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Posts posted by logansmith

  1. Thank you so very much for your answer it is certainly putting a few things straight in my head

    Whatever anyone here or elsewhere tells you, you are of course unfortunately in for 2 months of stress and worry until the interview date. In itself its obviously not good news, but neither does it mean you are to be refused.

    You say you have provided all the information they require. It occurs to me that as you have been living in Thailand most of the time , they may just need to check that your accomodation in the UK meets the criteria . Presumably you have provided documentary proof of all this . And that your finances are up to scratch as you have been on unpaid leave they may just have to ask a bit more about this too.

    Well we thought we had given them all the information they require and still believe that to some extent. But when I got back to the apartment today the official letter with the appointment had arrived. It seems to be a standard letter with the blanks filled in. The first thing I noticed was they have ticked the type of visa applied for as a "settlement visa", I would have thought that either the "marriage" or "other type" visa would have been more appropriate. I was under the impression that a "settlement visa" was for people who want to settle in UK without a partner???

    In with the appointment letter was some standard text asking us to provide some information that we have already provided like current and previous passports!!! In the standard text it mentions evidence of sole occupancy for accommodation. Because when I moved to Bangkok over one year ago I sold my house and kept the profit in a high interest bank account to use as a deposit when I returned. In order to cover this my mother has agreed and supplied a letter to say we can live with her until we can complete contracts on a house purchase, I would have thought that this would sufficient??

    Your boyfriend has had 2 visits already and this has to be very very positive for you . Its probably not relevant, but its just possible that if you didn't mention your relationship on those 2 previous occasions , they may be a bit miffed by that and want to question him in the long interview just to satisfy themselves he is 100% honest this time . If you did mention it then no probs at all.

    In previous applications he applied for his tourist visa and indicated me as a friend not a boyfriend. This is good to know that this be one of the reasons for a long interview.

    From the limited information given it sounds like you don't have any obvious problems , just go through your paperwork once more and see if there is anything slightly weak in it , and if so you have 2 months to address it . You will have the chance to submit more documents if you wish to.

    They will not care about your personal circumstances , of losing your job or of you having to live in Thailand if the visa is refused. So forget appealing to their better nature, concentrate instead on getting your documents watertight.

    Incidentally i successfully obtained a Civil Partnership visa for my boyfriend this year . It is actually one of the easier visas to get as it is largely factual. Concentrate on proving intention to marry and staying together in the UK as these are not factual. One thing you could do is to provisionally book your wedding with the Town Hall in the UK. They may not be able to do this until he has the visa , so ask for a letter which states you have tried. It is quite an important document as it shows intention to marry and that you have made that extra effort.

    When you have done that , try to relax . As you are a genuine couple you will almost certainly get it no problems.

    I cannot emphasise enough how much we are a genuine couple. I also realise it is not you that we have to prove that too. My partner is constantly worried how people view him in having a Farrang boyfriend. He is also very concerned the way the government officials treat him at the embassy. He has mentioned that during his first interview for a tourist visa, the Thai interperator did not always interperate correctly. But he is becoming more assertive, is that a good thing or not???? :o

    Once again thank you for your comments you do not know how much it helps to discuss this. I am also letting my boyfriend know what you are saying and it helps .

    Thanks again.

  2. My Thai partner has applied for a Civil Partnership visa to come back to the UK with me when I return to my job in July. We intend then to register for a civil partnership. Our relationship has been for approx. 18 months most of this time we have actually been living together here in Thailand while I have been on unpaid leave from my employment. He has been issued 2 tourist visas to the UK where he has now met most of my family. My employment contract in the UK says that I must return to my post by 3rd July in order for me to keep my job. As far as I can see we provided the Embassy here in Bangkok with all the required information and have just heard that my partner must attend a long interview on 26th June (just one week before I must return to my job).

    Does a long interview mean that his chances of getting a visa are quite small, it is just that I have heard that a short interview means that the chances of a visa being issued are quite high?

    This is all so very diificult, we have already explained to the embassy in our written application that if he is not granted his visa, we could not face the thought of being separated and means I would have to consider staying in Thailand. The result in this would be that I could lose my job in the UK and then would not be able to provide evidence of employment and therefore may not be able to re-apply.

    Please please please someone tell me that I am worrying too much about this and these long interviews can be a possitive thing......

    I look forward to your responses.

    Thank you

  3. Not sure what I need to do.

    I was issued a Non-Immigrant visa type B from the UK and have been leaving Thailand and coming back every 3 months. I am currently working as a teacher which I have been told this is OK as it is a business visa (please confirm).

    My main question is what do I do when this 1 year visa expires and I want to continue working? Is it just a case of getting a letter from my employer stating I work for them, then returning to UK embassy in Hull and getting another 12 month type B visa.

    Just to confirm it is not possible for me to get a work permit as I do not have a degree.

    Look forward for your replies.


  4. Does anyone know what the rules are on registering same sex partnerships under the new law that starts in UK. Does anyone know if that registration has to take place in UK or can it be done at UK embassy in Bangkok.

    Also does anyone know that when my Thai boyfriend accompanies me to UK for my next visit will we be able to register our partnership before we return to Thailand. Therefore be legally recognised as a same sex couple everytime we visit the UK?



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