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Everything posted by SteveJames

  1. I hope they fix this soon because my favourite website for uploading videos is hosted in the UK...
  2. thanks, it definitely seems like Truemove is the issue, local connection on Oosha is fine but test to UK server and it won't even connect....not acceptable...we should ask for compensation: It's taken me an hour to upload a video. Also its not the video websites fault because I use a remote computer in my parents house and I tested uploading a video from the UK and it was fine. Unless its the underwater cables like the guy above said...
  3. Yes My True Internet has been painfully slow the last couple of weeks, I pay 854 baht a month and have the router for the last 3 years in the same condo. It's one particular UK video sharing site I upload videos to is painfully slow, US video site uploads instantly.... also some other sites are slow and I live stream.
  4. The new income requirements are cruel for us Farrang if we ever decide to relocate back to the UK, sign to help stop it, We're nearly at 100K signatures, we can do it if you share with everyone: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652602
  5. There is a petiton against this excessively high increase in MIR https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652602 it needs another 25K signatures by June 13th. I don't know if thats reachable Sorry if I'm not allowed to post that here but it is on topic...
  6. Edit*- Mine Just Came Through now at 4pm Approved Thank Goodness...They're probably just back from the weekend. 13 Days in total. CW immigration online.
  7. Mine is still showing as "Pending", submitted on the 5th September (Due on 20th) ...it's the 18th today so 13 days so far.... well annoyed. I might give it a few more days and then ask my agent to do it...I won't be going personally.
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