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Posts posted by CarlBkk

  1. The brands you mention are really department store brands and not high end at all, so Fortune will be no good for you. If you want proper hifi go to Piyanas in Fortune…they have loads of choice in the 30k price bracket up to some high end, otherwise it’s Facebook marketplace.


    an integrated solution (Naim, Cambridge, Elac, Nad, Arcam) are good, convenient and suitable for condos. However they’re not much fun. A proper hifi system in a decent size living room is fun because you can sell\buy components to hear the improvements in sound each time.

  2. I'm getting totally frustrated with my Minix android box with Kodi and The Crew, Shadow, BBC iplayer etc. etc.


    It used to work so well, but now Nord (for the VPN) takes ages to open and there are no streams available to watch any movies using any of the add ons.  Even BBC iplayer no longer works due to errors.  Using my ipad it works fine.  I have no idea why this is.


    Previously, I paid for debrid in an attempt to get round the error messages but that didn't work either.  What's the score with these add ons never working now?  Is it time to find another solution to stream movies, if so, which option?

  3. You need to take it into Fortune, go to the third floor and walk towards the end where the dealer Piyanas is.  Before you get there, there's a smallish shop on your right selling second hand CDs and vinyl with a repair shop at the back.  They speak English and specialise in the repair of amps.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, yang123 said:

    Bangkok Hospital web-site indicates that patients who have had 2 x Sinopharm jabs only require one Moderna booster:  https://www.bangkokhospital.com/en/content/questions-about-moderna-covid-19-vaccine  (towards the bottom of the page). 

    That booster to be given three months after completion of the Sinopharm shots. 


    Which raises a poser: current UK regulations do not recognise Sinopharm; will that also apply to Sinopharm x 2 + Moderna booster x 1?


    That might suggests that expats should have 2 x Moderna shots on top of 2 x Sinopharm (appropriately spaced) to have any chance of hassle/quarantine-free entry into the UK. 


    What's the medical view on that - is there a doctor in the house?




    That's what I thought too.  So unless the UK change their stance re Sinopharm, this is how it will pan out:


    Next Moderna 26/10

    Final Moderna 26/11

    Travel ok from second week of Dec


    But as you said, need a Dr to confirm 4 doses with that spacing is ok.

    Just for info Switzerland allow 2 x Sinopharm + 1 x Moderna.

  5. 4 hours ago, WorriedNoodle said:

    Foreigners are forbidden to register for additional vaccines on Thai government sites if you already had two vaccines from them, even if they were Sinovac or Sinopharm and need a recommended booster? In meantime Thais are allowed to register for a single AZ booster for their two Sinovacs, but that also means quarantine for UK trips. There is no way to buy the UK required vaccines in Thailand so only option to travel would be quarantine on arrival after 11-Oct.

    But if I can get a Moderna now, and another in 28 days time (on top of my two Sinopharms..if that's safe) then I'm sorted for travelling back at Christmas time?

  6. I have two doses of Sinopharm.  Ideally I'd like to travel to UK at Christmas without quarantine/multiple PCR tests but I can't see a solution.


    A booster of Moderna is available, but it doesn't help.

    Janssen isn't available in Thailand now.

    If I start again with a double dose of Moderna with the 3 month interval it will be well into next year.


    Have I missed something?

  7. Are you looking for a competitive club to play at in Bangkok?  I run a mixed nationalities club in Phra Kanong every Sunday evening for those wishing to play good hard games with less waiting time.  If you played at a club or league back in your home country, this is a club for you.  Likewise, if you have any friends looking for a good friendly club please tell them to check out Badzone on facebook or meetup.


    I also offer coaching for beginners up to intermediate level in order to get those interested up to a more competitive level.

  8. 12 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    Yes, but the iPad, while on a VPN and the TV - in the case where you sharing the screen from the iPad to the TV - are on DIFFERENT networks. Your iPad is on a virtual network in England (for example), while your TV is on a local area network within your home. They can't "see" each other.


    You CAN run the VPN on your android box - Nord makes a client - and run the (same as the iPad, just Android versions) streaming apps. on the android box as well. Connect that to one the TVs HDMI inputs and select that. 




    (Just in case you were considering it, the Apple TV box cannot run a VPN, AFAIK.)



    I do not think Nord has a VPN client for LG's WebOS, so to enable the TV (assuming it has apps for all your streaming services), you'll have to use SmartDNS.


    Just google LG TV Nord smartdns for a tutorial.



    The cable solution should work fine, maybe just do a bit of research to understand the practical aspects" max. cable length, power/recharging (iPad), screen resolution.


    There are official "adapters", and knock-offs...


    Lightning Digital AV Adapter





    Some knock-off adapters may not work well.


    There may some issues with some streaming source re: digital copyright as iOS may implement HDCP, which inhibits re-streaming.










    Brilliant advice, thanks!  You are definitely the hi tech TV man to know.

  9. Hi, I've just bought a nice new LG TV and was hoping to use the screenshare function with my ipad.  For some reason my ipad always has more success at playing iplayers (bbc iplayer, channel 4, channel 5) than my Minix android box attached to the TV, so I wanted to screenshare.


    But...it doesn't work as soon as I use the VPN (and I obviously need the VPN to play the iplayers!).  Anyone else encountered this issue?  Know what to do?

  10. Hi all, I’d like to import a high value used piece of hifi equipment into Thailand. I know this is likely to cost me 30% of the value + shipping cost, but my question is…..how stringently to Customs look up values?


    the equipment is not a common brand, but worth £5000 second hand. There’s no way I can pay another 30% on top, so if I declare it for £1000 what are my chances of getting that through?


    Anyone been and done this?

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