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Posts posted by Seastallion

  1. It all sounds legit. And as someone mentioned regarding Thailand, perhaps other countries should look at imposing the same ban....including the Austria that has an extra "a" and an "l" and kangaroos.

    I was empresses with the quote from King Mukut (if I understood correctly). The paraphrase goes something along the line of telling the European powers that Thailand welcomed the medicine, the technology but as to religion, the King said thank you but we have our own surperstitions. The Kings of Thailand had early set the stage for welcoming any faith but not having religion dictated. And, yes, as a Buddhist, I do recognize I am living in a basically Buddhist country.

    Thank goodness...can you imagine the hash-up if Thais as a nation took up Christianity? Wats with crosses atop them and blaring out organ music, monks crossing themself and adding Hail Mary to their morning food run blessings, trees with ribbons and crucifices tied around them, Chinese new year celebrated with pigs heads, crackers and communion wine, portraits of the Madonna with incense sticks and food offerings and a statue of Ganesh placed in front......

  2. What took them so long? this is one of the Taliban's calling card and modus operando, to endeavor

    to erase civilization back to the stone ages.... and yet, many hundreds of thousand are flocking

    to support and fight with them...go figure what a screwy word we live in....

    We have to realize that ISIS have no rationality or desire to tolerate. They want to destroy anything that isn't their particular brand of Islam. They are fighting what they see as a holy war against anyone who isn't with them. Christians and Jews, even atheists and agnostics from so called Christian countries, are all legitimate targets for eradication to these nutters.

    There is no way to negotiate, reason with or convince them otherwise. We have to realize that whatever your religious beliefs or non beliefs. political persuasion, race, nationality or sex, these loonies want to kill you in the most barbaric way and are convinced they will be handsomely rewarded by their god for doing so,

    The only answer is to exterminate them before they do the same to you.

    It's not "their particular brand of islam" it IS islam. They are ALL the same. islam does not deserve a capital letter by the way.

    You seem to be filled with as much blinkered hatred as ISIS.

    You are very wrong, they are not all the same, and Islam IS spelled with a capital.

    • Like 1
  3. One way to get all the ex-cons out of the monkhood is to make the minimum time as a monk five years.

    Quick, enact that rule now before Suthep decides he's done enough PR.

    He was here in Hatyai yesterday. Hatyai, a bastion of yellow. Yet, in true emperor's new clothes style, the streets were lined with worshipers waiting to put something in the begging bowl of this special "monk".

  4. What a screwed world we live in...with all efforts, experience, creativity and own money you set up a business, try to make it profitable and you can't choose the people you want to work with to make this happen?

    because you end up with a society that will not employ black people or women or gays, for example. Discrimination will occur if it is not regulated.

    Do you propose that society may discriminate because of religion? What about gender? Race? Sexual orientation?

    Obviously, and the law accommodates for this, some jobs require a person who is specifically NOT something or other, eg a woman's toilet attendant can not be a man, but in general, discrimination has to be discouraged with regulation.

    I think it's fair to point out that at least where Muslims are concerned, their lifestyle needs to be taken into account.

    For example, Muslims pray five times a day. This takes place at dawn, midday, late afternoon and dusk and typically takes 5-15 mins. Praying follows a set procedure of bowing and prostrating using a prayer mat and the individual must be facing Makkah (Saudi Arabia). Such activity may not coincide with an employer's work schedule.

    Muslims don't drink alcohol, so office parties are out as is socializing down the pub after work.

    There are restrictions on what Muslims are allowed to eat. Meat must always be halal with the animal slaughtered according to Islamic practice.

    These kind of things need to be taken into account when considering a Muslim as an employee and employers may well take the view that this type of person just isn't suitable for the job.

    I think it's fair to point out that you have a rather romanticised (putting it nicely) view of how Muslims live. Except in movies, I have never seen this 5 times a day praying....I currently live in Southern Thailand, and I used to live in another country also with a high number of Muslims. Never seen it. I did see in NZ that the mosque down the road filled up at lunch time on Fridays, and otherwise was basically empty.

    Sure, there may be some "orthodox" Muslims, but they are certainly a minority in the West and SE Asia.

