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Posts posted by Saladin

  1. Dear Mr Governor, development of the Nimmanhaemin area is proceeding at a frenetic pace. In nearly every Soi there are new condo blocks, shops and restaurants going up like mushrooms. In Nimmanhaemin Road three new hotels will have opened during 2017. This is the most vibrant and upmarket area in all Chiang Mai, and Council rates and taxes must be flowing into government coffers like monsoon rains.


    Why then are the footpaths/sidewalks the worst in Chiang Mai? The 500 metre stretch from Soi 6 to Huaykeow Road cannot be navigated without the risk of injury on the road from kamikaze bike riders. It is littered with obstructions that include parked motorbikes, advertising signs embedded in the concrete, unused telephone boxes, dead trees, tables and chairs set up by roadside food vendors, bags of rubbish, concrete blocks, etc., and the new McDonalds is one of the worst offenders. A fixture was recently removed from outside the big 7/11 near Soi 6, leaving the supporting bolts exposed. I expected to see the bolts cut off before the footpath was patched up but instead they were left in place and entombed in a 15 cm mound of concrete.


    This eyesore cannot have gone unnoticed by affluent local Thai residents and those who frequent the area. And it is certainly noticed by the thousands of Chinese tourists who patrol Nimmanhaemin Road every day. Who needs to go trekking when they have Nimmanhaemin Road? What will they tell people when they get back home?


    So where is the money sir? This disgrace can only be as the result of the sheer incompetence of civic authorities, lack of accountability, or straight out corruption. May I respectfully ask that you please ask whoever ended up with the loot to return sufficient of it to at least fix the footpaths.

  2. 8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    There is a lot of tough talk, I hate the phrase but this is real 'keyboard warrior' gold...  


    .... I'm loving the 'social vigilante' aspect of guys who are dumb enough to walk around with this sense of righteousness when they judge others not to have taken their required degree of responsibility to have moved their 50% out of the way.... Almost as if these buffoons are walking around looking for the problem rather than being part of the solution by simply doing what everyone else does... as another, far more mentally balanced poster put it... ducking & weaving, avoiding contact and simply fitting in with society.





    Richard, I am afraid that your meek and mild complacency is part of the problem, not the solution.

  3. I had the problem many years ago and was treating it with all sorts of ointments and powders for several weeks without success - they just aggravated it. Then a doctor diagnosed it as fungal tinea and prescribed some tablets (I don't remember what) and it cleared up within a day.

  4. I always saw Turkey as the big hope of rapprochement between Islam and the rest of the world, the enlightened Ataturk being one of my heroes. I appreciated how and why the cancer of religion was kept firmly under control

    by  responsible governments. Then along came Erdogan The Spoiler, who has set Turkey and its goals back by decades. Despite the fact that the Turkish Intelligence agencies were apparently taken completely by surprise by the failed coup attempt against him, 50,000 people have subsequently been detained. This arrogant dictator must go ASAP so that Turkey can get back on track.


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