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Everything posted by mrbojangles

  1. But is Ole a master musician who can fine tune them? Or is he like a bog standard play at home guitar playing hobbyist? I think the latter
  2. Just wondering if you can could quantify "many" because seeing as you are the self proclaimed biggest club in the country, every other club has less than you and therefore doesn't have "many". Since leaving Maine Road we have gone from a 32,000 capacity to a 55,000 capacity stadium which has been expanded twice. Cha, cha young Padawan. World dominance is a long term project
  3. It's great that nowadays all United fans can try and take the mick out of City fans is the fact that we don't have any tourist fans. I remember years ago when United to take the micky out of us not winning anything. Now it's you lot who aren't winning anything. Long may it remain like this
  4. Just out of interest. Do the 72,000 fans of the self proclaimed biggest club in the country think that the self proclaimed biggest club in the country should be winning a trophy or two? As the self proclaimed biggest club in the country, surely only winning the thursday night cup 4 years ago isn't good enough. I mean, you keep on telling me that we are a small club and only think small for not winning the Champions League. Just an observation for the self proclaimed biggest club in the country to ponder over ????
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