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Everything posted by cheapcanuck

  1. If true, this should eliminate the one day quarantine and special transportation from airport to hotels. I see it to be a game changer.
  2. Kick that pretend democracy to the curb. Thailand, you sit this one out.
  3. Just wondering how you got your Thai Pass without a hotel and booked PCR test and booked transportation from airport to hotel?
  4. With advisors like that , no wonder the opening of thailand has been a disaster.
  5. What..."dirty foreigners" are not the cause of the covid19 outbreaks in Thailand? Will the corrupt Thai ministers apologize for blaming foreigners for causing the Covid19 problems in Thailand?
  6. Are you eating out of the garbage can outside a 711? Been coming to Thailand 11 years and no food poisonings (touch wood.)
  7. Numbers are encouraging...means numbers are lower than expected.
  8. I know the straight shooter Thai official is 1000% right. TAT is blowing smoke trying to cloud the truth.
  9. TAT's numbers are way off. Based on current restrictions to enter Thailand and the competition from other countries (regionally and globally), TAT numbers are what fairy tails are made of.
  10. More crazy rules/hoops for restaurants/bars to follow. No late afternoon sit down lunches for me.
  11. Lets hope they don't start doing Covid rapid swab testing to go into a restaurant/bar.
  12. Refused entry because he is a "dirty" minister.
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