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  1. Just an update on this. We had to return last month for a family emergency, and no issues at all.
  2. OK anyone with actual knowledge and not matey forum warrior?
  3. Accounts closed 2013 trading year and taxes paid. I believed at that point I had also had myself removed from the company. My ex wife had nothing to do with it either so unless the solicitor did something with it (doubtful) the very most would be a few years of non submittal of monthly accounts fines which from memory is a hundred baht or something? As to why I searched it. I often go on memory hunts, and was on google maps seeing how Bangkok had changed and saw the building where that company had been registered which then prompted me to have a look.
  4. Read the post once more and then try again,.
  5. I will probably apply for a married visa and see what happens
  6. Heh folks. When I left Thailand in 2015 I shut down my company that I owned and worked through, but completely forgot about the one I was named on with my ex wife. Not sure why but I searched that company name recently and read that it was listed as "Abandoned" in 2019 which was a good 6 years after the last time I was aware of signing off what I believe were the last accounts and daftly thought were the docs that got my name off of the business. Weirdly I am now listed as 100% shareholder (I am not Thai and it was only a small company so I can't see how I am the only share holder). I've not been back to Thailand since however the current Mrs Boldface and I are thinking that in a few years we might move back but I am a little concerned about this as I have no idea what went on between 2013 and 2019 with that company. I would assume nothing and having read the translated info on DBD and other websites, it seems that having had no accounts in 2014, 2015 and 2016, they then shut it down which took 3 years as abandoned. I'm not overly willing to reach out to DBD or another Thai official channel incase it stirs a nest that is all but dead. However I also would not like to turn up at Swampy ready for holiday house hunting to be ushered into a back room to be shaken down for unpaid fines / fees for 6 years of not reporting. If I need to I probably have 3-4 years before I plan to return to fix this if I had to, but I don't really want to engage a Thai lawyer to go to court, get the company established again, to then submit years and years of accounts and pay the late fines then close it down officially, especially if it means hunting down my ex wife and convincing her to assist, which she wouldn't, for something that has nothing to do with me aside from my stupidity of not triple checking somethign I was signing. . So anyone had any experience or knowledge of this?
  7. Pretty much his blog is his biography. A lot better than the usual "Fear and loathing in Pattaya" efforts
  8. A selected PM is no more than lipstick on a pig. They make no difference at all and the agenda's will move forward unabated. Al Johnson was just a distraction to keep the plebs guffawing and cheering whilst they forgot that after 12 years of tory mishandling, and the blair years before that, the UK is basically a gutted shell on the verge of mass starvation, followed by civil unrest. Anyway, just so you know, Army boy Tugenhat will win. The only one of that sorry lot to go to bildeberg 2022 so clearly he has already been selected.
  9. Hi Folks - not sure if this is the right place. Sorry to be the bearer of sad news. We heard from Lek (Mrs Mobi) yesterday that Mobi passed away yesterday morning. He had been fighting various ailments for a number of years, which in many ways prompted his departure from Thailand in the end. Many will know him from his threads on here (or as was), and in person as well from his exploits or simply from his short time as a bar owner. I always found to be a kind hearted generous man with a natural bon homie. For those who have not read his blog, it is a some what addictive read of a man battling alcoholism and a lust for life that he quenched often. I moved back to the UK around the same time, having been neighbours for 3 years, and we kept in touch. He enjoyed his life it the UK it seemed to me. Lek plans to stay in the UK if possible which shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, RIP Mobi.
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