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Everything posted by mrbojangles

  1. Apparently he didn't even celebrate your third goal. That's not how I'd like a player of a TEAM to act. A team is more than one player
  2. Which make the postponements even more ludicrous
  3. Exactly. The issue I think is that the clubs asked for clarity and the FA came back with something like, you have to have so many senior squad available or youth with senior experience. That's opened the door for non covid related absences. These clubs will be moaning next about fixture congestion. To me, Leeds have have been the example to set and have just got on with it. Of those 33 positives, are they all players or staff as well?
  4. Getting ridiculous isn't it? I'm sure I heard/read yesterday that they only have one player out with covid related issues. The rest are players injured, away on AFCON or loaned out.
  5. Didn't want to state the obvious ????
  6. Too soon for him I reckon. Everton don't have the luxury of time to appoint a learning on the job Manager. They need an experienced manager with knowledge of the PL and getting out of the poo
  7. BoJangles keeping his head down ????
  8. Looks like you better give Mo what he wants to renew his contract. You seem to miss him too much when he's gone
  9. Buying one of your relegation rivals best players could turn out to be a nice bit shrewd business. On the other hand, he hasn't been scoring much and where Burnley may not have intended to buy anyone, this may force their hand and they could find a gem
  10. Maybe, maybe not. But if this guy is just a Woodward clone, things stay as they are
  11. Thanks Dr. Looks like I clicked the old link in error. Doh ????
  12. Thanks Joe. Just double checked and I thought I had cleared all previous versions and just linked the new one. Looks like I had clicked on the old link and not the new one. Every link now deleted and only new one added. Fingers crossed in another 90 days ????
  13. I tried the on line system this morning. Wouldn't work and just kept telling me to go to the nearest Immi Office. In the end I went and done in 5 minutes. It's a 45 min drive each way to the Immi, so I'd really love to be able to do this online report one day
  14. Course that's not what I'm saying. The thing is, as far as I can find out, no figures are announced, it just says a "significant amount of players and staff" and the FA don't give a definitive number that allows a club to postpone. It all seems on a case-by-case application. Personally. I think Klopp is seeing this as a possible Trophy and is taking it seriously
  15. Klopp will be moaning about fixture congestion due to postponed matches next. Should have just thrown the kids out. When you went away for the Kings of the Galaxy Cup he left the kids and youth coach to play the game
  16. We got home from shopping a couple of weeks ago and six duck eggs had been stolen by either crows or those birds with the big beaks. They'd been hanging around for a while. So I bought one of these Eagles from Lazada Bird Repellent Hanging Eagle Flying Owl Decoy Protection Control Scarecrow | Lazada.co.th Took my daughter shopping a couple of days later and by the time I'd got home the wife had totally engulfed the Duck pen with netting. Next day my Eagle arrived. Haven't lost a duck egg since but I reckon it's more to do with the netting than my Eagle ????
  17. I've had my booster here several weeks ago and I know plenty of others (thai and farang) who have had theirs already
  18. I kid ye not, that has just happened whilst I was in Big C. A upper middle aged Thai lady pulled her mask up to sneeze twice. Didn't bother putting her arm across her face or sneezing into cupped hands. Just pulled up the mask and blurted it out everywhere, then gently put the mask back ensuring it was all nice and tight. Sometimes I lose faith in the brain that some people carry around
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