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Everything posted by cheapcanuck

  1. I would just like to say, Rest In Peace to all foreigners who die in the land of smiles.
  2. Mind your own beeswax net citizen. I see no endangered fish in picture. Could have been taken anywhere in Asia. You need hard facts before you start convicting someone net citizen.
  3. I have to agree. Tom Yum is my Thailand staple.
  4. Can never be to careful when trigger happy dictators have their itchy finger ready to push some button.
  5. Just another scheme to milk foreigners out of their money. I'll stick with renting.
  6. Another lock down in Thailand's future?
  7. Best to pay the 6K baht. If you get arrested then there are more crooked cops involved. Hence, multiple that 6K by the number of crooked cops that need to be paid off. It can escalate well over 30K in a very short time.
  8. Case of greedy corporations cashing in and ripping off the consumer.
  9. Just another greed corporation ripping off the consumer.
  10. I would think these are privately owner businesses so the areas would be considered private.
  11. Humm...if you have time to honk your horn you have time to step on the breaks.
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