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Everything posted by zlodnick

  1. The wife an I moved here in 1996. We opened a joint bank account at BB Khon Kaen. We deposited a cashiers check for $40,000. The check cleared in 30 days. We found some land we wanted to buy and the bank let us have Bt 200k even before the check cleared. The interest on a savings account then was 13% !!! We took most of the money out to build a house. The exchange rate at the time was 25Bt to the dollar. A year later it was Bt 52 to the dollar! No crying over spilt milk, it was still the best thing we ever did.
  2. When making a wise transfer, what am I supposed to answer when asked, "reason for transfer"?
  3. is BB the only bank that does ssa idd deposits ?
  4. It seems the US Embassy assumes that every American is computer literate, owns a computer and printer and has no cognitive issues.
  5. I think I'll go with US SS direct deposit
  6. We have been with Morgan Stanley for years and it's been great, but they just informed us that because we live overseas, we must find another bank.
  7. We like to make large but infrequent transfers. $9,000 once a year is the norm.
  8. What kind of account do I need to receive US SS direct deposits. Will a fixed account do?
  9. yES, Using the bank and wise.
  10. My wife just opened an account with Bank of America. They have a daily limit of $3,500 per day. Would it make any difference if she used Wise, or is the limit the limit?
  11. My wife receives Thai old age pension, (7,200 bt per year, Is that taxable income?
  12. Thanks for the help
  13. No rain, but we get the little ants now and then. There is a "sensitivity" dial on the c.u. set at 5mA. It goes as high as 25mA.
  14. Yes, it has a test button.
  15. About once every 10 days or so, the main breaker in our c.u. trips. The only things using power are the fridge, a clock, and the wifi router. Any ideas appreciated.
  16. I've noticed some of the fittings for pvc water pipes have brass threads. I'm wondering if they are supposed to be better than plastic threads, or are they for a special purpose?
  17. Thanks everyone, going to Global House tomorrow to see what they have.
  18. 1/2 inch pipe is almost 1 inch in diameter. Do they make 1 inch bits ?
  19. Do they make longer bits? Before, I've drilled a series of holes but the bit wsn't long enough to go through the wall and I had to punch out the concrete and it's not pretty.
  20. Thanks pj71, What size bit are you talking about? I have a concrete drill bit, but it's not long enough to go through the wall.
  21. I'd like advice on how to make a hole in the wall for a 1/2 inch pvc water pipe. It's a kitchen wall, tile on the inside, render outside. Any advice will be appreciated.
  22. Neighbors stay on one number. Is it a concern? Yes, the neighbors don't jump. I'm too afraid to test the breaker or meter. PEA supposed to be here this week. I'll ask them to do it. Thanks Crossy.
  23. Just tried a new digital multimeter, same thing. Should I be concerned?
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