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Posts posted by ehw200

  1. as far as buying a car or scooter...have you seen the driving habits in this country

    over 400 dead and a couplle of thousand injured in seven days during new Years

    In Pattaya I initially thought the ramp at the end of the sidewalks was for wheelchair access....silly me,,,I know

    know they are so motorcycles can drive for blocks on the sidewalk (ever been hit with a Mirror)

    I also understand if there is an accident it is the Falangs fault as if he wasn;t there it would not have happened

    no I am probably not buying a vehicle here


    I must be getting old as I remember what a tip is

    it was a way of saying thank you or showing appreciation for good service,,food etc

    the meaning of the tip has dissapeared and now is considered obligatory in many places

    which is why I resent the tip being automatically added to my bill and taking the choice away from me

    I usually tip 10 to 20 percent depending on the quality of the service etc

    if 10 percent is added to my bill that is all they are going to get unless something exceptional happened

    and I usually do NOT return to these places of business as they have taken an option away from me of not tipping if the food,,service is horrendous

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  2. I have spent 8 years in Honduras and about the same in Panama

    Costa Rica,,,in San Jose do not go to atm after dark,,,if the lady boys or crack heads don't get you the poice will

    the second you get a house you are a target,,,need a full time live in maid to ensure you house is not looted when you go out

    personal safety is firly OK but theft is a majoe problem as the penalties are almost noyjhing so crime does pay here

    also look at the government policies the last 2 ot 3 years...it appears they are out to screw all the ex pats

    Central America is CORRUPT abd being an e pat makes you a millionare target

    I have been hurt twice in Panama (which tries to hide the corrupotion) by the corruptkion there and there is no legal recourse to seek justice

    it seems like a pattern there,,,first Costa Rica rolled out the red carpet fro the ex pats then yanked it out from under them

    and now it seems they are out to etract as much as they can from the foreignors who have not been able to sell and get out

    then Panama was next ad they are doing the same

    now it seems to Colombias (especially Medajin) turn

    and they will probably do the same in the net five years

    then it will be Equador's turn

    I am trying to seel my last house there and move to Asia

    I realize there is corruption here as well,,,but I havent been touched by it yet except for immigratoin wanting to help me with a visa for only a 12k baht tip and I spend 6 months/year there

    I have been to Chiang Mai and liked it there very much

    I would like to retire there but am afraid of the burning season and how the smoke will affect my health

    and I hear the burning season is getting longer

    any comments on this situation would be greatly appreciated

  3. Ok,,,,that takes care of the the US citzens,,,nowhow abput the spying on telephone and emails of [eop;e in pther countries

    I read a few days ago that Thailand wants a US naval base here,,,please please please NO,,,they will end up trying to control Thailand as they have done in central America and some countries in South America,,,ay least Equador had the smarts to kick out the navy base there,,,only people to mess them are the prostitutes,,,much the same happened in Panama

  4. well I have just left Central America to get out from under the USA umbrella

    noses in my financial affairs and apparently reading my e-mail and listening tmy phone conversations

    governements there jumping every time big brother barks

    looks like I need to find another country

    if you thjink Pattaya is a brothel just wait until they build a base

    I hope the government realises they will eventually become puppets and alienate China

  5. re what cn we do with the stamps?

    they are worth 1 baht on future purchase or you can save them and redeem for specified merchandise

    see ads in store 100 - umbrella 200- backback etc

    they have a small books that you can use to stick 100 in

    the cuurent promotion lasts until Nov 25th and there is a period after that for merchandise redemption

    however 7/11 may not deliver your meechandise until January which I think is ridiculous

    I read elsewhere in his post that an epat tried to claim am umbrella and got nothing while a local walked and got one

    the January delivery is maybe 7/11's way of hoping that a lot of people will leave before they can pick up their merchandise

    but I actually think incompetence on their part is the real reason

    maybe if everone shops family Mart or other stores rather then 7/11 they will wake up especially since the big food chains are coming after them by installing convenience stores of their own

    if they don't wake up they may become extinct

  6. took my stamos in yesterday to redeem them for a backpack,,,got a receiot in a plastic bad and was told it would be there in January

    in General I find the employees at 7/11 cheerful freindly and helpful great customer service

    too bad all of this is undermined by incompetency at the head office

    Januaty my a??

    Family mart across the street is my new store of choice

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