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Posts posted by ozziepete

  1. My last experince on Thai was like being on a Thai tour bus and being served a box lunch. Now one of the worst for International travel. Paid very high prices and got discount airline quality. Thai needs a complete remake of how they present their brand.

    Thai used to be a quality carrier. Thanks for the memory Thai. Too bad it is only a memory and nothing like what they now offer.

    I wonder if 7-11 is now preparing the meals for Thai?

    I fly with Thai from Perth-BKK-Perth all the time and I find it good. Better then the budget or so called Australian airline. Queer And Nasty Try Another Service. The only thing is they have chopped out 2 flights per week at the moment.

  2. The water pipe coming into the condo is 1/2 inch. Currently, I have a Big Blue sediment canister filter that has a 1" inlet and outlet, which filters all incoming water. The outlet is reduced to 1/2" to supply the taps in the condo. All pipes that I have seen in the condo are blue plastic.The condo roof water tank base is about 4- 5m above my shower head. The roof tank is about 2m tall.

    I see 2 varieties of pumps from Mitsubishi & Hitachi, constant pressure (square box) and normal (round box). Most pump's inlet and outlet pipes seem to be 1". I read some place it is best to get a constant pressure model(more expensive) if the outlet water is used for a shower. The girl at homepro recommended Mitsubishi, because they fail less than Hitachi.

    The plan is to install the pump after the filter. The condo inflow piping would be: condo supply 1/2", increased to 1"; into Big Blue filter; 1" out from filter, 1" into pump, pump ouflow is 1"; reduce 1" to 1/2" ; 1/2" to all taps and water consuming appliances.

    Any issues with the piping? Any recommendations on which model is best?

    Be careful that you do not burst a pipe. As the blue pvc that they use is of low quality and the jointing glue is even worse.

  3. Sad end to a 3 lifes. But HMM strange. Family went to sleep at 2am usually. The shooting may have occured around 3am.He woke and went to school. Bit strange that 1. He not hear the shots 3 of them. 2. The gun was in the right hand.. Have to think after the shot that falling to the floor the gun would come out of the hand. 3. Did not see any of the family before going to school.

    read better , he lived in a condo

    He told police his younger brother may have envied him and felt their parents loved him more. His parents recently seized his brother's cell-phone and criticised his lower academic performance and feminine gestures. They had also bought the older brother a condominium.

    I suggest you take your own advice and read.

  4. Sad end to a 3 lifes. But HMM strange. Family went to sleep at 2am usually. The shooting may have occured around 3am.He woke and went to school. Bit strange that 1. He not hear the shots 3 of them. 2. The gun was in the right hand.. Have to think after the shot that falling to the floor the gun would come out of the hand. 3. Did not see any of the family before going to school.

    You missed the bit in the last sentence where the parents just bought the older brother a condo. My guess is that he was staying at his newly acquired condo not the family home.

    So your guess is that he was staying at his new condo. So how would he know that they go to sleep at 2 am and they where shot at 3am?

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  5. Sad end to a 3 lifes. But HMM strange. Family went to sleep at 2am usually. The shooting may have occured around 3am.He woke and went to school. Bit strange that 1. He not hear the shots 3 of them. 2. The gun was in the right hand.. Have to think after the shot that falling to the floor the gun would come out of the hand. 3. Did not see any of the family before going to school.

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  6. Hi. Probably a naïve or stupid question, but what is the difference

    between pistols we find at about 5'000 baht on this site

    and "similar" pistols we find at about 500 baht on Thai markets ?

    Both seems to use same white plastic pellets and gas bottle ?...

    The best one to get are made in Japan as you can buy them in toy shops there and the quality is good. I have 2 one is gas powered and the other is electric. Gas is better. I picked the gas one up in papong markets with gas and 2000 bb's for 3500baht. The electric I got in Japan and took back to OZ but the charger needs to be changed as Japan is 100v ac. An alternitive to the plastic bb"s is a 6mm stainless ball bearing.

  7. I thought that my in-laws were getting a tiny bit above themselves in the amount requested for sin-sot. Rather than refuse or reduce the amount I decided not to make an issue of it and suggested an amount of half what was asked and said I would give my in-laws an annual allowance thereafter (at about one-tenth per annum of the sin sot foregone). Everyone was happy with that.

    Looks like I will end up paying more in the long run, but I'm quite happy about that. The commutation of half meant that if everything turned to dust I would not have paid so much and would have felt less of a mug.

    My in-laws have asked for not one satang more than the 'contracted' allowance in the 5 years since, so it has been a useful mechanism for capping any in-law post-wedding ATM tendency too.

    Just a typical accountant's response to throw into the pot for those who are thinking of going along with the tradition. Whether you pay sinsot or not is a matter of your own personal style and nature.

    My in-laws have asked for not one satang more than the 'contracted' allowance in the 5 years since, so it has been a useful mechanism for capping any in-law post-wedding ATM tendency too.

    So your wife is a contract. Do you put her in the draw for safe keeping and let her out once in a while? What are the clauses in the contract?

    First time I have heard it being called a contract.

  8. Of course their property is their property and they have a right to control access to it. On the other hand, it seems quite clear that they are obstructing access to a public beach.

    When CGR management promise that "access will remain exclusive", they are quite clearly making claims that the formerly public beach has now been privatized by blocking all access to the public. This hardly seems in keeping with the concept of "public property."

    It seems to me that management may be in a bit if hot water as they clearly sold condominium units to buyers under the premise of a private beach -- which AFAIK it isn't.

    This would seem to be an issue for a lawyer. In the US, the developer would be required to provide a right of way to the public.

    First thing is you are not in the US. Secondly they are only stopping the outsiders from transversing there land to access the beach. They state that the buyers of the condo have private access to the beach with the use of a key. So that tells me that they are fenced into the codo premises.

    As stated before go to the land office and see where your nearest path/access to the beach is.

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