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About KonaRain

  • Birthday 11/11/1948

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    kona hawaii island usa

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  1. Guru? Rajneesh the guy who (fell) to having a Rolls for every day of the week? He was the cool guy in '75..not after, sex and power corrupts I quoted You because You mentioned the amazing creation around us..(!) Every plant is like a different creation... I'm surrounded by beautiful life and thankful for (most) days.. Aloha.. (great discussion)
  2. I don't know if have Walmart.com anywhere else, but I got refunded my junk (pinching, low power) shaver and got to keep it..better than Amazon I'm coming over there soon, so appreciate the stores mentioned here..sure love those rubber mats! Alohoho
  3. Thanks for being there..
  4. James Webb proves possible big bang debunked, maybe just Eternity https://youtu.be/9ax8hU2zW54
  5. From the above video from James Webb..
  6. The big bang has been replaced with the Webb's view of the Universe expanding, instead of speeding away from everything leading to a dark death of the universe..The above video, I have bandwidth issues in Hawaiian rainforest and can't see the thumbnail, then I'll delete this.. AlohaZ
  7. Scroll this video a couple minutes Alohoho https://youtu.be/9ax8hU2zW54
  8. 2000 baht? No problem and BKK has better app for travel? Aloha Guys
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