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Posts posted by godden

  1. It's time for the US and allies to develop a war plan for a TAZ, Temporary Autonomous Zone like so called ISIS better called Daesh.I am very tired of years and years of failed John Kerry efforts at diplomacy. He continues to fly all over the world with his staff and spending countless US taxpayer dollars to pontificate all over the world at all kinds of "leadership" tables and he never achieves anything. All of them are a waste of money. A few years ago he came back from the middle east and was promoting deep investment in weapons and arms for "rebel" groups such as the Al Nusra Front, fighting against Assad, all of which became ISIS (daesh) rebels. All these big hot air balloons like Kerry are always promising, double talking, refusing to call it the way it really is, and they continue to play the politically correct game with the security of Americans at the US taxpayer expense.

    I think more accurate would be playing with peoples lives.

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