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Posts posted by M12MKD

  1. I assume that this is the same girl as in this topic from December.

    Saying she wants to visit the UK for 6 months to see what it's like isn't really going to work when she's already lived there as a student and met you in the UK!

    There are some unanswered questions there, such as what the refusal notice says, which need to be answered before we can advise on how best to prepare another application.

    For our advice to be worth anything, we also need to be given all the facts.

    yep, and the refusal is still the same, it was the wrong visa because of the time limit (would be too long of a stay within a 12 month period), though but to date we still have not received the refusal notice or any reference despite asking the agency several times. One has to wonder if the agency even bothered as they refunded almost all the money apart from an admin fee.

    If I knew how to obtain the information myself I would bypass the agency and ask directly but I'm not even sure its possible.

    I'm a little frustrated at this because like yourself I need to know why so that I can take the next step, at the moment I'm going semi blind.

    As I'm in Bangkok at the moment, I might ask her for the address of the agency and maybe see if I can visit them myself.

  2. I probably should have also said that we met in the UK in the first place, rather than in Thailand or over the internet. She was here (UK) to study English and had to return back in November 2013. Since then we've spoken etc through the usual means. I came out for a two week holiday (couldn't get anymore time of work) to see her and some of her family.

    Yes 6 months is a long time for a visit but she also has friends in the UK to spend time with and visit. As last time she was here under the general study visa, she reapplied back in December but was declined due to being more than so many months in a 12 month period. I cannot remember the exact wording without looking on the UK Border agency website. So she would be able to occupy herself whilst I'm at work.

    We have also been saving so we have some visiting funds to allow her to do things whilst I'm at work, plus I will also be able to take time off to spend with her.

    So the other option is to study, but she would have to wait until the period has passed in order to be successful (unless of course I've totally misunderstood the wording).

    I've looked at a possible partner visa, but I'm sure this one has been stopped so the only option is a fiancé visa which means we would have to be married within the 6 months, again this is not a possibility for us. Regardless of us both being adults what our parents blessing and well wishes is a must, and for that reason we want to wait as long as it takes until both families have accepted each other's partner. And a family visa is not possible as we do not meet all the requirements, again I could have misunderstood this.

    Most of all we both want to do this the correct way, for us this is a long-term thing and either of us want to cut corners and end up making it worse.

    Would a couple of shorter term visa's be better i.e. two month holiday then back for a few months to Thailand?

    I guess what I'm asking is what is the best way to go without going down the marriage route because that is not an option.

    7by7 thanks for the link I will read this and hope it helps.

  3. Hello all,

    Just after a little help with providing information for a general visitor visa for my girlfriend. I've spoken to a few agencies whilst currently in Thailand and all seem to want to go down the "marriage route" as this is cheaper and would be best.

    Although yes at some stage marriage has been spoken about but I guess you could say that we both come from traditional families and a quick marriage would not be seen as acceptable by either of our parents.

    So we have decided on going for a 6 month visitor visa to try living together for 6 months and see how things work out, then after 6 months we will both come back to Thailand and possibly get married.

    My issue is with the sponsorship requirements, I meet the financial need but proof of accommodation is not so easy. Basically I rent a room from family so there is no "tenancy agreement", would a letter from them giving permission for my gf to stay be acceptable? And if so what other information would they need to provide?

    Also will the UK immigration accept a full 6 months as staying in the UK as a visitor or should we give slightly less?

    In order to save money we are trying to do this ourselves, or would we be better paying an agency as it might end up costing more money as we are not sure of the process.

    Any help would be great as if would be good if we could get most of it done whilst I'm in Thailand.



  4. I don't think it's just a Thai thing. All women think they are right. My aunt is the worse for this to the extend that when proved wrong she will say "no I said *insert opposite outcome*".

    I show the question to my other half and the response was, yes Thai women don't like to be wrong a bf or husband should agree or she will get pouty.

    My response was "yes like you always are" in a sarcastic tone. I got the raised eyebrows and a hit for being "cheeky"

  5. Gump, do you mind if I call you that? Because it's easier for when I tell you what to do next. Take of the leg braces and let them legs do the work.

