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Posts posted by Kenn

  1. Ok, just visited True. As expected they had no idea what I was talking about, firmware, router, mai kau jai. They replaced my modem but this one also has the True firmware installed, no wonder you can buy these things from them after 1 year for 1 Baht, they are worthless if you're not using a True connection.

    Just found this site however: http://www.thelordofwireless.com/modules.p...page&pid=56

    Looks like they're explaining how to get rid of this True firmware.

    I'm not even sure if this is the problem for not being able to connect my Wii but seems the most likely at the moment as I cannot change any settings.

    Will keep you posted so all True users know what to expect before hooking up their Wii's.

  2. Everything I checked seems to be ok except for one thing: my TRUE router. Just found out they placed their own firmware on there making it impossible to alter any settings.

    And no way to get the firmware back to the orginal, oh well lets visit them again this week, maybe they are delighted somebody is not complaining about their speed for once :o

  3. Kenn

    After I registered with Nintendo.com I was able to hook rite up. Able to connect to wii shop. Can get old games already with wii points. I have the USB adapter also. Absolute no probs. Had the adapter when I got my ds. I have 4 controllers now. Got Zelda also. Gonna get started on that mammoth adventure. Glad I made this purchase.


    Mmm, still not able to connect, I switched of all my firewalls and anti virus and now the error is a 32002.

    Could this be something on the ISP side? What do you have Turok, mine is True and I have a normal adsl modem here.

    Just hope it's not one of those Wii's with problems that have to be replaced.

  4. Just picked up my Wii at MBK, 19000 Baht, extra controller and Wifi USB connector, total 24.500 THB.

    Really nice new gameplay. Just cannot connect to the internet yet, it tries to update but gives an 32004 error. Did you guys succeed in this yet?

  5. Funny though as Thailand is oficially a PAL country (and so is most of South East Asia). Maybe they will also start importing Wii's from Europe then after its release.

    Most TV's here should be able to handle both though is that correct?

    Let us know how you like the Wii. :o

  6. Sorry, you are right, US is NTSC.

    No hope of ever bringing my Wii back to Europe then :o Heard convertors for NTSC-->PAL basically suck.

    So games from the US and Japan, funny how the Thais always seem to get their stuff quickly from anywhere in the world. Which one would be the most common here then and how can you tell where the game is from?

    Have fun playing

  7. Just been to MBK to collect my Wii and 5 games for it. Zelda had not arrived yet but they should have it tomorrow

    As I hoped it is the US version they have, which means all my original Gamecube games will work on it

    My Triforce of next-gen consoles is complete :o

    Nice, how much did it cost you and where did you get it?

    The US version means you got the PAL one and got Wii sports included, how about games that will be released here, will they come from the US or from Japan? They cannot be used on both systems thats the problem.

  8. What;s the price of the Wii at MBK Turok ?

    Just been to MBK, they had the PS3 selling at 30000, good deal already I think.

    The Wii however the guy could get but at 25000, ridiculously overpriced. He said Thailand would get the Japanese version meaning you cant play European games.

    Does anybody know if the Japanese one will work on a European TV as they use NTSC instead of PAL? Release in Japan is on December 2nd so should be more coming in after this date, cant wait.

  9. The picture in the Business Today newspaper I found particulary funny, it was taken in just the right angle. It looked like the airport was completed and the images on TV I just saw were taken in the dark.

    From what I heard they're now going to open next year at the King's birthday.

    [comments about website, weblink deleted]

    Thanks :o

  10. I noticed a lot of people visiting my site from this forum so I put some more pictures on from the new airport.

    The picture in the Business Today newspaper I found particulary funny, it was taken in just the right angle. It looked like the airport was completed and the images on TV I just saw were taken in the dark.

    From what I heard they're now going to open next year at the King's birthday.

    By the way, please leave a comment on my forum with suggestions on my site, I just started it and appreciate all ideas you can give me,

    My Webpage

    Thanks :o

  11. I visited the new airport last week and I can tell you that it is far from completed, did you read in the newspaper today that the journalists were not allowed in because everything was cleaned for the PM? Yeah right, it's a mess in there and apart from some desks nothing really is completed. The road to the airport is not even completed so I bet the PM had to leave over a dirt road.

    The engineer that showed us around told us that they probably going to open next september but they have to cut back the test period.

    [commercial web link deleted]

    Indeed welcome to Thailand :o

  12. My first posting here but I figured it was time to contribute,

    I visited the new airport last week and I can tell you that it is far from completed, did you read in the newspaper today that the journalists were not allowed in because everything was cleaned for the PM? Yeah right, it's a mess in there and apart from some desks nothing really is completed. The road to the airport is not even completed so I bet the PM had to leave over a dirt road.

    The engineer that showed us around told us that they probably going to open next september but they have to cut back the test period.

    [weblink deleted by moderator]

    Indeed welcome to Thailand :o

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