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Everything posted by kwaussie

  1. The family travelled by bus , how did the hitman know? very professional hit.
  2. Take all his money and then straight to airport never to return.
  3. Must have thought he was safe hiding in Thailand, cant believe he opened the door at that hour.
  4. Another disappointing incident, cant believe only 500 bht fine and compensation for a serious assault
  5. The mother sure rolled out of the way pretty quick, should be one lesson she will never forget.
  6. Next plane out then black listed never to return.
  7. Its one holiday those girls will never forget for all the wrong reasons.
  8. Fault on both sides, the tight arses could have probably negotiated an extra 100 bht and every body on there way , there is absolutely no excuse for violence over 200 bht , hope the police find them and fine several thousand bht for assault.
  9. Innocent until proven guilty! did they find the ruler, most rulers are wooden, do they have witnesses? very strange place to whack a kid.
  10. They should have tasers and all jump on him at once, i feel sorry for wife and children, hope it costs him a lot of money and deportation.
  11. Had a foot massage recently and at the end while massaging arm she broke the skin and blood everywhere as on blood thinners.
  12. Can only imagine the farting, burping, and snoring and how do you get up to go to the toilet, would be an absolute nightmare.
  13. They are just young and having the time of there young lives, they probably didnt mean to get that intoxicated and hopefully learn from there mistake, great to see them get looked after considering all the negative publicity lately and reminds us how good most of the Thai people are.
  14. The photo of 2 fire fighters holding hose with water dribbling out i can pee more water than that!
  15. Last time in Patts it was full of old men and bars playing crappy old music, give me Phuket any day!
  16. Even in disputed waters what justification is there in trying to kill defenceless fisherman trying to make a living!
  17. The bike rider had to be going slow or reasonable speed as very little damage.
  18. After studying the backgrounds i dont think the pictures are in Thailand.
  19. Strange to lose someone when they were all supposedly wearing life jackets.
  20. Hope they are caught fined and deported they don't belong in the land of smiles.
  21. He was filmed climbing the rails! why we will never know.
  22. Just plain evil, makes a joke of mainly Buddhist society.
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