    I'm a newby so yes I'm still learning about Thai customs and culture. But it's simple yes you need to acknowledge her culture it would be rude too but like everything in life its a two way street. She needs to also accept your culture. Would you marry a homeland girl so quickly?

    Answer is probably a no, so why would you with a Thai girl?

    Yes my other half has talked about marriage and I've stated that yes I love her but marriage is a big step and we need to allow time for the relationship to develop.

    Many confuse love with lust.

    As for family and money, yes most will want to look after their parents as they get old (50ish is old in Thailand? ) I've told her that this is a good thing to do but 55 is no old and the my parents both in the 60's are still working so no rush to look after them.

    Also I've stated from the start that if she wants a future with me she needs to work and save.

    Basically what I'm saying is start as you mean to carry on, because once you start you cannot back peddle.

  6. rainbow nana plaza girl...maybe 1 million a year all in..


    Bar fine





    1 million bht in my country's currency is around the ballpark of 40k which is well around lower average it's just around 3.3k per month and in western countries i believe that is low too even if we took aside the exchange rate.

    if you believe the uk government then £24.5k a year is a livable income. Reality would be closer to your figure of £40k either as a single or combined figure.

    As for tipping the general rule is 10% of the bill. If in the UK the service is good I'd normally tip a couple of quid. May not seem much but don't forget if everyone does it then it soon adds up. Plus it's not taxed.

  7. Also I should add perception is a two way street. Yes the horror stories are of Thai women cheating stupid uk men. Yes this does happen but us UK men also have a reputation.

    My other halfs parents are not happy about her dating a uk guy. Her mother has told her that uk guy's only want sex and will cheat with every other woman. This added to the fact that a few of her thai friends (that I've met) with British boyfriends (even the ones with Thai parentage) have all cheated and/or have mistresses in Thailand.

    So again yes be wary of the scam, but be mindful if she's a genuine lass she probably has concerns about you.

  8. Nothing to very little. She has been upfront about a lot. Telling me about her income which is around £600 a month. I've said to her that if we want a future together we will both have to save.

    she's never asked for my wage nor how much money I have.

    she often pays for gifts and is paying for my stay whilst in Thailand as she wants to.

    still I will keep my cards close to my chest as once burnt you don't forget. For the record uk women are just as bad and two long term partners have fleeced money out of me.......Both after a very long time.

    So my advice would be always be wary and don't totally follow the heart.

    • Like 1
  9. Getting a duplicate refusal notice is not a major problem. We are, of course, interested in who the agent is. Is the agent in Thailand ?

    Despite the problems she has had, we may be able to help you, depending on the circumstances. If you would like a free consultation, then contact the office through our website ( click on the avatar on the left).

    Thanks for the information. Partly this is my mistake, I misunderstood what was said to me over skype. The Agency advised her to apply for this type of visa, knowing that this would not be accepted.

    Yes I know the agency name but not sure its a good idea to post on a public thread. But it's based in Bangkok.

    For me it's the Christmas period so I'm fairly busy. I'm hoping as I've got a few days off over the Christmas period I'll be able to talk in depth about the visa.

    I will certainly take up the offer once I've got all the details.

    Thanks again for everyone on this very helpful community.

  10. 7by7 - I don't know but thank you for giving me questions to ask, if I'm to be honest. ......it's raised a few questions of my own!

    I think an evening of reading and a chat with the other half to find out more information.

    Agency has refunded all money apart from the application fee.

    I'm a naturally unbelieving person so something seems a little fishy to me.............

    Thanks again 7by7 you always are very helpful.

  11. Ok sorry for not replying sooner. The short story is that the "agency" are being difficult about the refusal letter.

    So my other half spoke to one of the junior admin girl's with a bit of a sob story and found out the real reason.

    The "agency" applied for an identical type visa as previously. Which is why the uk government have refused this. She said they was supposed to apply for a different type of visa to allow to study English further but the "boss" didn't do this.

    So what can we do now. I'm concerned that if we apply for another visa it will cause us issues.

    I'm going over at the end of January to meet her family and friends etc for a few weeks.

    Would it be best to apply whilst I'm over there?

