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Everything posted by erkho

  1. The genie hasn’t just left the bottle…..it has up and split…good luck putting it back….never gonna happen. I don’t even smoke anymore however the single most foolish thing are any laws against marijuana…..now if you want impose proof of organic growth? Ok. Beyond that….next item on the agenda!!!!!!!
  2. Exactly, why would you say that? Could it be you are just learning English? Yeah that must be it…..
  3. Using elephants for anything other than viewing is asking for worldwide banishment. I don’t care who is in power or what happens but smarten up when it comes to elephants or you will see tourism plummet further. Btw, I’m not a tree hugger but would like to see Thailand seen more seriously, this willl not accomplish this and hurt tourism numbers further. Don’t forget the minders use sharp hooks to guide the elephants, which may be humane but certainly does not outwardly appear so.
  4. And, for those who are going to say, so your country is different? Hell yes, no Swede is going to wind up getting tracked down and out in jail for overstaying his visa unless he committed a crime in which case he would do his time then be ejected. But this? This is a complete waste of resources and time. A big fat joke.
  5. Outrageous, these guys have really protected the public by this. Excellent work…..what an absolute joke!!!! That guy pointing his finger should be in a clown suit. There is clear consensus on this I see, so I don’t have to use any bad terminology to say what they really are.
  6. The moment the mask mandate is dropped so is my mask. I’m sick to death of them, have had 3 doses of Moderna and I’m not interested in what looks people want to give me. If I’m following the rules so be it. I’ve had 3 friends with Covid who have had all their jabs and while they were ill, they are not wearing masks. I’m sure I’ll be raked over the coals for this but it’s just my position and everyone is entitled to their own.
  7. I had no problems whatsoever getting a Thai pass, took ONE DAY…..after that everything just needed to be in order. I was off the plane Nov.4th and at my hotel with NO holdup except briefly having to find my hotel driver which took 5 minutes. Mountains out of molehills fellas. It’s not tough and should slow no one down who wants to come. I don’t want to be toasted on here but those are the facts. It was simple amd they were extremely well organized on arrival. Hope this helps those being scared away.
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