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Posts posted by silk123

  1. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day

    Give a man a fishing rod and hooks and bait and make it that he cannot sell or gamble the rod away and he can eat for a year or two, but only fish unless he sells or trades some fish for rice, so long as the pond r river he is fishing from is not over-fished or poisoned with toxins.

    Give a man a free handout so he will vote in favour of a party and he will be hooked and expect handouts all the time for doing nothing only being a poor peasant and will think bad and talk bad if he doesn't get more handouts.

    Fair play to Khun Taxsin if he really cares or has changed to care some little bit for poorer Thais. That gap between the rich chinese thais and the poor thais seems to grow.

    Taksin got about 2 billion dollars there for them shin shares. He is in a good position to invest a great deal in quality factories making quality products that the rest of the world could look at and make many workers and businessmen happier.

    I hope he invests in things that may not make as much money for him but make many people happier including himself maybe even.

  2. Death would be a nice easy escape for them if they really really did it.

    If they did not do it and they are just a fixed cover for tourist news then death would be a release for them.

    Thai Jails are not like western jails. If they didn't really do I feel for them but if they did they are going to suffer and suffer and suffer and .....

  3. Saw Khun Taxsin driving a scooter on the front page of the english newspaper today. "watch out for the drains or cracks or whatever" Was even wearing a helmet. A bit of a difference from his plane.

    All the nice front cover stories about him the last few days. I've stopped buying the bkk post years ago and now the nation is falling because i know someone is getting paid, treatened or blackmailed to write fake sickening nice like that.

  4. They know what started it already before even putting it out. Hmmm

    Insurance, kickbacks from or maybe some contractors were running out of work so now have a few more months in it.

    WHo cares anyway. That new airport whatever its called is 40 km out of bangkok or is it 45km or more. too far away with that traffic.

  5. Coming into thailand from malayasia one notices how quick and easy the malayasia side is and that they have normal computers (not older than 18 years like the thai side).

    The thai side is much slower and with more staff(men usually) and feels harsher and them old computers are older than what i learned on 20 years ago. The big green screens and the big missing 5.25 inch floppy drive(really floppy not hard plastic covered floppy). I think they may be trying to give the appearance of very third world and poor for tourists with them old computers.

    It can't be for real. It must be just show.

    Anyway it would be good to just slide the passports across scanner and less paperwork and less of all the messing for the Immigration staff.

    A 3 month quick visa on arrival is offered in malayasia quickly which makes the thai 1 month visa look mean. I guess the 1 month visa generates a lot more money which would help pay for all the extra thai staff they have and all the extra papers they waste the staffs time on filling and messing around with.

    As much as the visa system in thailand is old fashioned and power trippy for them, i still like the place.

    Sometimes china's visa system is better but in other ways china is a lot worse.

  6. I spend 90k a year on school fees for the child but the thai assistant cannot speak any English(<deleted>),

    There is no point complaining because it's easy to fake listening.

    This year the classroom teacher(foreigner) has being changed twice because they left or couldn't adapt.

    It's a private chinese thai owned shool and was the nearest one but next year the child will be changing schools because of all the little unsorted problems like food and having to pay 50 baht extra every 15 minutes after 15:00 when picking up the child. (selfish owners get 400 baht if 2 hours late per child) the thai teacher has to wait to 17:00 even if no kids there. All silly little games like that.

    I can see the mean owners thinking "if we hire backpacker we can pay less money, more profit."

    Russians maybe might be the cheapest whites.

  7. My friend an American bought one of them taxi vests as a souveneer(sp?). They cost next to nothing.

    Any thai could buy one so best tell any females who come here on holiday just to get a taxi from a taxi corner only where they can see the motorbike taxis with the same colour vests.

    Just to take care most tourists have a great holiday.

    By the way, It's a waste of time reporting thief or the like in thailand as it is just a waste of your time and money. I've only reported once but have being screwed over and over as most foreigners will admit. It's a degrading experience to report crimes here so best not.

  8. 95%. Blatant lie.

    Likely about 10% of tourists Don't get robbed or screwed on first holiday in thailand. If it's not the tuk tuk tailor scam it's the gem scams or the getting stuff robbd from bags thing.

    I know i got my suitcase nicked first time and the police just said "never mind" because the suitcase didn't belong to them. I had to pay them to do a report which was just a waste of time.

    Outside the grand palace you still get told its closed and to go with the friendly thieves to another tourist attraction. One would thing that would be very disrepectful to rob tourists there but "never mind".

    It's funny in a way just how much the police here don't care. Most tourists avoid police anyway as best they can in case they get shot and driven over a few times. If i was a thai policeman i wouldn't care either because all the status games here make hard working people like them feel down.

    Anyway it's still good to stay in thailand on a fixed foreign income as the money spreads better than it would in europe.

