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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. But why you want to send food? You can order all that stuff at Amazon. But sure it's more fun to pack and carry the parcels to the Post office, isn't it?
  2. Jeez, is it already that bad in UK, that good has to be sent? ????????????
  3. Depends on the time. At night more beautiful than day time. And with more beer or Whiskey even more better. Good Lick, sorry I mean luck of course.????????????
  4. It speaks by itself that an all over all beloved PM has to be protected by 2000 slaves. ????
  5. I would go the way to find out about allergies. A proper skin pricktest will show potential triggers.
  6. rainy weather blamed Well, the rain comes sooo unexpected. Never happened before ????
  7. I say it again.....Thailand is the Hub for everything......eben nonsense ????
  8. Well, having such experts with profunde knowledge in this so called govt. we surely can trust them. Always. ????????
  9. Because they were complaining in their home country too. Beside, many of them got only a small pension.
  10. That's Thailand, man. Indeed they are selfish. And those Truck drivers are really rolling time bombs because stoned driving, imminent brake failsure, missing tail Lights, speeding....????
  11. What a BS. Bill Gates the expert in COVID??????? And the Inflation of 50% ? Where? Even If the Diesel price was 1.80 Euro before Corona..... where ist it now 2.70 Euro?
  12. Would not happen if he takes a car. But if someone likes to risk his life..... Go on biking ????
  13. I am totally surprised that she got several fathers.???? Amazing Thailand. Hub of surprises.????
  14. Thailand could earn Lots of merits and Awards If this Dog problem would be solved forever. Even walking in Thailand is not safe.,????
  15. I hope all ganga Freaks here will remember this story when taking their next Joint. As precaution leave your scissors at home. ????
  16. Thailand.....the Hub of.....(here you can insert by yourself). Do you have any ideas?????????
  17. Ask Google......and you will get all true facts........ Something for everybody. Big yawn????
  18. And now you might add all those accidents caused by ganga influence ????
  19. WRONG causality. It's not about effects Ganga vs alcohol. And it's not about fear having started 90 years ago. It's about possible effects on your behaviour in a wider sense. It's no doubt about that ganga will have the o.m. effects I mentioned. Sure, druggies would deny.
  20. More tourists means more drugs So the solution is....? No tourists.......No drugs....????
  21. If he's innocent we should start immediately a "Go Fund me" issue.????
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