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Echo Tango

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Posts posted by Echo Tango

  1. The management of the airlines in Thailand know the difference between right and wrong. They shouldn't be allowed to use the poor oversight of the local aviation authority as an excuse for their lack of safety. Thai Airways should hire management from outside of the country immediately. It's the only way to restore the airline to its previous glory. Emirates uses foreign management, and it's a great airline.

    . This foreign management thing sounds like a good idea but it would be like being handed the poisoned chalice, I could only imagine what kind of problems a foreign managment would come up against if they were to introduce things like promoting people on their merits,actually verifying qualifications etc.

    I agree with you. It would be very difficult to change the company culture at Thai Airways, but not impossible. Sir Timothy Charles Clark has done a great job at Emirates as president and CEO, and he ran SriLanka Airlines before that. SriLanka had similar problems as Thai Airways: rampant nepotism and cronyism, poor operating practices and etc. Thai Airways shouldn't wait until it's too late to turn things around. They need new management now.

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  2. The management of the airlines in Thailand know the difference between right and wrong. They shouldn't be allowed to use the poor oversight of the local aviation authority as an excuse for their lack of safety. Thai Airways should hire management from outside of the country immediately. It's the only way to restore the airline to its previous glory. Emirates uses foreign management, and it's a great airline.


    From the moment you get into any Uber product (e.g. uberX, UberBLACK) to the moment you’re dropped off, your ride is covered by commercial liability insurance. That goes for every trip in every city around the world.

    Thanks for posting this. Can we see the fine print and hear what this commercial liability insurance exactly entails.

    When's the last time you saw any "fine print" insurance info while driving in a taxi in Bangkok? Let's face it, anytime you get in a car for hire you're rolling the dice! I'd rather get in a UBER taxi that's clean and in good operating condition than ride in a busted-up Pink Taxi. There's no way UBER is providing this service without some type of minimal insurance.

  4. I believe UBER requires proof of insurance, license and medical certificate before you can be a driver in their network.

    You believe...

    The complaint in many justification has been that they merely require, for example, a regular compulsory third-party insurance and not a compressive cover of passengers like Taxis would require.

    UBER insures every trip booked with their app.

  5. I believe UBER requires proof of insurance, license and medical certificate before you can be a driver in their network. The taxi mafia doesn't like the extra competition so they'll do anything to stop it.

    I don't believe you can get insurance for carrying paying passengers in a private vehicle in Thailand.

    Sorry, what I tried to say was that you have to prove that you're insurable. UBER provides insurance for all of its trips. A driver wouldn't have to have Thai Insurance. Here's the info from the UBER site:

    From the time a driver accepts a trip request through our app until the completion of the ride, our partners have $1 million of coverage for driver liability. We were also the first ridesharing request service to include $1 million of coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorists, meaning that passengers and drivers are also covered for injuries when another party is at fault and lacks sufficient insurance. This $1 million coverage from trip acceptance to drop-off is consistent across cities. This coverage kicks in regardless of whether the driver’s personal insurance applies to the trip. We have also added contingent comprehensive and collision insurance during trips, up to $50,000/incident with a $1,000 deductible.

  6. Thai pilots are allowed to fly in America, why not here? A good friend of mine, who is Thai, is the lead mechanic for the 777 in ANC for FedEx. Great guy, and super smart. A mechanic from America would never make it as far as my friend did at an airline in Thailand. The double standards in Thailand are getting very old!

    Law is law.

    Law say foreign pilot cannot do domestic route. Same same as in the USA.

    I'm sorry, but what you said is not true. Just about any nationality can fly for the airlines in the United States if they have the proper licenses and certificates. The problem is getting the proper visa to do so. It's very difficult, but not impossible. Thailand has many laws that are extremely xenophobic and they will hurt Thailand in the long run.

    I think the restriction you're thinking of is for foreign airlines (businesses) competing with local carriers on domestic routes. Example: Air Asia flying from Seattle to Phoenix and competing against Southwest, Delta, JetBlue and etc.

  7. If the suspect is a gangster, or works for gangsters, he will never be caught! At least not alive! The suspect probably has half of the cops on the island on his payroll! If they catch him, he'll sing like a bird and roll them under! That's why they're doing DNA swabs on female Burmese workers and other useless nonsense......to buy time for the suspect to get away! Just my opinion....

  8. Tourism will bounce back, but it won't return to previous levels. The world economy is slowing down considerably, and that will impact future tourist numbers for the next two or three years.

    It's expensive to get to Thailand from most "Farang Countries," and I think people will be spooked to come here during an active military-coup for fear of having a bad vacation. Just my opinion.

  9. This is a great opportunity to crush the insurgency once and for all! Unfortunately, the military is busy chasing-down red shirts and stuff while the Fanatic-Muslim-Extremist blow up hospitals and shops. Since the military is in charge they can do whatever they want without interference from politicians. It's time for the "Scorched Earth" game plan! Giddy-up!

