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Posts posted by aothai

  1. I dont understand what the problem is here and why there are so many vehement comments ,especially when most of the comments are coming from people who have more than like likely done the same thing here in The LOS.

    Why do they call it sexual assault when obviously it was consensual.Americans allow all kinds of perverts intp office,allow all kinds of perverted porn movies ans videos-,porn channel,the Land of the FREE,but then they indignantly go after a guy who succumbed to lust.BIG flippin deal.He didnt rape her and she was likely not a virgin so to me typical American slop.Theywant to ruin the guys life for a little sex,what about a little protection for men from these little sluts who although very young parade around in very"HOT" and sexy clothing,where are the parents.No way in hell I would chase this poor guy down.Here in Thailand-Cambodia-Phillipines-a 13 year old would be very experienced.So what makes Americas 13 year olds so speacial.This guy should have come here first for that kind of activitym,rather than later but the whole thing in America is nothing but Hypocrisy.

    Also I ahvent been able to post my questions on certain topics.Would someone please inform me how to have my question appear at the top of the page as is seen here,THANKS AND CHEERS.

    You seem like a proponent you should also be arrested and imprisoned,you are a Potential danger to our children.
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  2. I can't read this forum very often. it is shocking and depressing. I am so surprised to see stories published here when people have not yet been convicted of anything but their name and photo are published. I think there are no sensible laws in Thailand about the media being responsible. If this guy is guilty it is good that he was caught but shouldn't his crime be shown true before his information is released? This forum is just as bad because the owner puts these stories here. I think the owner of this forum does not believe in karma because doing this will give him very bad karma. Maybe he will be accused of some awful crime when really innocent but his picture will be published and his name will be be destroyed yet he didn't do anything. It is sad to see that few people here care about what is fair. People here just decide he's guilty without really knowing anything. It seems that very many people at this forum are very unhappy and like to see bad things happen to other people. Why is that?

    I hope people can see that I am not trying to help this man in the story but I don't like to see the media make someone guilty before he has gone to court.

    I prefer the protection of victims not perpetrators protection as it is in the Stupid Europe !!!!!!
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