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Posts posted by DaveinAsia

  1. ^ so was ... . That was a pov!

    Still a crime dave despite personal pov. Age has nothing to do with it. I think you will find some of the older folk are more au fait with the magic weed than you think. Just more careful in a foreign country than our friend.

    TV. Plenitude ...

    Nothing to do with my pov. I don't smoke. Many friends with illnesses like Arthritis, MS, Parkinson's and even cancer patients have shown big improvements and even some have healed altogether because of this 'monstrous' weed. People who still believe that this is a bad drug are either backward, braindead or in bed with Big Pharma.

    And who cares about laws that a bunch of backward apes have drawn up? Here and back home.....just don't get caught

  2. A kilo of grass. So bloody what? Nothing wrong with good old herbal medicine. If it were chemicals, ok. That's done nothing good for anybody. All you old guys with backward thinking who think weed is the same as all the other s_hite need to do a bit of research. That's if you know how to open up Google and type; marijuana and healing effects. You will find that in more and more countries this 'terrible' drug is being legalized because of it's healing effects.

    That Paddy got done for selling the medicine is because the corrupted scum over at RTP CM don't allow any competition.

  3. Being a white boy from the USA, I wonder if my family would be compensated if I died in the same or similar way here?

    Totally depends on how much media coverage your death would receive and under which circumstances you came to pass away. If they had managed to sweep this story under the rug, the family of the deceased would have gotten 100k at the most, if even that

  4. Well done and all that stuff!

    What interests me is how much attention and praise is given to this normal action. As if it's a very rare deed of humanity.

    We are all so impressed by this mans actions and he is even getting international attention.

    He's probably thinking himself too that the whole world has gone mad.

    Has the world become such a selfish and cold hearted place? When we see an act of courage we all stand in awe because it's so rare these days.

    We really have to ask ourselves why we are so surprised and full of praise for an otherwise very normal thing to do.

    Who wouldn't help someone stuck in the mud? And if it's too dangerous for ones own life call for some help.

    Perhaps it's the media brainwashing us again wink.png I'm sure TAT will send the maker of the video a nice wee surprise too. Normally they rely on the insurance companies for their promotion videos

    "Has the world become such a selfish and cold hearted place? When we see an act of courage we all stand in awe because it's so rare these days."

    In a word - Yes! Far too often the media "brainwashing" spotlight is on the negative things in life. Take for instance the case of the mentally retarded man who attacked an innocent stranger in Bangkok recently. Not one passerby stopped to help, including motorbike riders and a bus (AND the person taking the video!). And the official advice in such a situation? "Don't look them in the eye!"

    I've seen American television footage of crowds of passers by ignoring an unconscious man on the ground on a crowded "sidewalk", and in England I know of an instance where a man phoned for an ambulance for a man who appeared to be having a heart attack, and he got the bill for it! I have also heard of many similar situations over here where the "Good Samaritan" gets taken advantage of, even by the police, or those involved in the incident. The official standpoint seems to be "stay out of it, or you will get punished yourself in some way". So, I'm not Thai bashing, it is a universal problem, and Thailand seems to following some examples of bad behaviour in the "civilised" world.

    So, to see such a display of selflessness and humanity is rare, and worthy of praise, not cynicism.

    I agree with what you say about society these days and of course this 'hero' deserves praise, but enough is enough. All the analyzing, lengthy discussions, etc. It proves my case. If we are so surprised by such a small act of kindness then we as a species have really lost our way. I understand the Thai media and that they want to advertise this positive news instead of bad news but that's it. This story is taking on Hollywood proportions. Governors, local politicians and other VIP's are actually making their way down there to meet the man in question just to get a photo with him so that they can boost their own PR. Next thing Obama is flying in on Air Force One with the Medal of Honor wink.png

  5. Well done and all that stuff!

    What interests me is how much attention and praise is given to this normal action. As if it's a very rare deed of humanity.

    We are all so impressed by this mans actions and he is even getting international attention.

    He's probably thinking himself too that the whole world has gone mad.

    Has the world become such a selfish and cold hearted place? When we see an act of courage we all stand in awe because it's so rare these days.

