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Everything posted by mrbojangles

  1. Maybe they should start with compulsory lights on at night!! I just don't get why so many Thais ride around without any lights. Baffling
  2. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. She should be paying you.
  3. 1 woman half knew, the other had to get on the help desk
  4. I've just been into the bank and although they were very helpful it took about 30 minutes. Could be look of the draw. They also wanted my UK tax number
  5. Has anyone been into Kasikorn to check if this is a genuine email? I'm going to pop into my local one today. I also opened the attachments, which I never normally do unless I'm convinced it's real. Hope no malware was in it.
  6. I also responded to K Bank asking why they require me to complete. I'm a UK citizen residing in Thailand. Awaiting response also
  7. I'm not trying to evade anything. I'm asking a genuine question and trying to not pay anything unnecessarily when I dont need to. The money transferred will go directly into the Hospitals account and they will pay tax.
  8. Marvellous. Sounds the way to go. Thanks for that. 👍
  9. Yes but when it arrives in the receiving bank, I dont think it shos up as it's me who sent it. I've just looked at some transfers in my bank and it shows as a transfer from K Bank, which must be the bank who Wise use. Thats the bit where I'm trying to clarify
  10. Maybe someone has done this. I have an operation coming up soon and for the new tax rules would prefer not to transfer the money using Wise from the UK into my SCB account and then paying from there to the Hospitals account. It's circa 700,000baht so I dont want that money going into my personal bank and being subject to additional tax if there's another way. Has anyone used Wise to transfer directly to the Hospital?
  11. Wonder if any of you local members can help. A mate is looking for anything horse related for his up and coming new business. Been out looking today and can't find anything. He's looking for anything like a saddle, riding hat, horse shoes, jockey silks etc. Basically anything associated with horse riding or racing. It's all to hang on the wall or display so condition isn't a big issue. If anyone can point us in the direction where we might find something it would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Can the Russian now sue her for defamation!!
  13. Absolutely concur. As well as myself, I know of 4 other foreigners who have decided not to renew our cars because we don't want to run the risk of having to pay tax on the money we bring in to buy a new car. They really haven't thought this through
  14. He certainly didn't curry favour
  15. Hello Rus. Nice to hear from you my old pal. Coming to Thailand anytime soon?
  16. We have a thread. Just can't post in it. Mai pen rai
  17. As well as the Alvarez money, I think we have also sold about £40m of players this summer and could rise to about £70m
  18. How you you class a city as "Family friendly " when there isn't a single safe pavement/ sidewalk to be found? Any pavements that are there quickly get taken over by shop owners, forcing you to step into the road. Dangerous enough for adults, never-ending having kids in tow
  19. Decapitated is harsh. Can we just go for cutting his tongue out so he can't speak
  20. So are you saying everyone who has a twist n go are a tiny bit gay? Personally, I drive my car most places I go but I have the twist n go cos I can't ride a motorbike. I only use it to go to 7/11. Never bothered to learn how to ride a motorbike with gears in the west and so I'm certainly not gonna try and learn on the streets in this crazy town.
  21. I have a Scomadi 125 which is basically the same scooter. I think the 2 engineers who designed them separated and formed 2 companies but used the same design.
  22. Obviously not. I just clicked on next unread topic and as the new PL schedule was coincidentally being released the same day my enthusiasm to answer took over. Very rarely any thai football is mentioned in the footy forum. I therefore retract my answer to the question that wasn't asked.
  23. The new PL fixtures were released this morning 9am UK time. They'll be available on all Sports sites. Man City away to Chelsea is our first game. Here are more of the first games.
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