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Posts posted by snottgoblin

  1. If you don't do anything illegal and the Thai is not from a wealthy family then you should be able to handle this yourself.

    If he was from a wealthy family he would not have been transferred or delivering mail in the first place. So no need to hide behind your wifes skirt. Who is thinking about selling moving house because he has a problem with the local drunk ? Deal with it yourself.

    If he was from a wealthy family, he wouldn't be a postman. Simple.

    • Like 1
  2. Watch the Savile documentary with Louis Theroux, if there were any doubts about his oddness it was confirmed in that. As well as being a peadophile, necrophiliac, and rapist he was also a narcissist.

    His friendships with Thatcher etc, kept him protected for a longtime, but there is no doubt he was a vile sexual predator, who had been given open access to some of the most vulnerable people around.
    • Like 1
  3. Semolina guy is a legend in his own right, he's well known for a number of stunts. He turned up at a one of my mates Son's Birthday party 10 minutes before the food was organised to come out - however there was a deliberate delay of 30 minutes. I've never seen a person so agitated - he ordered a bottle of water, twitching, and pacing around the place (we were all taking the piss out of him). He was of course first in the queue, scoffed down several large platefuls, and then left. He didn't even say Happy Birthday to the lad. He takes tightness to a whole new level.

    Oh, and he is probably one of the richest people around, but is always complaining about how expensive everything is - he even refuses to buy the Bangkok Post as it's too expensive, so he goes to a bar that has it, orders a staff water and reads the paper (every day). When we get the hance, we often hide the paper, just to see him get all agitated.

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  4. The repeat offenders tend to be mostly Brits and they can always be found in Pool and Darts Leagues.

    I am going to disagree with you on this, balloon chasing is an affliction that permeates all nationalities. The Americans seem to have a fair few as well

  5. Given the amount of people on this forum, I'm surprised there are not more stories of balloon chasing exploits.

    There are but they're all camped out in front of the TV Lounge waiting for it to open.

    Or busily signing up to TVF

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