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Everything posted by Brickbat

  1. Last week , 2 dogs killed a meter reader ( Elec ) in Australia. Within a week the dogs were put down. what rationale is it to “ find a new home” for dogs that kill ?
  2. When Trump was top dog ( President) he had it thoroughly investigated and came up with nothing . But the DOJ has come up with lots about him! mAGA TWITS have not learnt their lesson and America stays Divided while Russia and China are giggling with delight
  3. I’m selling the Nawarat Bridge . It’s a steal! Hurry hurry hurry , will go fast !
  4. I think Thais are realising that they are rich and “ Farangs” here in Thailand used to be thought off as rich . Thais put races in 1 basket . No diversity in their thinking. I know when I’m in 5 star hotels in bkk, 80%% or so are Indians and Chinese and do you know how many “ farangs” are in guest houses? and from what I’ve heard , Indians are ruling Pattaya and Phuket ( used to be Russians)
  5. It’s teaching these people extortion! He’s probably panicking so that his family is kept in the dark but offering a huge sun has only made it worse for him . They’ll all get blood out of a stone . After all it’s a sex Capital !!!
  6. “When people judge others , it really isn't about others . But it is about them and their insecurities, limitations and their own needs.”
  7. The authorities know better than the doctor as to why most tourists come to Thailand . The good doctor with all his good intentions and good sense will sadly be overruled. Money talks ! Bs walks
  8. The richest man is the one who needs the least said some wise ancient philosopher
  9. They don’t know the meaning of the word “ indicator” or its significance . Either not used or turned on upon or after turning . Defensive driving is the key but then , they also don’t understand the word “ consequences”
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