    Giddy Up Indeed! How about you volunteer to run one of the Scorched Earth teams, Kramer?

    I've already volunteered in Afghanistan for four years. I saw first hand what happens when you let an insurgency get out of hand, and it's not pretty! Fanatic-Muslim-Extremist only understand one thing, and that's overwhelming power! It's up to the Thais to protect the integrity of their borders and the sovereignty of their country, isn't it?

    P.S. Who's Kramer?

  10. "Having worked as a consultant for Carlyle during the time they took over Qinetiq, and having got to know their top management quite well, I can tell you that you cannot be further from the truth.

    Carlyle ally themselves with the government/military/industrial complex in all cases.

    In Thailand the Army IS the military/industrial complex

    The last thing they want is to be politically opposed to where they make their money so any support for the likes of Thaksin in a government in exile is out of the question.

    You, sir, are just another conspiracy nut-job who believes everything he reads on blogs that feed his fantasy."

    Consultant? Ha! You were the hired help! Do you honestly believe they told you about everything they've ever done, or, will ever do? Thaksin was a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board, and that's a fact. Are you suggesting that he never talks with the people that he used to work with at Carlyle? You're a real class-act with the name calling by the way. This is a public forum, not a school playground. Grow up!

    "Oh....those guys at Black Water were soooo nice! They could never do anything wrong!" - - Says some silly consultant. Ha!

    The fault here is not Carlyle group.

    It is the business groups of Thailand setting up their future. You think foreign companies would or could exploit the Thai population more than they are already?

    There is one company in Thailand that supplies from rice to mobile phones with virtually no major competition. And u tell me this is good for Thailand.?

    I agree with you. Thaksin started privatizing State Industries while he set up competition-free company's for himself and his families. Thailand is a tough-nut-to-crack because of its corporate and land ownership laws. That's why they need Thaksin, or someone like him, back in charge to change these laws and finish the job. They're gonna carve this country up like a Thanksgiving Turkey! Tik-Tok Thailand!

    I'm not a red-shirt or a yellow-shirt. I'm anti Thaksin/Globalist.

    • Like 1
  11. "Having worked as a consultant for Carlyle during the time they took over Qinetiq, and having got to know their top management quite well, I can tell you that you cannot be further from the truth.

    Carlyle ally themselves with the government/military/industrial complex in all cases.
    In Thailand the Army IS the military/industrial complex
    The last thing they want is to be politically opposed to where they make their money so any support for the likes of Thaksin in a government in exile is out of the question.

    You, sir, are just another conspiracy nut-job who believes everything he reads on blogs that feed his fantasy."

    Consultant? Ha! You were the hired help! Do you honestly believe they told you about everything they've ever done, or, will ever do? Thaksin was a member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board, and that's a fact. Are you suggesting that he never talks with the people that he used to work with at Carlyle? You're a real class-act with the name calling by the way. This is a public forum, not a school playground. Grow up!

    "Oh....those guys at Black Water were soooo nice! They could never do anything wrong!" - - Says some silly consultant. Ha!

  12. Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

    Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

    That must make you feel so...special.

    Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


    It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

    Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

    That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

    Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

    Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

    1. Globalist decide they want to regain control of Thailand to extract the rest of her resources.

    2. Globalist foment animosity amongst the population, hence the escalation between the Yellow-Shirt and Red-Shirt movements.

    3. Military executes a coup to prevent globalist takeover and needless bloodshed. Thais are fierce protectors of their sovereignty and the globalist know this.

    4. Globalist trigger civil war with a "False Flag Event," causing mass devastation and loss of life.

    5. Globalist send in "Peace Keeping Troops," to save the Thai people from themselves.

    6. Globalist install "Their Guy." (Thaksin) e.g. = Hamid Karzai, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and etc.

    7. "Their Guy," proceeds to dismantle the country, selling state owned industries and anything else that's not bolted down to the highest bidder. Also, GMO farming will be mandatory.

    8. The people of Thailand get to pay off their wartime debt to the IMF for generations to come.

    Sound familiar? It's happening in Ukraine right now and many other country's, too. The people of Thailand need to wake up! The Globalist want to reinstall Thaksin, or some other jackass, as the Prime Minister and they don't care how many people get hurt along the way! Also, they want Thailand's gold, but I'll save that subject for another thread. Peace-out!

    How do you know Thaksin isn't on the traditional side and that the other team.sold the country already to China instead of the globalists?

    If he was on the "traditional side," he would have walked away from all of this and stopped causing trouble by now. As for the other side, they've done their fare share of looting, but I don't know of any state owned industries that have been sold or listed on the SET by them. You pose a very good question about the Chinese, but I'm afraid that's a difficult question to answer. I have a feeling they're up to no good and they're trying to secure what they can through they're Thai-Chinese family connections. Time will tell.

  13. Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

    Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

    That must make you feel so...special.

    Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


    It's a pity you're not a tin foil kinda guy.

