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AJ Alex

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Posts posted by AJ Alex

  1. Hi everyone.

    I would like to get a few large items on finance. One item is a motorbike which i can recieve finance on no problem. The 2nd item is a tv. Where/how can i buy a TV or other house hold electronics on finance/pay per month? I have been told i need a "credit card" soni went to apply for what i call a "credit card" I was refused 3 times dispite having all the documents, work permit and income etc... What can i do? Does this mean i can never buy anything and pay monthly?



  2. Hi there,

    English speaking clan members wanted to join a clan!!!

    The time difference in the UK and US make co op gaming a problem over here

    If you have a ps4 and are planning on getting black ops 3

    Please add me on psn BigAL9696

    We have a few member already

    You must have headset with mic

    Noobs welcome lol



  3. Unqualified teachers get 25,000-40,000

    As you stated that she is qualified please ignore the posts regarding salary around this amount

    Qualified teachers get 50,000 - up

    You're a little too late as most of the intl schools have finished hiring for this year

    Good luck

  4. What a great thread!

    Can someone help me with my weekly weekend problem

    Every Saturday morning I wake up with a stonking hangover and all I want is to eat a full English around 9am-10am

    But I live in Hang Dong by Big C and most fry ups dont start until 12:00

    Any recommendations?

    P.S if only papa rock did full english that would be a game changer

  5. This is a good thread that I have a lot of interest in

    I have never seen a game cafe in CM... However

    If you're into games as i'm sure you are, unfortunately PC gaming no longer has the best experience IMHO

    It used to be the best place to play games but not anymore

    My reasons for this are as follows:-

    All the best games are now console exclusives

    PS4 has The last of us, Bloodborne and soon uncharted 4

    The first two are amazing games and i'm sure Uncharted 4 will be as well when it's out

    Xboxone has Halo 5 and gears of war coming soon

    Plus Destiny (despite getting a stupid IGN review) is an amazing game that's only on consoles

    The above 6 games are some of the best games ever made and you can't play them on PC

    So my advice for gaming in Thailand is to get a PS4 not an Xboxone

    I have heard that Microsoft didn't see Thailand as a worth while investment so you can't play any games online with the xboxone

    Considering how important multiplayer is in most new games this renders the xboxone a bit useless

    I'm considering buying an xboxone if i can play halo and gears campaign but will not be expecting to ever play online with it

    If anyone has heard anything different please let me know

    So Popje if you really value gaming I would get a PS4 from Lazada for 13,000 baht

    Then send me a message here and add me as i'm on it every evening and weekend

  6. Hi guys,

    I want to buy a used Lancer but I can't find the ralliart version anywhere

    Do they sell these in Thailand or are they an import only?

    The alternative is to get either the 1.8 or the GT 2.0 but i think they look a little bland compared to the ralliart 2.0

    Any ideas how i can get one?

    Or, where would be a good place to take a 1.8 and make it look a bit more racey body kit, spoiler double exhaust etc...

    I'm based in CM but i would consider going to BKK to get this sorted

    Thanks in advance


  7. Hi there,

    I have heard some horrible stories about vets in CM

    I have also been told that if you take your dog to get showered and groomed they come back with ticks (my dog has no ticks at the mo)

    Can anyone recommend a good vets

    I live neat pet village hang dong... does anyone have any horror storied about this place as it's very convenient for me

    My dog is a Pomeranian puppy if that helps

    and no... i'm not interested in knowing that your dog could eat my dog

    Thanks in advance


  8. Hey guys,

    Have any of you heard of Ned Evett?

    He is playing in CM this weekend @ Papa Rock on Friday and Saturday night.

    This will be a good chance to see some amazing guitar talent and have some great guitar conversation with fellow guitar players.

    Here he is:-

    Lets make a night of it!



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