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Posts posted by Seastallion

  1. ...to make a long story short: only a dead muslim is a good muslim....? Or what?

    best time of my life was dropping 500 pounders and strafing them with my 20mm....never saw the good ones left in my wake, only heard the feedback from the grunts.

    The only reason I quote this is to make sure everyone see's the vile Christian fundamentalist (I got that from your next post) zealotry that manifests in glee at murder.

    Glee at murder!

    Abhorrent in the extreme.

    What do you call cutting the heads from the innocent. .?

    Take your time," Appeaser of Evil".

    I call it ghastly.

    Doesn't make your psychopathic joy at inflicting anonymous and indiscriminate death from 10 000 feet the slightest bit better.

    Actually, in many ways it's worse.

    I would never try to appease you (if that was the word you meant to use).

    • Like 1
  2. I love it.

    More of that, please, dear government.

    The turning point against corruption and kickbacks is not far away.

    yeah right "turning point not far" its more low hanging fruit

    when they get the ones with 3+ more zeroes on the figures then there will be something to celebrate

    till then, fodder for the easily mis-lead!

    No, this is how it starts. Kudos to the contractor, and more will follow his lead. These low level officials will eventually realise that they can't do it....they in turn will resent having to do it to people further up the ladder...and so on.

    All it needs is persistence from the contractor level.

    • Like 2
  3. I see the words "accused" and "allegedly" in the report, wouldn't it be a good idea to have him actually convicted before we decide how to kill the guy?

    OK, so it reads like he's the devil himself, but I'm sure we can all think of people wrongfully accused.

    Ok, I guess that's fair enough, so, on behalf of all my fellow death-or severe-punishment wishers...... IF proven guilty, let him yada yada yada....

    • Like 1
  4. That the behaviour is evil cannot be disputed. However, I'm not sure that those ordering this 'service' as "pay for view" are not equally bad or even worse. Who would request a year old baby to be whipped with a belt and pay money to watch. Almost defies belief that such people exist.

    I really disagree.

    Some pervert likes to see a baby whipped. Another one likes to see a child raped. Another pervert wants to see xxxxx.

    This monster DID IT ALL for them, on demand!!!!!

    I DO agree with you that it defies belief that such people exist.

  5. This guy needs to live to 100. But every day needs to wake up in a small cell with about 20-30 other people. Their mail needs to be checked and restrictions on contacts. This guy needs to stay in prison for the term of his life. The torture of putting young people thru depraved acts stays with those people for the rest of their lives, By keeping him alive and in prison, he may experience the range of emotions he put victims thru.

    Just my view: Capital punishment can be the easy way out.

    Yeah....but this guy did despicable things to order!

    I prefer death for him, so that he is gone from this world. But if that is not possible, then punishment, not just simple incarceration. He should serve as an example.

    Perhaps Phillipine's vilest prison.... but to be raped by the biggest, most violent disease-ridden crims in that prison. Every day. And then be deprived of any medical treatment. And if he recovers, raped again.

    I'm not a violent person, but his crimes sicken and sadden me to the depths of my soul and I hate him.

  6. Good on her, really, but I wonder what the local food vendors think.

    If she ensures that it is the truly poor who would otherwise not be buying food, that's great, but this sort of charity can have negative ripple effects because people being people, even those that can afford to buy will take a free hand-out, and that lowers the income of the vendors.

  7. I admit I could only watch less than 10 minutes of this fear/war mongering nut case give his speech.


    Which country is the war mongerer?

    Iran is on record for wanting to destroy Israel.

    Death to Israel blah blah blah.

    Israel doesn't want death to Iran.

    Only to stop that country dedicated to their destruction not to have nukes.

    A very reasonable demand in this situation.

    Now now, JT, you know it's against forum rules to deliberately post false information; Iran is on record for wanting to wipe out the regime, not the country. We have established this as fact. Also, that was a past government, so has little relevance to today.

    • Like 2
  8. Oh oh......if this "sudden nocturnal death syndrome" gets publicity, I think we'll be reading reports in the future of tourists suffering it, rather than bed bug spray or murder. It's such an ambiguous cause of death, the police will not be able to resist it.

    But more specifically to the OP....if this SNDS is a "thing" that causes deaths in Israel and Issan, (and even the most conservative numbers in the OP are a significant number of deaths), why has it, the syndrome, not been investigated thoroughly?

    • Like 1
  9. Hezbullah's aim is to get back land stolen by Israel. But here we are told that their presence is associated with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

    Does the Golan heights have a uranium mine or a centrifuge factory?

    I hope the report, or someone, will elaborate how Iran's program has anything to do with Golan or Hezbullah.

    Israel is mining for pretexts to attack Iran... its usual MO.

    Of course. Ramp up forces on the Syrian border, provoke an attack, claim Iran was behind the attack.......we have seen it before.

    The fact remains that Hezbullah "... was primarily formed to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation."(from Wiki), and are thus freedom fighters.

  10. And where is most of this debt held? Not in banks or lisenced lenders, but with illegal loan sharks who lend at usury rates. I know of one lady, friend of Wifey's, that has a 100 000 loan from a Chinese Thai lady (married to a cop) who charges 20% PER MONTH!!!!

    You can say more fool the borrower, but when you're desperate and you don't have the education to realise the implications, you're not a fool but a pity.

    It's these loan sharks that have to be wiped out.

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