    Don't drink? So what. Many people don't drink.

    What about other religions that don't drink, or that have regular rituals? Or 7th Day Adventists and Jews who don't work Saturday? Jews that won't even use a light switch from sundown on Friday because that effort is "work"?

    Jews and Hindus...and Mormons, for that matter, have dietary stipulations too.

    Obviously you have a point when it comes to a few orthodox or strict followers of various religions...don't single just one religion out or generalise about the entire congregation...there's quite a few that are, shall we say, eccentric.

  5. I don't agree here.. people should be able not hire people who they don't want. Some people don't like Muslims in that dress and it could cost you clients. So why hire one they choose to be Muslim not you. Same goes if someone is really fat and you promote health products or someone who just looks bad. Its a business they need to serve clients and if the way people look puts off clients it cost money.

    Can you imagine the outcry if a business declined to hire a person for some reason associated with him being Jewish? "You skullcap doesn't fit our image, sorry."

    This is why there are anti-discrimination laws, and also why, " Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or who may not work on Saturdays, are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired,"

    Sorry man but I have to go against you on this one.

    The very basis of business is to make money. The management, right of wrong, will decide what is the best way for a company to make money.

    If a certain look or whatever interferes with making that money then they should have the right to say, "sorry we are looking for a different type of person."

    Now what about the guy that tells a blatant lie about not being of a certain persuasion in order to get in and then claim discrimination. This is not beneficial to the company either and I personally believe that the company should have the ability to fire them for lying immediately as this is dishonesty. The employee owes a fiduciary duty.

    Don't apologise mate...all good discussion.

    I take your point, and I agree with it.

    But like other things that have laws against them, the law has to take into account the lowest common denominator, often the minority, and often at the expense of the majority. You and I and most people may be excellent drivers, but because a number of idiots can't handle their alcohol, you and I are not allowed to have more than 3 beers before we drive. Maybe a bad example, but you get my drift.

    The fact is, there are some bigots out there that will refuse to hire a woman, a gay, a Muslim, a Jew, a black etc. Those women, gays, Muslims, Jews, blacks etc should not be discriminated against.

    The guy that tells the lie should be able to be sacked....on those grounds, but the woman who is plainly a Muslim should not be declined because she is a Muslim. In this particular case, I actually side with A&F insofar as they have a dress code, but where they failed was not asking if the girl could comply with that code. They didn't give her a chance to wear the headscarf or not, or change the colour of it.

    She could have done what the OP says Jews are routinely advised to do....hide her religion until after she was hired and expect the law to protect her rights. But she was upfront about it.

    It's a strange case with complicating factors such as the law to accommodate a person's religion once they are hired.

  6. " Federal prosecutors say Juraboev, 24, first came to the attention of law enforcement in August, when he posted on an Uzbek-language website that propagates the Islamic State ideology."

    They shouldn't be telling other potential jihadists how they can get caught! These guys were caught because they thought the CIA or whoever don't monitor Uzbek websites. Now all Uzbekis, Chechens etc will be more cautious.

  7. 3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

    He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

    I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

    Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

    As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

    To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

    With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

    Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

    Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

    I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

    Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

    Thats OK I know an Anti semite when I see one.

    Regardless of how many antisemitic incidents have occured, That you should try to refute some as not being racist in nature, for what ever agenda, is racist. The Racist denying racism is a favourite ruse, which allows more racism to occur under the guise of not being racist.

    To complain about antisemitism being overly used as a justification for the existance of Israel or Jews, is racist. Surely it is not how many of these racist attacks are or are not racist, the fact is They happen even if the number are exagerated a little. It is still happening.

    When you have barbed wire fences around synagogues to protect them from vandalism or racist attacks something is wrong. But its those jews always complaining of antisemitism. I wonder why?

    ?? w00t.gifblink.png ??

    What are you on about? What are you on? Are you sure you're in the right thread?


    And just for your information, (and others), I find the term "antisemite" when leveled at me to be false and offensive. That's 2 breaches of forum rules. Please refrain from using it in relation to me or my posts.

    • Like 1
  8. " "It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.".

