think there is a clairvoyant here? ????
  8. Yeah, together with dozens of filthy aggressive dogs. No fun at all.????
  9. You're a dreamer. Nothing has finished. But people want it is. And they are not interesting in doing tests. Same is govt. As long people die of Covid we are not Back to normal.????????????
  10. As I read it's an attack sub. May I ask whom Thailand would like to attack? Or is it just the every day megalomania? ,????
  11. Sorry, but this is the Standard answer of all alcoholics and shows your problem.
  12. That's OK. Maybe the victim was just resting and fell asleep when the car suddenly and inexpected rolled slowly into the klong. Bad Karma. Case closed????
  13. Well, I wonder what she wanted to do with his ",nuts'???? as she can't get what she wanted ????????????
  14. Actually you'll have the choice to stay sober forever........or die earlier. Since you're an alcohol addict you need psychological help as well. However it works only of you agree and ask for help.????
  15. Are you begging for a one way ticket to Ukrainer,? Or why you post this nonsense? ????
  16. The older generation is just not Media affine. And like in other countries it's a matter of IQ. ????
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