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Posts posted by BurriAussie

  1. Yes big place on the left, but make sure unless your Thai is fluent, bring someone to help as they are not ready for ASEAN.

    Long pants your choice never worn them my self never...timing well just avoid lunchtime as it's "tired La time"

    Pics they do and any photo copying required can be done by the handy service desk.

    Really is simple......patience is the key

    • Like 1
  2. Ok let's work this out. They advised that November is a clamp down on driving licence checks and you think this is a graft.

    I would hate to think what it would cost me in the UK.

    You need proof of residents paper from Consul/embassy, doctor certificate and your time.....you will need to do the theory and rope pulling test absolute joke but hey......

    All up it takes about 3-4 hrs to complete at the Hang dong rd complex, then return in 1 year for your 5 year licence.

    Would like to see what would happen if we tried to pay off the cops at home.....I love it.

  3. Times are changing in Thailand and this so called min wage for Tax paying workers only has inflated the market price, so you can always do what we did, buy your own DC-70.

    But remember the hidden costs which totals around 2 million baht for everything...Trailer...tractor..tooling..fuel drums..PPE...Bags and bloody fuel which so far is around 75,000bt and the first payment takes around 2-3 weeks as they need to take the rice to the market.

    Then there is maintenance costs after the season......600bt sounds fair.

    • Like 2
  4. Agree with Harry, check in and Immigration clearance done in 5 min and then a short wait for the night flight to Perth....Done it for years

    Oh your best price will be with Chang klan Jan flexible dates and she will even modify it for you when you are in OZ.

  5. I like many have been enjoying the deals on food and drinks for many years, i'm not short of a quid but like the scene as it is, little dirty but friendly.

    All the staff speak English which puts them right in place for ASEAN...maybe others should take note

    Not once in all the bills has there ever been a issue about change, the only grump I had was the ice bucket but hey still great deals.

    • Like 1
  6. If any one is off the grid like my farm is then power is the key, we have set up our pump using an electrical bicycle wheel drive motor which draws of the solar panels direct during the day drawing down from 20 meters...check valve at the bottom of the 2" helps.

    More water than ever needed for the Moo's and Aqua adventure's as we store it in holding tanks..

    If you look close you will see the hand accelerator beside the junction box, if we are stuck with bad weather it can be converted back to the Kubota

    Attached some pics.



  7. Hi fellow farmers

    To prevent the mosquito and fly problems on our farm we installed a fall roof to wall screen which has proven well in the breeding shed.

    The other buildings have roll up/down screens which work well but must make sure they are down by 5pm.

    Works for us.



    • Like 2
  8. HI all

    Love the the thread and have been reading for some time. The first 3 sows of 15 have just delivered 12+14 and 9 with 3 still born of which one I gave mouth to mouth and got him going but unfortunately he passed away 8hrs latter.

    Boy did I learn a thing or two real fast, be prepared for the all night and no sleep as from the first to last piglet, it was over a period 8-10 hours.

    The surgical equipment was quickly upgraded after the first sow and learning we were not really ready but got through it, eg sturdy clippers for the teeth not home nail clippers, big box to contain everything as the old "where is it" was repeated a few times, lots of towels,buckets for washing arms ready to help remove the piglets.

    Our farm is of the main grid so everything runs of Solar Power bar the Hot boxes which I use a Generator for 2 hr sessions to keep the piglets warm for the first 24hrs.

    We were washing the pens out 2 times a day but now the cool weather has arrived the family advise me that we can only wash once to prevent Flu, is this correct as last week one 3 month old just stopped eating and drinking and within 3 days he was dead.

    Well thought I would share some information and advise welcome.


    • Like 1
  9. Hi all

    I have just bought the DC 70 Kubota and my my fuel costs are running at around 150bt per Rai, is this proving to be correct or is the machine being run to hard.

    Also what is the correct price to be charging, my wife says 600bt in Buriram area is the price. My plan is 400bt to pay me back, 100bt for the machine and 100bt for the workers per Rai, but the fuel costs is leaving the payback account short.


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