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Posts posted by Lockheed

  1. The first post-thread I made TV, I got accused of being a troll but have never been called a troll elsewhere and it's a commonly used term on this site.

    Maybe whoever calls someone a troll needs to get booted unless they have proof.

    • Like 2
  2. I think the nail has been hit. A lot of time the sin sot is just to make sure that the wife is looked after if the husband does a runner. Too many thai guys take off after the kids arrive and farang men well they can always just get on a plane.

    Talk to her about why she wants it.

    Set up an account for her that she can see the money.

    My gf mother wanted a lot of money and I found out that the gold and everything was going to go to the gf after we married so that she had property and safety.

    Good point here but time needs to be on your side,

    If want to get married as soon as possible then looks like you're going to pay.

    Talk to her.

  3. These rules were set by a friend who was a womaniser but could never honour them and went from one broken relationship to the next.

    If you have sex too soon you’ll never know if she really likes you, so stay out of her pants for as long as you possibly can, and I'm talking about months not days. Girls are good at dragging guys into relationships.

    Develop a friendship that’s not based on money or sex, you really need to think about theses two in detail. So don’t go out on a date and flash out a 1000 baht without thinking.

    If you can endure the above and don’t get dumped then you’re getting close.

    There is more I could say but I won’t bore you, if I have then have fun.

  4. It's the only way to travel,, been using it for years, i play the game well, join for a month and stop, you gt pushed up the list with hundreds of females writeing to you, then join again to contact them, the first time was funny as many asked me to send them money, i never did but after meeting them and falling for them i realised the scams, yes many don't know or write English, if they are good at English then up go the red flags, never send them money, i did and was scammed about $800 US, but a good lesson learn't, now i am a seasoned veteran (maybe never learn) and i play the game,, i have about 15 girls lined up to meet all over Thailand when the politics settle down,, it's a game and i play it, and i love it. Remeber "if you love me you must give me money" or any mention of "money" it's my que to run and change my sim card real quick and never give out my real e-mail address always use an alias (look it up in Hotmail), good luck boys, let the games begin.

    Spot on, it's got to be a game because the odds are against you but you've got to put the odds in your favour.

    The guys that are scoring big time have a few profiles going and each profile is chatting to the same girl, its all fine if you've got the time and patience.


  5. So the only thing that is stopping you from be with your kids is the mother of the kids? If money is no object why don't you move next to your kids?

    For many Thais, they want the children to be with their parents. Why would your SIL take care of your kids if it is not for wanting to help you and your ex? At the end of the day, the in laws love the children. On the other hand, you and your ex have some serious issue. Why would your ex suddenly take your kids to SIL without informed you? Is it possible that you have done things that pissed her off?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Do as above, move nearby so the kids have easy access to you.

    Strike up a relationship with the sister inlaw, give her an incentive to like you, treat her like gold but don't give her any.

    Definitely leave the kids with the mother or family and be patient because the kids will eventually come to you providing you do the correct thing.

  6. I was chatting to a Coke representative a few years back and in OZ, the biggest problem coke faced at that time was the Asian imports of the smaller coke cans.

    No doubt other countries are experiencing the same problem.

    I assume the different labelling and can types would allow Coke to determine the distributor more easily so they can put a stop to the cheaper imports.

  7. Much as I enjoy sex there is more to life than posting about it on ThaiVisa. I am looking for that elusive relationship with someone I care about and finding that girl isn't always that easy. I asked the original question to gauge public (?) opinion before making an asshol_e of myself. I realise that the posters here are not necessarily a good sample of decent people (no offence intended to those with good intent) but I couldn't see any other way of asking the question.

    I did read sometime back that the one thing bar girls tend not to get is genuine cuddles/hugs etc.

    Mates of mine spend there holidays in the nightclubs they've always said that the Thai girls they meet are no different to girls elsewhere in the world, if the feeling is mutual, you'll be spending quality time together.

    So start in the bars and then try elsewhere, maybe nightclubs.

  8. If this story is true than I have no doubts this attractive woman will find the mug she is looking for, in fact I guess they will be queueing up in the hope of being her future intended.

    I have known and still know many men who like domineering women and becoming the long and suffering, falling under the spells of some desirable female flesh. There is one born every minute and without too much effort she will find them or they will find her.

    So true but it's all about education and most guys coming into Thailand wouldn't know any better, they'd be willing to pay for whatever it takes until it goes belly up.

    The link below was posted on another thread but I found this in the comments, its a hard blow but it sums things up. http://aeon.co/magazine/living-together/why-young-women-in-rural-china-become-the-mistresses-of-wealthy-older-men/

    And as for getting a Vietnamese bride- that's just a tiny proportion of Singaporean men- mostly those uneducated poor ones over 50 years of age who were born and raised when Singapore was still a poor Third World Country. Again no different than the old, poor, uneducated White trash who go to Thailand and the Philippines to marry poverty stricken uneducated women.

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  9. I just bought some ear wax remover (Waxsol) about thirty minutes ago here in OZ.

    Some years back I used to make a regular yearly visit to the doctor and he would inject warmish water into my ear and blow the wax out in small particles but they can't do that too often because it eventually wrecks your hearing.

    Now they say, use a bottle of Waxsol to soften the earwax and it should come out when having a shower, seems to work.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't remember ever giving my UK wife cash for sex when she was my gf.

    But I gave her plenty of money and not having much sex when she was my wife.

    So not really the same.

    One is a prostitute, and one isn't a prostitute.

    But you gave her big heaps of money when she said it's all over.

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  11. No it's not worth it. I would only be using the site to arrange dates ahead of my arrival. What's the worse that could happen?

    Sounds like a good move providing you don't get too involved or have high hopes, that's one of the problems with spending too much time online before meeting the person.

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