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Posts posted by whimsy

  1. I plan to arrive in Bangkok, stay 3 or 4 days, then go to Vietnam for a week and then come back to Thailand to stay for 6 months. If I already have a double entry tourist visa in my passport will I have to use up one entry for my initial 3 day stay in Thailand or can I enter on a 30 day visa on arrrival and save my tourist visas to use on my return from Vietnam? I have an Australian passport.

  2. And within a few days this ......

    Thai military plans $6.6b upgrade

    30 November 2005

    BANGKOK: The Thai military, which last fought a war in 1987 against tiny neighbour Laos, wants to spend US$6.6 billion on upgrades over the next nine years, Defence Minister Thammarak Isarangura said yesterday.

    The first stage of the three-part planes, ships and tanks spending spree would focus on repairing and replenishing weapons, improving civilian rescue operations and economic development, Thammarak told a radio show.


    That should help the Generals stay loyal. :o

  3. For those still wanting to know about Baan Thai, I checked this place out in Feb when it just opened. They had a deposit for everything, TV, Cable, internet plus 2 months room rent as a deposit. Worked out about 18,000B to move in. The fine print in the contract said you did NOT get your room deposit back if you stayed only 2 months or less. Kind of a short stay surcharge I guess. The pool is fairly large but only about 1m deep for the whole 15m or so length.

  4. One of the best T.I.T. news stories of the year. Even better than the CTX machine scandal.

    l love the Prime Minister's comment at the end of the Nation article. Just when you might be expecting a dose of rationality from the CEO, he steps in with a classic. Not "No, bad idea, this will be bad for Thailand's image and eating endangered species is wrong". No, the only comment is that killing and eating the crocodiles would be uneconomic.

    If I needed any more proof that Thai thinking is 'different' ................ :o

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