    Heard they'll be pretty useful when this ominous guys take over.

    That's a nice link you gave, unfortunately it does not have a lot to do with your post.

    Not does your post got much to do with the topic.

    Seriously? You don't understand what I'm saying? I'll spell it out for you:

    1. Globalist decide they want to regain control of Thailand to extract the rest of her resources.

    2. Globalist foment animosity amongst the population, hence the escalation between the Yellow-Shirt and Red-Shirt movements.

    3. Military executes a coup to prevent globalist takeover and needless bloodshed. Thais are fierce protectors of their sovereignty and the globalist know this.

    4. Globalist trigger civil war with a "False Flag Event," causing mass devastation and loss of life.

    5. Globalist send in "Peace Keeping Troops," to save the Thai people from themselves.

    6. Globalist install "Their Guy." (Thaksin) e.g. = Hamid Karzai, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and etc.

    7. "Their Guy," proceeds to dismantle the country, selling state owned industries and anything else that's not bolted down to the highest bidder. Also, GMO farming will be mandatory.

    8. The people of Thailand get to pay off their wartime debt to the IMF for generations to come.

    Sound familiar? It's happening in Ukraine right now and many other country's, too. The people of Thailand need to wake up! The Globalist want to reinstall Thaksin, or some other jackass, as the Prime Minister and they don't care how many people get hurt along the way! Also, they want Thailand's gold, but I'll save that subject for another thread. Peace-out!

    • Like 2
  14. Thaksin is a CFR alligned globalist who's job it is to sell Thailand on the cheap and 'privatize' anything they can get their corrupt hands on. Allow me to introduce you all to one of Thaksin's handlers. These guys are just a massive den of vipers!


    Great link! Thai folks don't realize that they're being suckered into fighting a colored revolution! If there is a civil war, the globalist will come in and take it all! Wake up Thailand! Enough Red-Shirt, Yellow-shirt crap! You're all Thais! Tik-Tok mofo's!

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  15. 37d869783e80197f27e4019bcad866bb1fb1de4f

    Thaksin at the Council on Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

    Oh my. So near, but yet so far. Yes, definitely CFR. But Thaksin doesn't run the world. Here are the photos that prove who do. Go ahead, deny it but this is photographic proof TWICE as strong as yours:



    Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

    Funny how those ultra powerful persons, try as they might, can't seem to hide their true intentions from you and your ilk.

    That must make you feel so...special.

    Ilk? Ouch! Just having a conversation here, Sir. Anyway, there's a pattern developing in world events that's undeniable. You can analyze these events and look at the facts, and it leads back to the same organizations every time. I'm no black helicopter/tin foil hat type of guy, I just look at the facts. This announcement by Thaksin's Camp is a trial balloon to gauge the response, and to telegraph the future events to come. You don't need a crystal ball or a hotline with the head office at the CFR to figure that out. Research the lead-up to events in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and many others places where "color revolutions" have taken place. Good day to you sir.


  16. 37d869783e80197f27e4019bcad866bb1fb1de4f

    Thaksin at the Council on Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

    Oh my. So near, but yet so far. Yes, definitely CFR. But Thaksin doesn't run the world. Here are the photos that prove who do. Go ahead, deny it but this is photographic proof TWICE as strong as yours:



    Are you kidding me? If you knew anything about the CFR, you would know that the outer-ring of membership is reserved for pretty faced movie stars and celebrities so they can promote the CFR's feel-good programs. The inner-ring of membership is something entirely different, and is reserved for the elites and the people who actually run this planet. Sure, Thaksin doesn't run the world, but his friends do. Tik-Tok Thailand.....

  17. 37d869783e80197f27e4019bcad866bb1fb1de4f

    Thaksin at the Council of Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

    A good file photo, but he lose confidence of the international community since few years........

    So he doesn't have a Rolodex? You don't think he's still talking with his homeboy's? I think they see an opening and they're going to go for it! There's a big deference between the talking heads in the "international community," and the people that are "really" in charge. Tik-Tok!

  18. No western country or country in security council will recognize this exile government.

    If you read statement form these countries they only condemn coup and not reject junta.......

    For remember Taksin is not welcome like leaders in USA, when he come in Europe authorities told him to shut is mouth

    It doesn't matter what another country says, it matters what they do. If the right hand is moving, you should watch the left, because that's what's really happening. Furthermore, the Carlyle Group, the Giant Banks and the IMF operate outside of the law and don't recognize international boarders. They make their own rules and they own the politicians in the countries you mentioned. Prepare to be assimilated!

  19. Question is.

    Who is going to provide the money for the financing of the lifestyle the Shinwatra clan aspire too and who is going to fund the Red Shirts if the states coffers are closed to them ?


    The globalist scumbags will finance them.....the cost will pale in comparison to getting unfettered access to rape Thailand of everything it has! The countdown has started......

    The IMF took all of Ukraine's gold for "Safe Keeping." Tik-Tok Thailand......

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