    Is that diplomatic speak for "A while back, I lied bald-facedly with my cartoon picture of a bomb and a red line"?

    Who can trust him?

    You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

    3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

    He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

    I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

    Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

    As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

    To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

    With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

    Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

    Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

    I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

    Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

  9. " "It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.".

    Is that diplomatic speak for "A while back, I lied bald-facedly with my cartoon picture of a bomb and a red line"?

    Who can trust him?

    You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

    3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

    He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

    I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't agree here.. people should be able not hire people who they don't want. Some people don't like Muslims in that dress and it could cost you clients. So why hire one they choose to be Muslim not you. Same goes if someone is really fat and you promote health products or someone who just looks bad. Its a business they need to serve clients and if the way people look puts off clients it cost money.

    Can you imagine the outcry if a business declined to hire a person for some reason associated with him being Jewish? "You skullcap doesn't fit our image, sorry."

    This is why there are anti-discrimination laws, and also why, " Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or who may not work on Saturdays, are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired,"

    Sorry.. I don't really care. if I run a business its about making money and if I think that a Jew or a Muslim does not fit in why should i hire him. Can you imagine to be force do hire a Jew in an Muslim butchery.. that will be good for your customers. Sorry business first they choose the religion.

    I agree with you. But so do bigots and they would use the freedom to perpetuate their bigotry. Society has to make rules for the minority of irresponsible people.

    Where do you draw the line? Black people can't get jobs, or women can't get jobs, because the employers are allowed to say no on basis of their colour, gender etc.

    Employers have to get smart in how they employ. As Klaus said above, they should point out the restrictions of the job (if there are restrictions, say a certain dress code or the need to handle pork) and clarify if the applicant can comply. They would then be turning the applicant down on grounds of not qualifying, not their religion per se. Straight-out bigots wouldn't be able to do that in jobs where there would be no restrictions.

  11. So for arguments sake. Somebody could start up a new religion. Then include sucking babies penises into the rituals, and it would be all kosher?

    It wouldn't be, of course. It would be vilified and banned.

    Part of the Orthodox argument is that it is traditional. We've always done it that way, so we will continue to do it that way.

    A poor argument, especially in light of science having advanced since the practice was started, and MOST especially since the practice can result in the death of babies. They know it, and they continue to do it..... that would be deemed criminal in any other Western society.

    The other option to prohibition would be to prosecute on grounds of causing death through negligence. That would certainly happen to a cleric of any other religious sect...say the snake handler hillbillies, but somehow I think snake-handling Christians don't wield enough political clout to ward off prosecutions.

    • Like 2
  12. I don't agree here.. people should be able not hire people who they don't want. Some people don't like Muslims in that dress and it could cost you clients. So why hire one they choose to be Muslim not you. Same goes if someone is really fat and you promote health products or someone who just looks bad. Its a business they need to serve clients and if the way people look puts off clients it cost money.

    Can you imagine the outcry if a business declined to hire a person for some reason associated with him being Jewish? "You skullcap doesn't fit our image, sorry."

    This is why there are anti-discrimination laws, and also why, " Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or who may not work on Saturdays, are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired,"

    • Like 1
  13. What a screwed world we live in...with all efforts, experience, creativity and own money you set up a business, try to make it profitable and you can't choose the people you want to work with to make this happen?

    because you end up with a society that will not employ black people or women or gays, for example. Discrimination will occur if it is not regulated.

    Do you propose that society may discriminate because of religion? What about gender? Race? Sexual orientation?

    Obviously, and the law accommodates for this, some jobs require a person who is specifically NOT something or other, eg a woman's toilet attendant can not be a man, but in general, discrimination has to be discouraged with regulation.

    • Like 1
  14. Well, Hit The Militant Stronghold, Geez

    As the article says, they use these civilians as human shields. I don't know what could be done. Some tactics would have to change and a lot of people including civilians would have to die. Even then, how do you get them all when they are wearing civilian clothes and hiding among the general population? Who do you bomb or shoot at?

    I don't know.

    In recent history, human shields or civilians have made no difference to whether an enemy should be bombed and you have supported that. Why the change of heart now? Does the religion of the human shields and nearby civilians make a difference?

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