    We really have to ask ourselves why we are so surprised and full of praise for an otherwise very normal thing to do.

    Who wouldn't help someone stuck in the mud? And if it's too dangerous for ones own life call for some help.

    Perhaps it's the media brainwashing us again wink.png I'm sure TAT will send the maker of the video a nice wee surprise too. Normally they rely on the insurance companies for their promotion videos

  6. For all those of you criticizing people for not getting involved must be brand spanking new to Thailand.

    Why new? Maybe some guys are just not as scared as some others. Some people would jump into a blazing fire to save someone else and someone might not even lend a hand to someone drowning right beside them. It all comes down to love in the end. How much do you really care and love others, even complete strangers? If you do then you will always jump in, no matter what the outcome

  7. Wow! Pay the cops for killing teens. Way to go! That's real good PR to pay the cops before you compensate the decedants' families. Given the low pay of police officers, there seems to be an awful lot of free cash flowing through the police departments in Thailand.

    I keep hearing about the low pay of the police officers, does anyone know how much they actually get paid?

    Starting pay about 15,000 baht/month (typical gov rate, same for teacher, any gov officer). But they have to buy own uniform, gun, ammo, radio, etc. Also they get a share from the fines collected, up to a maximum of about 10 -12,000 baht/month.

    Maybe that's in Kata but here in BKK an average cop can pull in about 200 - 400k/month. That's the average Joe.

    When I lived in Lumpini Park View on Rama 4, just around the corner from Sathon I had a great view of the overpass and where the cops would position themselves every Friday and Saturday night to catch the drink driving guys. One Saturday night at around 1am I sat on my balcony watching them for 30 minutes or so. In that time they pulled over 45 motorbikes and 23 cars. Money exchanged hands about 50% of the time. Knowing that the average bribe for just having a few drinks is about 2-3000 THB. For being a bit drunk it's around 4k and for being drunk it's anywhere between 5 and 10k. This means that on average these cops pull in about 100k every 30 minutes or so. Multiply this by 8 and you have the profit of Lumpini copshop for a weekend night.

    Divide this by how many cops are in on this scam and suddenly it becomes clear why it costs several millions to buy oneself into the RTP.

    Not a bad 'salary' at all wink.png

  8. 2.699 THB to zipline between a few trees? What?? It's not only a health hazard but also a big ripoff.

    Note to oneself; no National Parks, no Siampark in BKK, no Emerald Pool in Phuket, no Crashing Squirrels in CM, no Koh Tao, pffft, nowhere left to go.

    Might just have to start going to Cowboy again, seems to be a bit cheaper and safer than all other 'tourist attractions' wink.png

  9. Why aren't the bar business owners responsible for the security people they hire? When these incidents occur, the business owner should be held liable for the actions of their staff as well. Then they will think twice before hiring street thugs as bouncers.

    The bar owners actually hire the guys for their aggressive and no fear mentality. The owners will never be held liable for anything. The bars are owned by rich locals, mafia or even the cops themselves. That's why they can do as they please. They probably tried to through a few 1000 baht on top of the Aussie guys bill and they resisted. Usually the tourists just pay up so nothing happens but this time the Aussies said no bloody way am I paying that bill. The rest is history

    There was no bar bill. Their tickets showed it was free drinks.

    Whose version of the story is that? I'd like to hear the Aussies side of the story. Any links anyone?

  10. Why aren't the bar business owners responsible for the security people they hire? When these incidents occur, the business owner should be held liable for the actions of their staff as well. Then they will think twice before hiring street thugs as bouncers.

    The bar owners actually hire the guys for their aggressive and no fear mentality. The owners will never be held liable for anything. The bars are owned by rich locals, mafia or even the cops themselves. That's why they can do as they please. They probably tried to through a few 1000 baht on top of the Aussie guys bill and they resisted. Usually the tourists just pay up so nothing happens but this time the Aussies said no bloody way am I paying that bill. The rest is history

  11. @Mikebike

    "Only children and drunks live in a world of fight or flight. The average adult can recognize nuance and diffuse virtually any situation".

