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  1. 1946-1964
  2. Need to get rid of these Fake Stories....some people really believe the lies.
  3. Last Vegas gets 45% of profits from gambling. Macau gets 85% of profits from gambling...The Chinese are fierce gamblers.
  4. This 1st round of COVID was just a test ..Coz there are just too many people on earth. I Came to Thailand in 1990, worked in some great hotels here. Since 2015.ish. I could see the downfall of Pattaya and it's crowded rubbish clientele. When the 2nd wave of COVID 2 HIts it going to eradicate a lot of people..Just sayin..
  5. Unless it was your sister, gf or wife...now would it?
  6. He does it in his own country AND THE WOMEN HAVE NO RIGHTS...Well done RTP
  7. Thailand is turning into Kuta, Bali...Rubbish tourists..and not worth going anymore.
  8. I've done that and didn't win anything ๐Ÿคจ
  9. World will be worse off; Less jobs coz of automation. The rich getting richer...poor getting poorer..widening the GAP PEOPLE GETTING FATTER AND dying earlier. Food items skyrocketing. People falling further in debt. Average car price. NOw is $48,500 COVID PUT people in 20k+ credit card DEBT LAZY WORKFORCE. Divorces, infidelity... Black population still increases. Should I go on? ..
  10. Should have given him a lift Straight to the airport. What the hell..is he trto pul
  11. Used to drop my Passport off at a travel agency on Silom...and pick it up 5 days later with a new stamp....went on endlessly. That was pre 2000.
  12. Just tear down the walls of The London Zoo ....and rezone it....nothing else you can do with these animals
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