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Posts posted by americana

  1. Lots of ugly middle aged men with young prostitutes at the NaNa Gullivers. Is it a favoured ThaiVisa haunt?

    I don't know. It's not in my neighbourhood. So where do the ugly middle aged women who are no longer with the ugly middle aged men hang out? Is that a popular ThaiVisa spot too??? :o

    I don't know where female sex tourists go.... Nigeria ???

  2. I suppose most of the regular know the sad little site for retarded Thailand forum addicts run by that degenerate builder from Jomtien.

    Recently it has come to my knowledge that posters have been making outrageous claims about Thaivisa that surely border on libel.

    Is anyone aware of what can be done legally in this kind of situation where the lies are spead on the internet? Particularly in Thailand.

  3. Has anyone seen the Thai film 'tropical malady'? It was one of the nominees for the BBC foreign film of the year award (won by 'downfall') and the jury said it was quite flawed but one of the most original films they have ever seen. not seen it yet, difficult to get hold off - its by the same director as the film 'blissfully yours' which i would also like to see but is also difficult to get hold of (in the UK anyway)

    You can get 'Tropical Malady' at any video outlet but it won't be in English.

    There's a couple of websites but this one will do..

    tropical malady

  4. I've had sex education before both in the classroom as well as actual practice...However, I am unclear about one thing as stated in the topic title.

    There has been a few occasions over the past few years that I've observed this happening in the middle of doing the deed. Sure, intercourse would usually produce natural lubricant from the female and male organs, but what about the ivory white stuff (from female vagina)? Is that normal/natural?

    What is the explanation for it? I know one possible explanation that if a male has ejaculated inside the female recently, the white fluid could be his seman which has resided...but do girls also produce the ivory secretions naturally? If so, is it related to sex, i.e. orgasm, lubricant, etc. or is it that other secretion related to the menstrual cycle??

    Thanks a lot for anyone who can clear this up...

    Well I'll be...

    Log in for my first look around and what do I see?

    Is this junior high or what?

    And all you experts saying it's yeast an all. Bullshit!

    Perfectly normal occurence providing you've actually got the girl excited.

    So I hope the rest of the site ain't so immature.

  5. Well he is not really acting like a gent is he? A faus apology ladden with fresh barbs and insults. Any one who doesn't have Steve's unusual take on life is a troll. Yeah Steve.... good one

  6. Occasionally a troll will post in this forum with deliberately poor spelling and grammar simply because it's such a good flamebait (for an example, see the thread in this room regarding poor editing in the "English World" magazine) and because there are certain posters who can be depended on to feed them.

    I rarely try to comment on other posters' spelling and grammar unless I'm pretty sure they are NOT trolls, or they appear to be asking for an honest evaluation of their chances as teachers. If their writing is pretty bad, I usually try to discourage them. Actually, I would tend to discourage anyone who CAN be discouraged from trying to become a teacher in Thailand, but that's another story.

    Commenting on spelling/grammar in a debate rarely convinces anyone of anything and seems more time-wasting and rudeness than anything else, *except* in the rare cases where someone who is not simply trolling really needs to be taken down a few pegs with regard to their imagined vs. real proficiency in the language (a certain subcontinental gentleman comes to mind here, or certain members who have a "thing" about teachers and demonstrate clearly in many of their posts that they have not spent much time with them). For those of us who are teachers here, it only makes professional sense to try to sound as articulate and competent as possible; those who don't will just make themselves look bad.

    "Steven" Great! :D

    Great points :o

  7. you specifically asked about gay life, so here is my personal opinion,

    1. sex: if you are younger than 40 yo, decent looking, in good shape, you can get it for free (probably will still be asked for a dinner or a drink).  Otherwise, be prepared to pay for it.  (If you are old, ugly and out of shape and want to get sexy guys for free.  I am sorry, but in my opinion, you dreaming)

    Don't be so negative!
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