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Posts posted by malagateddy

  1. This is genuinely perplexing. Nigel Farage, a man who has flirted with the far right his entire life and who used multiple racial tropes in the Brexit campaign, is calling out the SNP as racists. What does he and Leave.eu expect to accomplish by this? Nobody who has an understanding of Scottish politics believes this SNP = anti-English lies, and there are damned few examples to back it up - so who is he trying to win round? He certainly isn't going to curry any more favour north of the border with these lies and smears.
    Let me tell you that thro my years of living in Glasgow..I can verify that some of the snp members/supporters are English/British hating racists.
    That is the truth..in their eyes..all their problems etc are caused by the English/British people.
    In their eyes...if Scotland were independent..it would be forever the land of milk and honey where life is oh so wonderful all the time.

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  2. What because Tory voters are all closet Farage fans.
    Let’s hear Brexit Party policies on health, welfare, education, housing, public transport, policing, defense, pensions, the environment, infrastructure and the future of the NHS all the stuff that matters.

    No doubt you..me..and everyone else will know the Brexit Party's policies come near the next GE

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  3. Nobody is predicting anything, that is a reserve for remainers, all I am stating is probabilities, it is remainers saying that Brexit is not going to happen.
    Tories failing to deliver an increasingly unpopular Brexit or Tories delivering and increasingly unpopular Brexit and destroying the economy while doing so. 
    A remainer Prime Minister failed to deliver Brexit, remember her and her mighty words that "no deal is better than a bad deal" well Mrs May has announced that she will try to scupper any 'no deal,' you really couldn't make this stuff up, all proving she never wanted to leave in the first place and she has just led the country down the garden path for the last three years.
    If the Tories don't go for Brexit by the end of Oct they are toast, so Boris is the Tories only chance, should he be successfull I think a statue of him placed next to Nelson in Travalgar Square would be most fitting. And of course if he is not successfull there will be quite a few defections to the new Brexit Party.

    T May is a quisling..a sociopath imo.
    " quite a few " etc...imo there will be a lot more than that..also the Brexit Party's coffers will swell as former tory financial backers will throw their money instead at the Brexit Party.
    Very interesting times ahead.

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    Not sounding much like you’re on the Brexit home run there Teddy.
    Not surprising when 80% of Leave voters went AWOL at the Peterborough by-election.
    Farage, arguably the most recognizable face in British politics failed to draw the crowds and wound up hiding in the ‘Gents’ before sneaking out the back door.
    Please remember thar the Brexit Party was not heard of 4/5 months ago if my memory is correct.
    Plenty time for them to organise themselves to be a very potent political force imo.

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  5. "Farage us a threat " etc...
    Well I sincerely hope that at the next GE..the Brexit Party give a massive kicking to the 2 established back stabbing parties as most if their current mp's are sociopaths imo.
    I also hope that the house of sleasy incontinents is abolished.
    Viva the UK revolution if you like as it's long overdue.

    Poland & Hungary have had Muslim populations for centuries, albeit small. These days Hungary is focused upon ethnic purity and as repeatedly stated has a corrupt, authoritarian Far Right government. Hungary & Poland appear to be your ideal forms of government, so be it, but don't destroy UK society in the process. Farage is a threat to UK parliamentary democracy as are his hero's trump & bannon a threat to democratic institutions.

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