  9. Most thai girlfriends i've come across talk about killing them selves if i ever leave or else becoming a nun or becoming a bar girl.

    They treaten to cut themselves and even have one go in the bathroom and tell me she was doing it. free world so i let her there. She didn't and didn't try that on me again because i didn't respond.

    Most of them have a habit of hitting and using their nails if no attention is paid to their thai soap opera moaning.

    She is most likely a murderer. Look at the guy is he a tatooed keynok or a decent guy. Thai women have a habit of cutting of penises and things like that with jelousy. They treat you so bad and then somehow expect you to be faithful. likely she was just a spoilt jelous nut whore. No offense.

  10. First time in thailand i got robbed on one of them so called vip coachs too and my friend also on another. Heard of loads of people who get stuff robbed out of there bags on them and also of them finding clothes belong to other people on them that the thieves put back in the wrong bags.

    To have one of them coachs actually overturn is mad. The driver couldn't even have being breath tested for drink cause he ran same as thais learn to do in school.

    I'm sure when he is caught that he will lie lie lie.

    I hope the passengers heal well without too many long term effects and that the bus insurance will cover them.

  11. KA-BOOOOMMMMMM would look bad for the country.

    Did well for JFK's ratings. Also might be useful for the thai government to pay for it and taksiin to use it to send up his companies satelites for a token fee. Something like that. floating a balloon to see the publics too. The idea of them paying for it is beyond most of them.

  12. Thanks very much for the replies Heng and yourselves. I really appreciate it. Like I said, i'm only 26 so excluding maintainence etc would work out at 15 years rent. That would make it a better investment for me year wise relative to retired gentlemen but i don't want to be burned by making a La La emotional decision.

    It's a shame really that third world governments are that untrustworthy. I'm sure a lot of foreign people would to buy homes but are afraid with the underhanded carry on with the government here of losing their hard earned or hard earned cash of the person who left it to them. A real shame.

    I do prefer living in a house because it's more private and for space and the rooms i see in sport villa hua hin for 950k look out at nothing. if there was a sea view it would kind of make up for it.

    I'm guessing there is no problem getting in adsl in condos or rooms like that and also i see a few people with ubc on the outside walls up there.

    Must look at condochain and a few other ones near town but i doubt 900k would buy one as they are priced for foreigners.

    So what you are saying is even though i would prefer a house, a condo would be a better investment as less risky and less likely to be stolen by the government people if the power mongers amoung them had a change of heart or a farang hating dictator type came to be in power again and could make more backhander money for himself by robbing them rather than letting them continue to invest in the country.

    I can see why the laws are in place to stop westerners buying up any good amount of real estate like what happened before with the chinese but the world isn't fair i'm told.

    Once is enough to make that kind of mistake.

    I'll look more into condos as that company loophole is scarey looking closely at it logically. Frigging dissapointing shame that.

    All i want is a little safe base for myself here but it seems kinda racist the way western foreigners are not allowed buy here but have no problem letting them buy in our countries. No wonder they smile away, they are laughing at the fools they think us maybe. No harm in that.

    I sure there are ways they could laugh a lot more than they do by opening up safer legislation for foreigners buying a small bit of land for themselves rather than the half assed loopholes they allow for now and allow a lot more money to flow into thailand.

    Anyway i'm young and there are a lot of things i don't know about yet.

  13. Hi,

    I'm living in hua hin and looking at buying a small townhouse for just short of 900k. I will bring the money over from bank back home.

    I'm only 26 and on tourist visa but have being here on and off for 3 years renting and would rather just buy the property and leave my stuff in it while away. Also it would be fairly easy rent out as it's in a handy area and looks good and is only 5k/month.

    Could someone who has a prorperty like that already and not retirment age pm me a number and i'll give a ring as i'd like to have a chat about your experience and any useful tips or advice.

    Appreciate it.

  14. Childish goverment. Grow up already.

    I don't smoke and rarely drink but this campaign by the Gov makes me want to start smoking and start drinking and they know this unless their brains have expired. No press is bad press. So are the fag companies paying the gov workers for all the press? So the gov workers still have their fags in their offices. Doesn't surprise me.

    Don't care really. No point in it here.

  15. I don't smoke but in thailand with all the pictures and the blured lines in the middle of tv shows(ruins the show) I want to smoke so bad. If i was a thai, I would smoke for sure. Common sense and an awareness of outside this country is the only thing stopping me from smoking.

    Are the potiticans who give all this free advetising to the fag companies in cahoots with them. I wouldn't be surprised.

  16. Am i missing something. isn't the new airport 35km outside bangkok.

    I'd much rather fly from don muang as its so much nearer. Unless there was a real fast transport system in place to the new airport rather than just a taxi mafia. That surprise 500 baht payment gives a last underhanded impression of the country. why is it not put in the ticket price same as in developed countries.

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