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Posts posted by UncleJ

  1. The real estate agent advises you not go look at properties on your own?

    Imagine that.

    Where did the OP say that.....the agent advised him against motorcycle use in Pattaya. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

    I guess I read something between the lines.

    The Estate Agent advises not to ride a motorbike to view properties because:

    A. The Estate Agent genuinely cares for the OPs well being & not concerned about a lost sales commission.

    B. The Agent doesn't want to lose a sale commission.

    C. The Agent fears the OP is killed and lose the sale commission.

  2. The first day i arrived Thailand i was followed around a filthy market in BKK by a scruffy cop, i saw a heap of fag butts on the floor and threw my fag butt on top, i got whisked away to a booth with a sign saying littering 2000 bht fine in Thai. When i got there there was an American couple a European couple all arguing with them at this booth. If it is still there i am surprised no one has put it on you tube.

    There are about 12 officers (predators) in the Sukhmvit Hotel zone stalking foreign smokers, full time.

    Entrapment scam.

    There was a comprehensive story on these guys in The Spectrum. Nothing was done.

    In fact, more litter officers showed up.

    How much do they earn a day?

    12 officers nabbing 3 each per hour each?

    36 smokers per hour X 2,000Bt.

    72,000bt per hour X 8 hour day.

    =576,000bt a day defrauded from tourists.

    576,000bt X 365 days = 210,240,000bt.

    Thats over 17 million for each officer per year.

    Wow, 228 tourists getting caught dumping cigarette butts on the street in an eight hour day. What filthy animals us foreigners must be. If 228 get caught, just imagine how many are getting away with it. Maybe they should raise the fine to 3000 Bht

    I wonder why these environmentally minded officers only target farangs & had the trash can removed?

    Stand outside Times Square sometime.

    Building occupants step outside to have a smoke...but there is no ash tray or trash can.

    The officer lurks in the air conditioned lobby, ready to nab the offender. Farangs only of course.

    Did the building maintenance man remove the ash tray to assist the litter officer?

    They have a similar team at Siam Sq, Kow San Rd, Silom Rd....etc.

    Real scum running an entrapment scheme of our visitors.

    What is wrong with the Thais?

    They should be grateful that people choose to spend their holiday here but no, they have to scam scam scam.

  3. The first day i arrived Thailand i was followed around a filthy market in BKK by a scruffy cop, i saw a heap of fag butts on the floor and threw my fag butt on top, i got whisked away to a booth with a sign saying littering 2000 bht fine in Thai. When i got there there was an American couple a European couple all arguing with them at this booth. If it is still there i am surprised no one has put it on you tube.

    There are about 12 officers (predators) in the Sukhmvit Hotel zone stalking foreign smokers, full time.

    Entrapment scam.

    There was a comprehensive story on these guys in The Spectrum. Nothing was done.

    In fact, more litter officers showed up.

    How much do they earn a day?

    12 officers nabbing 3 each per hour each?

    36 smokers per hour X 2,000Bt.

    72,000bt per hour X 8 hour day.

    =576,000bt a day defrauded from tourists.

    576,000bt X 365 days = 210,240,000bt.

    Thats over 17 million for each officer per year.

  4. How the hell does that volume of trash find its way into the river system in the first place?

    The old saying "don't <deleted> in your own nest" obviously doesn't translate too well.

    Surely you have witnessed the Thai's dumping their daily rubbish in the rivers and on the streets. Anywhere but on their own land, but they pollute those areas as well with slash and burn. What's astounding is that they have an annual Budhist celebration, to thank the rivers for irrigation, pushing out little decorated boats.

    ....boats made from styrofoam.....xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png

  5. With all the publicity, the scam has become a tourist attraction.

    I met a couple from Australia one afternoon while 2 scams were happening at the same time.

    "Wow" the lady exclaimed. "We saw this on television last week. It's worse than they said."

    Another afternoon while sitting on the steps at Mikes Mall, a fellow asks me if I "was there to watch the show?"

    The police can get away with almost anything in Thailand so it's much too dangerous to stop it.

  6. I took my nephews on a boat ride in Phuket and landed on a quiet small beach for some fishing.

    A Thai man that had a small drink concession there, walked around his patch of beach picking up bottles that "the farang" left behind.

    He then did the right thing and threw them in the bushes a few meters away...onto the heap of other trash he left there.

  7. I recently went to Paris for some family matters and the people I met that had been to Thailand were not recommending the place to their friends. Filth, scams, overcharging were the impressions they brought home.

    Needless to say, their friends and acquaintances are not booking their holidays to Thailand.

    I does seem the western tourists are headed elsewhere and are being replaced by, Russians, Chinese, Indians, Arabs.

    Soon, they will stop coming too.

    To be honest, I can't recommend the place any longer.

  8. They throw these up in a few days and it takes months to get them down, if ever.

    It least it's not Surin. The structures there will be up for a long time to come. This is why it's so important to call these businesses on it when they first make the grab. They're going to steal as much of the beach as they can at every opportunity. Why not? With the local government so inept on getting these structures removed, steal while the gettings good.

    You can be sure they have been paying rent to someone. City officials, police etc.

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