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Posts posted by wotsdermatter

  1. First, the English language structure, grammar, and structure is abominable. Second, the story contains many flaws, and thirdly, why are so many non-Thais concerned, or involved with matters that do not concern them Leave Thai things to the Thais and non-Thai stuff to the embassies concerned. Many people here who are not Thais voice their opinions and many are incorrect. Get to know and appreciate Thai culture or just go home where things are not as good as you think they are. My question is: why are you here complaining about Thailand, etc., when you live here and not in your native country, wherever that may be?

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  2. A few years ago, all a person needed was to go to Wat Po and have instruction from one of their "instructors." Now, under new legislation, a person striving to be a certified masseur has to obtain training and their certificate from an establishment registered with the appropriate department of the government.

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  3. The initial vaccinations are a series of three injections, each one month apart. They are good for life. However, should a person be bitten, as in this case, another injection is required. Get to a hospital and have that injection. If you have not had the first three, this is a good time to have them. They are painless and cheap. Before 1994, when I had my three shots, the treatment for anybody bitten by an animal suspected of carrying rabies was, a full month of a shot a day in the stomach. That is now history. Anti-biotics are useless, the vaccination must be anti-rabies. Thailand has over 300 cases of confirmed rabies reported every year. In many countries the head of an animal suspected of having rabies used to be was removed for and sent to a pathologist for tests. Now, the animal is just kept in isolation for 30 days in order to determine if it has the disease.

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  4. All the educational facility, albeit a school, university, college, or whatever, has to do is find the name of the issuing establishment, the years attended, the student number and other pertinent information, and e-mail the Registrars office. They will gladly inform whether the person on the certificate, degree, diploma, or whatever attended their place of study. Game over for fakes. Have taught many places this little skill. Takes but a few minutes to complete. Then there is no comeback to the hiring establishment.

  5. It would seem as if the people who made comments missed something important. How could anybody protest outside of the U.S.A. Embassy when it is not there. According to the last line of the first paragraph, "... and marched to the US Embassy, which was located on Wireless Road." If the Embassy does not exist how could there have been a protest outside it, or was it moved after the protest but the rest of the world has not been so informed? Just a thought.

  6. This year, I booked my ticket for my latest get away from the Canadian winter, very early, and arrived early November. During the months of September, October, and November, the price of return tickets from Toronto to Bangkok went down to as low as CAD850.00 return. Upon arrival, I found out why - another Opposition Party attempt to set up their own government system with many of their leaders having accusations and warrants out for previous "crimes." Is it any wonder that the tourists are not arriving in Bangkok? Also, as a handicapped person, although the wheelchair service is great, no problems there, the airport has never been an outstanding airport. Every time the wheelchair goes over a "joint" on the walkway, it jolts and causes me much pain. (Never experienced that anywhere else, and I have used about 30 different airports over the last 20 years.) It has never been included in the top 10 airport list that is published annually. I remember the debacle that raged before it was even built on swampy land sold by a politician to his family so they could sell it to the government. Also, there were many problems getting it certified, remember the cracks that appeared in the runways from the aircraft landing and taking-off due to the use of poor planning and inferior materials used, not withstanding the never explained fire at the Thai Airways kitchen. prior to the opening. There are other airports that steadily increase there annual number of arrivals and departures but they have more competent personnel in charge of everything.

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