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Posts posted by malagateddy

  1. Why would anybody vote for someone who tells lies, lies and lies? 
    Most of what Boris tells the public is BS. And few people challenge him. Bizarre!
    And later, when all his promises crash, he will of course blame all the others.
    And the UK is supposed to be a model democracy. 555 
    Wakey..wakey..politicians globally all are would be professional liars and have been in my lifetime.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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    Oh come on! I doubt few if any of the current crop of MP's would be paragons of moral virtue. There was a time when scandal - be that moral behavior, lying, cheating, etc meant the end of public life. Sadly, it now only seems to enhance it.
    He blusters, lies, ignores questions, is rude, and lacks real substance - but for some reason many of the people in the street love him! 
    Imagine, a person like that, who seemingly has no plans and just laughs when caught lying, is seriously being considered as our next PM!
    Shows how low morals, behavior, character, respect for law, and honesty have sunk in the wonderful multicultural utopia UK that's fast heading to be the sort of shit-heap many of it's ethnic foreign citizens families originate from. 
    Just go back the last 50 years or so..check out " the blair miranda ".
    Also do not forget john major and his bit on the side.
    Also the disgraceful episodes exposed by the msm re " expenses " claimed by many mp's approx 10 years ago..jackie smith..moathouse man etc.
    The house of sociopaths has harboured many scummers in the last 50 years imo.
    Boris..a mere drop in the ocean imo

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  3. A/r..

    We are NOT chatting about Brexit here..give it a rest please.

    Just take the word England, and replace it with the EU, and replace the word Scotland with England. And finally replace SNP with Brexiteers.
    A perfect summary of English Brexit supporters. Hate the EU, blame it for everything, and think that no deal ushers in a land of milk and honey.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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