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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. Not all dreams will come true..... But Go on dreaming Thailand ????????????
  2. The Admiral tried to be very smart. They visited the German shipyard some years ago and were impressed by German engineering. However the Admiral thought himself to be very clever to let the Chinese build the sub. Unfortunately he overestimated his cleverness and IQ. So now he's in <deleted> and the Thais will have to pay the bill.????????
  3. BS. Those mentioned countries are allied and voted for Putin in UN. (I'm not counting little countries as eg Vanuatu or Seychellen also) So take in account that 3 billion people agree with Putin. And half of the world are undemocratic states.
  4. Well, at least 3 billion people will believe Putin's View on History. China, Russia and India. So, we Western contries with our View on Life, freedom and rights are apparently not the majority.????
  5. Sure, deaths are increasing. If you have 15 Million people unvaxxed eg Germany, then those stupid will be infected in a large amount and have to die of stupidity.????
  6. Sure he will feel like the Master of the Universe????????????????
  7. I suppose the elephants got a reason to attack this Lad.
  8. Or off to the monks...... Approved way to avoid jail in Thailand ????
  9. Well, they tried it indeed and traveled to a shipyard in Germany. However, the price was obviously far beyond expectations. Probably it was a nice trip eventually.????
  10. Well, that's a much less percentage than in many EU countries. I read in Germany almost 15 millions refused vaccination. So down with restrictions ????
  11. I don't think so. For the Russians there is no reason to stay longer in Thailand. Their home is not destroyed and their accounts are available. So get them out! The Ukranians lost their home and would come back into a devastated country. Give them food and proper accomodation for FREE and don't bother them with any visa regulations. Same as all EU countries do.????????????
  12. Oh NO, I was thinking of all those Thais, who you'll meet in old ages with black hair. I myself prefer the natural look. Same as you..
  13. Europeans are too dangerous for Thai govt and society. They now all...,and better. And give ideas and even advises. Who is aiming for those people?????
  14. I know. Many addicts pretend "having a drink" is not too bad. In their imagination having a drink doesn't mean not be able to drive. Is 50 fatalities on Thailand's roads is not enough?? Day by day?. So restrictions should have implemented long time ago already. No booze on Songkran!
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