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Posts posted by Prbkk

  1. Does the Thai Judiciary system not know rulings 'in Absentia', without statue of limitation, of course! Or is this just a consequence of that silly, and still not yet abrogated (changes and reforms?), rule saying the suspect has to be read the charges to 'in Persona' for the Court to be able to validly start its procedure (while, f.i., starting a case can be done 'by representation' via an attorney...)?

    Considering the other sentences spoken out by the Supreme Court in this case, it could have been another 12 to 18 years of inprisonment for Lt.Col., Dr., and ex-'democratic' (LOL) PM Thaksin, with so many cases still waiting for him...

    Also, why are defendants found guilty not named, and shamed, just identified by numbers? Just a way to 'protect' them from loss of face, or...?

    And, of course, is any of these, very, 'influential people' detained, are there 'already' arrest warrants for them? Or waiting for confirmation they have already left Thailand?

    P.S.: ...And they keep writing that Thaksin is 'in exile', quod non!

    Like Raluek Leekpai...fled to Canada and only returned after statute of limitations expired.

  2. Being chained up like a dog is surely "different" from a life at the barracks smile.png

    As is having stealing from your boss and having a wank in front of your boss's wife.

    We don't know the details, the young boy is not logged in here to defend himself...

    Maybe the old cow flirted with him first or maybe she even polished his gun wink.png

    No young boys involved here, only conscripted soldiers, and just as the soldier concerned is not logged in here neither is his boss to defend your imaginative "like a dog" additional detail to the report.

    I doubt also that his wife is here to defend your moronically juvenile accusation of her being an old cow.

    This wouldn't be tolerated in your country. Can't imagine Captain von Trapp being party to such a thing.

  3. I was there on Saturday morning and there were signs of the blast everywhere. It really does need to be repaired properly, otherwise every time people go there they will be reminded of the tragedy that occurred. Yes, one could argue that this is not a bad thing, but I don't think at a shrine such as Erawan, this is the best way to go about it. Perhaps a plaque or similar in memory of those who lost their lives would be more suitable.

    The Hyatt just sent out a note saying The Erawan Tea Room is closed until the end of September...I guess people don't want to gaze down on a scene of mass murder while sipping their Lapsang Souchon

  4. a little bit late as usual again this is another black mark on the thai list . farangs are allowed to attend and bid providing they know about the auction in the first place but the problem is the thais don't advertise car auctions no win situation .

    In my country auctions of this kind are also not advertised, but people in the business get informed.

    But they are advertised here.

    Oh, ok. They advertised on Thai Visa? I missed that ad but they had no Fiat Bambino anyway
  5. In many other countries one might see the super rich kicking in with some sponsorship funding for 'public amenity' projects. Not in Thailand , where the billionaires want to hang on to every last Baht for themselves. 100million is chickenfeed to these guys but they know they can give nothing and no one will question the absence of philanthropy.

  6. Reading only the headline, getting closer to China, now? OK well they have great cyber intel apparently.

    The Yuan, no, falling, manipulated, backed by gold not fiat but still no'p but latter maybe,

    the military, no comparison to US or Russia, or the French,

    But hey they can do things cheap, and cheap usually means what for quality? Hmmm bullet trains built by China, No thanks, Japan no worries

    The land of fake everything, the land where a pork bun is half pork and half cardboard.

    But it comes as no surprise now under the current leadershipblink.png

    Is it surprising? Many Thai businessmen would feel a natural affinity with a system that permitted the addition of chemicals to dairy products resulting in serious illness to tens of thousand of Chinese babies , including 100 deaths. Look for every opportunity to make a dollar, no matter the human cost. They do the same to the poor and vulnerable at home. Slave labour and migrant workers is the icing on the cake.

  7. be sure and include the bank manager who had over a dozen Lao boys and mken caged like animals so he had labor for his farm. All 20 rai of it.......,. He prrobably got the land illegalloy to start with and to take care of his chickens and pigs he needed maybe half the number that he had inprisoned, so he was probably hiring them out as day labor to0 neighbors.;

    A audit of the bank he worked at shoulde also uncover additional illegal activity by this human trafficer. Pure unadultrated scum a passing description but probably too nice for the likes of him.

    When? Any more detail?

  8. I don't get the PR benefit of having such a press conference in front of a go go bar especially named SUCKERS. At first I thought it was a satire piece. Is this a ploy to lure the international tourists? Really, really BIZARRE.

    Indeed. Their judgement is not borderline, marginal, a bit off, line-ball, dubious or questionable....they're 100% clueless when it comes to the perception of such things.

  9. I was obviously considered for a mugging as I came out of Bangkok Bank Emporium branch yesterday. I was in there about 30 minutes, came out and headed to the BTS staircase by Benjasiri park carrying a bag with my passport, bank book etc but no cash. As I was walking underneath the stairs to go up I noticed some shifty looking local guy was following me about a metre behind me, I sensed him so I stopped to let him past me. My girlfriend commented that he looked pretty dodgy and I agreed so we waited a few seconds and carried on. He was waiting for me at the bottom of the BTS steps. As I approached he moved out into my path so me and the gf both stopped and just looked at him (we commented/joked later that we both had a defiant/aggressive expression of "well come on then, if you're going to try and rob us then get on with it").

    He stared at us a couple of seconds and turned his back and jogged off into Benjasiri Park. Very dodgy, almost certainly waiting outside for someone to leave the bank.

    Not sure what happened to this guy on Asoke, but don't assume if you're doing nothing wrong then nothing will happen, especially in the current economic climate.

    Why would the desperate not contemplate it when they know they will get little more than a slap on the wrist. It's surprising that it doesn't happen more frequently.

    Even the beggars ( ie those who the govt was said to have moved into care some months ago and created a beggar free Bangkok) are cursing non givers these days. Soi 11 a case in point.

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