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Everything posted by cheapcanuck

  1. Send her to the monkey house till she is to fly out.
  2. It will always lag behind other destinations in Thailand because of the cost to fly direct to the island.
  3. I wonder what the stat is for the number that will return to lay eggs? ????
  4. Happy Songkran everyone. (In advance).
  5. Sorry to hear of the bad luck. Hope he gets home.
  6. Those extra 15 days was great for me. 30 days never seems to be enough and I usually extend for another 30 days. I end up leaving the country before the extended 30 days. The 45 day VOA was just right for me and would like to see it come back.
  7. All the neighbouring countries will be getting a boom of tourist due to Visa runs.
  8. Most likely untreated sewage. Using the excuse that this is natural. Regardless, it is toxic water, stay well away from the black sludge.
  9. Cut the "hordes of tourists" down to just "tourist." Problem solved.
  10. When ever someone uses this in a sentence, it shows that they are a racist.
  11. Yes we know that the location and address in the article is wrong. Get over it and move on. What's more important is what was the bars name? Anyone know the name of the bar in question?
  12. There is the psychological damage an event like this has on a person. That is well worth over 200K baht. Thailand should have paid the money instead of being a Cheap Charlie.
  13. Those are the go to causes the police use every time. This story does not pass the smell test. Police should dig deeper into this.
  14. I don't see a problem with it.
  15. Send him back to Russia and then to the Ukraine front.
  16. ...and that is why foreigners should stand up and be heard when mistreated.
  17. Russians just not wanting to get picked to fight in the war. That's the real reason they are applying to stay in Thailand longer.
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