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Posts posted by Addonvalue

  1. Hi Guys! Thanks for the great advice and suggestions! One boy, 18, has to ride to school, facing early morning traffic -- seems like everyone around is trying to get to school too (you know what I mean?!) He rides a CBR 250 which a friend has left here as she's using something else at the moment. The other older son drives a Fino. Neither of them are really 'into' bikes or know outlets/the market.. etc...

    I think I'm coming down to the final decision here of getting what KRS1 suggested -- depending of course, on the cost and WHERE I'd find it; as well as the Alpinestarts Bionic 2 suggested by Rubberside Down (if I can actually get it for $200?? ) By the way, do both these jackets have protection for the NECK?

    Well, being that we're not too initiated about the biking outlets here, do you think you guys could help direct us to where we need to go in Bangkok (or on the net) to locate a good buy in these jackets. I'd really like to get this going asap . Thanks again for your help!

  2. To all you seasoned bikers -- I'm looking for the voice of experience for some wise suggestions and advice concerning SAFETY gear for my sons . I would rather NOT have them ride bikes but being that we are in Bangkok, this is a neccesary evil. You just cannot get around this traffic-locked city with ease without a bike. With the high mortality rate of 55 motorbike accidents per day in Thailand, I am looking to ensure that they have what they need to protect the neck, spine and vital organs .

    i have to consider that whatever gear it is, it should not be hot or heavy and a bother to wear.

    I don't want to get stuff that they would rather do without.

    What do you guys wear? I am not the 'rich farang' type so I don't have a big budget for this -- I had checked Motoair airbag vests which were selling for $180 (Singapore) and this seemed like a fair price.


    Would anyone here be able to help give some advice -- asap -- as I am trying to make some decisions over the weekend, before friends come up from Singapore -- if I can't find anything better in Bangkok, I will have to get that Motoair vest from Singapore, via friends.

    Thanks for reading and responding!

  3. For me, my family and several of our friends, we've switched from rice bran, canola and other oils to Coconut oil. I was advised by a biochemist who has had great success treating people with cancers, and other hard-to-treat issues that oilve oil and coconut oil is best. But as olive oil is expensive here, your next best is coconut oil which could also be superior, according to this article from The Guardian.

    "Coconut oil is slower to oxidise and less damaged and chemically altered by heat than other cooking oils. So it's arguably the healthiest oil to fry with.

    Coconut oil is one of the best sources of heart-healthy medium-chain fatty acids, notably lauric acid, which enhances the immune system through its antiviral and antibacterial effects. These acids also stimulate metabolism, and some research suggests they can aid weight loss."

    No need to get to virgin-oil-coldpressed type which retails at 550 baht per litre. Just get the market 'nam man buea' coconut oil (I've only found ONE brand on the market) which I can get for about 55-60 baht per litre (price fluctuates)

    Also, cut out processed table salt which increases the production of cholesterol in your body (the body's own repair system -- Processed salt is 1/3 glass, 1/3 sand (both are anti-caking agents put in to make pouring more smooth) and 1/3 salt. so when glass goes in and is cutting the arteries, the body has to produce choleterol like a band-aid to fix the damage. So cholesterol increases! Your body needs salt -- use SEA SALT -- lots of minerals and electricity which yr body needs!

    Hope this helps!

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