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Posts posted by empireboy

  1. It is incongruous and so saddening to me that if a Falang goes scantily dressed on the beach ThAis are offended but if he/she sun bathes and swims in all their domestic trash/waste on what should be a pristine tourist attraction.... THAT'S OK!

  2. Anyone can register a domain name in Thailand, with the following restrictions:

    .co.th must be registered for a company's actual name.

    .ac.th must be registered for an academic establishment.

    .or.th must be registered for an 'organisation'.

    .mi.th must be registered for a military group.

    .go.th must be registered for a government body.

    Proof is required in each of these cases.

    .in.th can be registered by anyone. A Thai national will be required to give their Thai ID number, and a non-Thai will require a work permit.

    I have used these people in the past (I have no affiliation with them, other than as a customer) : http://www.thaidomainregister.com/

    Prices are a tad steep (at 1,200 THB for a .in.th), compared to the $9 .com addresses we are used to.

    Thanks. Helpful info.

  3. Try not to listen to the small-minded here. They're just bored ogres who would steal candy from a baby. I like Thailand, and like you, found it easy to understand. On most forums like this one, the bashers always speak the most often, loudest and are the most verbose.

    Thank you for a dignified and humane comment. It's a shame the disrespectful carry-on of the rest is so prevalent.

    It reminds me of ISIS and what I don't like about it.

  4. All this talk about increasing tourism in Thailand.

    I just spent three weeks showing a friend the more popular tourist destinations in Thailand.

    There were way too many tourists and the experience was ruined by large crowds of rude people unwilling to spend much money..

    If Thailand tourism needs more money, they need to improve the experience and attract fewer people willing to spend more money on a good experienc,

    not increase the number of tourist on a backpacker's or package tour budget..

    Yes 1/2 as many tourists spending 4 times as much money would be a good outcome...

  5. It's a shame the history cannot be better preserved, the evolution of Thai may be slower than where some Expats have come from, but it remains their human right and dignity to go through the phase our forefathers went through for as long as they chose to do so without threat or discrimination... at least we owe it to truly give them the freedoms to choose the way we know our forefathers did such that we are where we are today!

  6. I'm all for freedom of speech but I wouldn't let my 5 year old say whatever she wants without consequences!

    Just because you're 55 and a reporter for the press doesn't mean you have learned to weigh your words any better than my 5 year old and equally importantly..... that there should not be (negative) consequences for any inappropriate use of your "freedom of speech"!!

    Too many in the press don't want to report just the truth... they want to create scandal and sensation and they couch their reportage in whatever manner they please to do so! Good on the PM for warning them! It's better than shutting them down with no warning at all!

    You don't understand that freedom of the press is part of the checks and balances which keep our freedom? What kind of freedom are you seeing when there's an unelected person who has total control of everyone?

    Not sure how you know what I do and do not understand neither am I sure why you can't see my point unless your mind is made up so that the facts don't interest you.

    To be clear, my point was that "freedom of speech" does not give license to threaten and damage the general well-being of the community. Like 'hate speech' and discriminatory or degrading talk for example. Such speech deserves a fearful consequence.

    When the press report the facts without sensationalising it or colouring with opinion then yes, it serves us, when they serve poitical and commercial interests first, they cease to be an independant press and provide the "checks and balances" of which you speak.

    I don't think for a minute that too many people believe that the unelected leadership currently has "total control of everyone" maybe you do?

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