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Everything posted by SongSomSoda

  1. german prison is not that bad. time to watch TV, read books , work out and get meals 3 times a day.
  2. what i really do not get: whats sexually interesting in kids? you must be really sick in your head that you find a baby/kid sexually attractive,
  3. Germans are same gods for thais. after they donated tens of millions of Pfizer shots , they literally can do what they want in LOS. Thais never forget and are thankful forever for germoney. He will NOT have a hard time, at all. Not in thailand , not in germany. He even will have his own cell with TV and will be separated form other inmates, with food 3 times a day, after sent back to germany.
  4. they choosed thailand as retirement desitination. why? because of the warm weather and temples or what? no rocket science that this will end badly. thailand is okay for some weeks holiday but living there ? geez! especially as eldery you dont want 30+ degrees every day.
  5. yes , and very quick. sell everything and hop into the next plane back to UK, even if it means crossing the border illegaly to Cambodia/Myanmar/Laos/ etc and fly from there. if they stay it is going to be REALLY expensive and thais milk them down to 0 baht and they have to beg for money from the internet ( gofundme ) because the are going to be broke af.
  6. takes only some minutes to setup, its just a simple app. She (Bangkok Bank / Pattaya) had to do the facial scan twice though , because i did not hold my head still enough.
  7. i made my bank account last october at Bangkok Bank , had nothing just my passport and money. Guess these times are over now ! 😄 But probably not, depends with whom you go there and if the branch manager likes your face or not i guess. if you put 2-3 Million thai baht on the table and say " i want buy small condo" or if you are over 50 say " need put 800K into account for visa" odds are way higher you will get one, because they will understand you need one. But i felt its getting more strict because i had to give my german tax ID (huh?) and they scanned my face at Bangkok Bank. They said tansfers over 50K need face scan or something like that.
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