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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. Not only political Parties. Think of it how countries get their Monarchs.........
  2. Took a longer time here.......he had to wait for Translation.☺️
  3. Check next year. Probably the Banks are the new owners of the cars and the teachers you would find riding their push bikes.????
  4. This "Great" Britain gave only about 100 Ukranians shelter so far. Judge yourself???? And compare to other airline Western Countries.
  5. There is always the way via China. Send the Russians home. Immediately.???? And care for the Ukranians properly. Immediately. ????
  6. Some of your points I'll buy. However Nobody pushed you out of UK I suppose??? It was your own free decision.
  7. Why I find it every day here? And why those people complain? They don't contribute anything to UK. They don't consume anything there. They don't pay any vat in UK when buying anything. So it's quite reasonable to get less pension when you left UK and live somewhere else permanently.
  8. It's not about the number of shots only but the effectiveness. The Chinese vaccines are <deleted>, so you have to count only those by Astra, Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer. So we are far away from a sufficient protection.
  9. But all you can see in Russia or just stranded. Because the brave ones you would not see.........they are jailed.
  10. If millions of Russians would show that they disagree with Putin's dictatorships there will be overflowing jails. But there are only a few brave Russians. Not enough for a change. So No Mercy for those who are stranded. A train ticket to Burma or China doesn't cost much. Maybe we should start a go-fund them campaign for buying tickets. ????
  11. Well, they voted for Putin, they enjoyed all benefits, they tolerate his cruel wars, they did not demonstrate against it as eg Nawalny. Now Russians are the outcasts or Pariahs in our world. Don't complain!????
  12. Ouch, was it hurting?? Don't worry, there are more uptight or prudish people around. Calling nude females "whorish" says enough about you.
  13. We were born naked. And if you would dare to visit a naturist's camp you would realize how easy it is to live naked together. However if you're a member or follower of Puritans or got a strange education you might have difficulties. And so the problem is still in your head. ????
  14. Today much better than last week. Seems as if you might find your way becoming a proper columnist.....one day.
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