  12. I don't like to as I don't want to knock her confidence but she loves it if I do correct her.

    So even though I find some of her English cute I do make the effort to correct her when possible.

    I guess it depends on your other half. Mine wants to at some stage to work in the uk, as in Thailand she has a well paid and good job and wants to do a similar job here so a good command of the English language is needed.

  13. Cheers guy's. I will try and get the copy of the refusal notice.

    Yes she was in the uk for 11 months on a student visa. But not tier 4 but is it general student visa? I can't remember the wording from the uk border website.

    I would also agree the second reason seems very weird. Obviously we don't want to just reapply for a visiting visa and end up making it all a lot harder in the future.

    Long term like many it's to settle down together but I'd rather do it correctly and dot the t's and cross the I's in the first place.

    Will update as soon as I've got the information.

    Thanks again. .....you are always so helpful it's really appreciate.


  14. Hello all,

    Can anyone give me some advice as to what we can do next.

    My gf (I met in the uk) went back to Thailand after being in the UK to learn English. She has reapplied for a student visa to continue her study here but she has been declined this application. She's been told that it was declined for two reasons. 1) because it's only after a few months after her first visa has ended and it's for the same reason as the first visa. 2) with the current political issues in Thailand they believe she is using this type visa to escape the trouble (sounds a load of rubbish to me).

    So what can we/she do next? Is it worth applying for a 6 month visa, but if the second reason is true surely she'll be declined again? Would it help if I'm her sponsor?

    I'm going to Thailand for my first time at the end of January would it be better to reapply after the trip?

    I've read through a lot of helpful information here but if there is anyone that's been in a similar situation or anyone that can suggest what to do next it'd be greatly appreciated.



  15. Good advice from 7by7, I'm afraid that your situation is far from unique sd123, the UK media often report heart wrenching stories just like yours, but it seems like HMG are unwilling to budge on their ridiculous stance.

    And yet sadly it will let some countries in and claim benefits without a second thought. But that's just me being cynical.

    Good luck and I hope it works out, let us know the outcome.

  16. From what I understand of what my other half said. I lighter skin tone is better, she avoids sun whenever possible and yes it would seem that without makeup her skin tone is slightly darker.

    I asked why and was told that it's a class thing. People with darker skin are of a lower class. Of working class because they work in labour type jobs.

    Now please do not take this as a truth or my opinion just sharing what I've been told. I mean no offence or wish to offend with this statement.

    Personally I don't understand it but it's no different to the large amounts of UK white girls that risk their health to try and get darker.

  17. Surely it's no different to a woman in your own country. Most Common would be a slightly older man to woman.

    My past other half's have always been younger by at least 5 years. Biggest age gap was 14 years needless to say it didn't last long.

    My current partner is a month older than me, yes she was looking for someone a few years older but we clicked here in the uk. I think people get hung up too much on age.

    As long as it's legal and morally right it doesn't matter.

  18. I'm fairly new to this but my gf is actually older than me by a month. I'm 35 and for UK look very young for my age. I often shock people when they hear I'm 35. My gf however looks even younger. In fact whilst in the uk she was ID on a regular basis much to her annoyance.

    I'd say it also depends where you are looking for example a professional business lady where appearance is important would probably look better than a mother of 3 rushing out between house work to the shops.

    Also I'd say at certain ages in our life we are wired to find different ages attractive maybe at the moment that age bracket does not appeal?

    Of course I could be totally wrong and maybe some nationalities do age worse than others.

  19. I don't see how this is a lot different from what you could get from a native partner. Some women regardless of how much they love you, do not wish to be very open sexually. I've had uk girls that are not overly adventurous in the bed room.

    Maybe as above listen to what she wants and needs, she is most likely worried that she will not be any good at what you are wanting.

    My other half is very shy in the bedroom but rome was not built in a day!

  20. As a newbie I'd just thought give my 10 pence worth.

    Firstly I've not ready every part of the thread but I'd agree with the op, but this is a common thing on all online forums. Every single one I'm a member of all have members that are holier than thou who enjoy belittling people who might not have the best English or sometimes the best education.

    I used to say something but as I get older I really just feel sorry for them.

    P.s tthanks to all that post some very useful information!

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