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JJ Madcow

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Everything posted by JJ Madcow

  1. Thanks. After talking to the Danish Tax office i know my pension is EXEMPTED from taxation in Thailand. Not sure if i have to do anything again before March 2025, But i going to drop by the Thai Tax office to be sure. Kindly.
  2. Got the E-Mail last week and print out the formulars. I go the the bank today. Was told it was head office that wanted a update on all foreigner account, And put into the new computer program. They want to know if i was a American and if no, What country i am from, Denmark. What income i have, Danish Social disability pension. If i pay tax in Denmark or Thailand, I do to Denmark. Danish Tax Id Number and last post code and city when i lived back in Denmark. They ask if i have Thai pink ID card, And i do, So they put some information in from it. And then they printe out a few papers that i sign. And was told "Maybe" every 2-3 years i be ask to come back in and update the informations. As it was first time the staff at my branch have to use the new program, It take around 40-50 minutes. All i want is to give some feedback to the forum, Sorry for my bad English. Kindly.
  3. Years back when i was painting our wall. The police chief in our area come and check up on me. One of his people have visit someone on our street the day before. And report to him a foreigner was painting/working. He ask whose house is it ? I told him, My wife dad own the house, And we living here. He say that okay, But IF it was not "our/family" house, I was breaking the law. So i do think there is something in it... Kindly.
  4. That might be. But some of them are going to end up in a room with a man for sure ????
  5. The shop from time to time call and ask if we want something else, If run out of XXX item. Some times the driver call for directions. Many times the driver cant even speak Thai ???? We only tip when it is bad weather. Kindly.
  6. If renew inside 1 year after expire no written computer test needed. More then 1 year, Need written computer test. This is for renew my 5 years driving licens, That i was told in Chonburi not long ago. All so when Applied for a queue, There is a option to watch a movie and answer a few questions. It say on the site, That if one do that, One dont need to watch the nearly 1 hour move at Transport Dept.Dont know if that correct, As my queue is 19 July.I did try early to renew, But this year, I was told NO to yellow book as proof of my adresses, So i needed to get a address certification from Immigration.So hope they are happy now Kindly.
  7. My Thai wife and her family talk about it all the time. Not the same as complaining. Father in law get nearly 10k Baht per month to live on, From Government pension, So the price jump is a bit hard on them. Vegetables and meat going up, And i think wife say the rice going to go up all so. Power have going up and now water bill per unite is going up. So it all add up in the end. But they are Thai so i know the adjust to the time we living in and manager in the long run. We can see when we do our monthly shopping at Makro we pay more total. It is fine for us, No surprise for me as this happened all over the world and we know it that way things is. No one need to be rocket science to know this the way it is. Gasolien have jump many times and we can see that every time we need to get a full tank of it. We simple skip a lot of the driving for fun we normal do, Say No to driving people around all the time and so on. Again no complain from me, That the way the world is and have being for every, Things all ways change. And we do few change in our life to match the higher price and the lower Currency for Danish Krone I get right now. Things going to change again and so do we, Well that the way we go about it. Kindly.
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