    What a nonsense. You are actually saying that every adult that gets beat up or murdered has themselves to blame

    That is what you took away from my statement? Incredible.

    That's what you said. I am only translating your fancy words. To back down now would be another act of cowardice. Stick to your guns man wink.png

  12. @ebonycap

    "How you can equate "keeping out of trouble" with "cowardice", I will never know.

    I must be as yellow as a canary, because in my 60 years I have never been directly involved in a physical fight. I've broken a few up though. My last altercation was with an inebriated middle eastern gentleman who accused me of spilling his drink. I didn't. So, I could have been "brave" and have the situation escalate, but I decided to be a "coward" and offer to buy him a drink. We had a great conversation and parted with a smile and a handshake.

    I view the use of bodily appendages to deliberately physically harm others for no reason as an extreme inability to communicate verbally, and generally serves no purpose whatsoever. Intelligence wise, it is probably on the same level as an ape. Surely we have evolved, haven't we?

    Keeping out of trouble can also be accomplished by not being a coward. I am here 17/18 year and I also never had a physical fight with any Thai person and I keep my head up high and don't kiss anyone's behind. I suppose this has to do with culture, heritage. Where I am from you need to be able to take care of yourself or else it's hard to survive.
    Pacifism is a great philosophy and it would be great if the whole world could live in total harmony and peace but as long as there are still quite a few psychopaths walking around, like these 5 or 6 apes in Phuket, it is not going to happen
  13. Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

    Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

    I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

    Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

    You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live

  14. Wauuu what a pittyful life you all have, alway see the glass half empty, alway negative, always at the dark side off life

    why do you all spend all you time in thai forums complaining about everything thai?? if you really hate thailand this mush then go away, do something that makes your life happy again.

    you are not even intelligent enough to complain about the wrongs you have to invent problems on something you do not know about, ohh father pays, ohhh insurance scam, ohh the young mans fault

    in fact no one here knows the truth it might as seen many times before that the truck was parked-stopes in the middel off the road with out light, or maybe the truck was driving with out working rear lights.

    we do not know, so crawl back in you hole and stay away from all thai and from thailand

    love it or leave it, we all laugh at you pittyful lifes and no one here want you or will ever miss you.

    enjoy life, be happy and you will be loved

    Well then fellow posters. We have all been put in our place by the newbie who cannot spell, or use punctuation. Accept your slap on the wrist, and promise to only post nice comments in future.

    I would have thought it was obvious that the "newbie" as you call him is Thai. As for your silly patronizing remarks about his spelling and punctuation, i wonder how your written Thai compares with his written English! rolleyes.gif When he says, 'no one here knows the truth' about this incident, he was of course absolutely correct. His remarks about all the bitter posters having pitiful lives was also right on the money.

    I accept that my post was OTP. But this is a farang forum for farang to let off steam without resorting to guns and knives. I actually love my life here, but if anyone from any country tells me to crawl back in my hole, I take offence. And yes, his written English is a lot better than my written Thai.

    It's interesting how tphut's 'troll' post has silenced many people. Normally a car crash by rich kid would be good for 100's of posts. If allowed to gamble I'd put some money on tphut and his connection with aforementioned Lotus driver(sarcasm) wink.png

    It's true indeed that we don't know the full story but we never do and still we have an opinion because it's how we farangs are wired. Tphut also doesn't know how much we complain here or how much time we spend here but he says that he does. It's exactly the same when you analyse it.

    We don't need to be apologetic towards tphut or anyone else for that matter. Farangmick is right. The forum is for people to let off steam, post their opinion, whatever that may be, as long as it is on topic and not insulting and a whole list of other rules. Certain sarcasm and humour is allowed. The forum management have done their utter best to ensure that (most) posts are within reason and not too crazy. I find TV to be very considerate and compassionate compared to other forums where they say whatever they like incl. swearing, insulting, etc.

    If Thais don't like what we farangs write here you are free to leave the forum. It's like me going on a Thai forum in the UK or Ireland and complaining about Thais who complain about us Irish and Brits and trust me they do a lot of b-ching too and not only about the weather

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