Has anyone registered for M-Flow yet?
Forgot to do it as was stuck in a queue a couple of months ago going back down south. Coming back up north yesterday, stuck again in a stupid queue whilst they force everyone into signing up to M-Flow. They should maybe do something similar with the vaccines!!
Anyway, a right pain to register but finally done it. The thing is, on the website it says many easy ways to pay but when registering it only gave me one option and that was by credit card. Although I have 2 Thai bank accounts I only have a credit card with my UK bank and so I presume in a couple of weeks when I head south again the grand total of 60 baht will be taken from my UK credit card and not sure what charges will be attached to that.
My question is, has anyone else registered and had the same experience or managed to change the payment method later? Would like to change it to my Thai bank before I head back through the toll's