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Posts posted by loongdavid

  1. Although a sound proposal, IMO I think the Thai government and many in the bureaucracy think that the arrival of ASEAN, and Thailand becoming a member, means a panacea for most things. Only Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei realistically have the wealth to adequately contribute and maintain such a proposal. I guess they will eventually become disillusioned when they see the poorer nations benefiting at their expense. Maybe landlocked Laos would not see much benefit at all. Air Forces exchange visits would, I suspect, be a very contentious issue for some wanting to keep their meagre, yet secretive, assets secret.

  2. I'm not a medical man and neither do I have anything greater than first aid training but I do know that many within the medical field in both the UK and Australia have denounced the use of cortisone as being too risky. Apparently, the cure is worse than the disease. Having had a course of cortisone injections many years ago for an inflamed elbow, I agree with their findings. All the best to you anyway.

  3. Somewhat off topic so I crave the indulgence of the Moderators....

    In my attempt to put some statistics together for research I am doing I need to know approximately how many holders of Australian, New Zealand and British (including Scots biggrin.png) passports live permanently in Isaan. The relevant Embassies cannot assist saying that they only know of their nationals who care to register with them. Obviously, anecdotal information will suffice and I anticipate this will be a town-by-town exercise. No names or addresses please. Thanks.

  4. If only they were all that easy! Although it makes one wonder the conditions under which the 'formal' interview was conducted at the police station and the speed with which a 'confession' was obtained. Did the suspect receive legal advice before making an alleged confession? Was the 'formal' interview video taped? etc etc etc.

  5. So all of a sudden it will be easy for the 100's of necessary Mexican enforcers to just wonder in and out whenever they like?

    I couldn't bring my wife of 8 years into the country but it seems that Mexican cartels won't have any trouble.

    Mind you that is the cockamammy way in Oz.

    That sounds very much like an American (cockamammy cheesy.gif ) who has an axe to grind with Australian Immigration Law.

    • Like 1
  6. The Thai rural poor usually do not need to plan financially for their retirement as the 'family system' will take care of everything they may need in the future. I see many examples of this each and every day (too many to list here) and it works just fine. In my own family several members are approaching forced retirement (rice growers back) and are not, and never have been, concerned as to what the future may hold.

    ".........are not, and never have been, concerned as to what the future may hold. "

    That's because, as a farang family member, you are possibly holding the future for them?

    You didn't disappoint me ratcatcher biggrin.png I had a bet with myself that it wouldn't be long before someone said exactly what you have said. For the record, NO, I do not hold the future for them, I have on many occasions made that perfectly clear to all and sundry. However, realistically, as I have no-one to leave my worldly goods to someone will eventually benefit, and naturally, I hope that is later than sooner.

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  7. The Thai rural poor usually do not need to plan financially for their retirement as the 'family system' will take care of everything they may need in the future. I see many examples of this each and every day (too many to list here) and it works just fine. In my own family several members are approaching forced retirement (rice growers back) and are not, and never have been, concerned as to what the future may hold.

  8. I'm no expert on DNA testing, but I would think that the DNA samples collected at the crime scene should indicate whether the perpetrator(s) were male of female. If the samples are too contaminated to determine sex, then they are probably useless from the outset.

    EXACTLY ! The police usually love to get all lined up in font of the camera when they have caught someone but during an investigation they are conspicuous by their absence.

  9. "spring into action"...!

    Who in their right mind thought this little gem up? I can't wait to see it work! Sounds very much like finding jobs for the thousands of cops who do nothing all day and have done so for years.

    However, what they hope to achieve by having a nationwide control centre I do not understand. Bangkok's problems are Bangkok's problems and do not affect any other district. The traffic in Ubon, for example, relates in no way whatsoever to the traffic in Korat, for example. At best, traffic management should be devolved to Provincial level only.

    What this country desperately needs are cops doing their job on the streets, not sitting inside their cop shops smoking and drinking coffee or outside 7-11s all day smoking and talking.

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  10. It is a strange country, this USA. I believe in the death penalty for crimes that involve death in the commission of a crime. Taking ten years to do it is crazy. A young man can enlist or be drafted, if they re-instate the draft, and be in combat and killed within six months, and he is innocent and serving his country.

    Criminals and people with no self-displine do not deserve that much time. Get it done, get in done correctly and move on.

    I concur. The most notable case that I can remember is that of Carol Chesman (spelling?). He was on death row in San Quentin longer than most serve a life sentence and then they still went ahead and executed him in the gas chamber. Sometimes I wonder who is the least humane.

  11. Oh dear, these Americans...

    Hey, every country has a few unstable folk that forget to take their Lithium for a few months.

    signed, An American.

    Yes, but by shear weight of numbers Americans take the cake! It only goes to prove the long held belief that Americans have little or no knowledge of the outside world - hence their abysmal foreign policy.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Besides the barricade, he said municipal police and military personnel had been deployed to make sure that the vendors would not return to claim the pavements."

    How pathetic...wai2.gif alt=wai2.gif> wai.gif alt=wai.gif>

    Pathetic? Seems like a good idea, and appropriate, as the country is under martial law. The BMA inspectors have no power of arrest should the vendors prove to be difficult, the military have that power.


    Absolutely pathetic that the Military is needed to keep sidewalks clear.

    Yes, maybe. But after all we are still under Martial Law and the BIB are thoroughly useless.

  13. What sort of education system passes utter failures and then expects students to get better?

    Saudi Arabia. I was teaching adults there for two years and except for the pay, the situation was exactly the same. The funniest part was that we ex-pats were being quality assessed by Pakistanis (Muslims) who wouldn't know which way was up.

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  14. As an aside to the current topic, I regularly purchase books from various o'seas countries. Most get through without any duty or fuss however, recently it has become more and more the norm. I have regularly checked with the PO in the consignor country and even had a tracking number (for what good that is), still nothing. Between Thai Customs and Thai Post Office they have a lot of explaining to do.

  15. What a great deal it would be for the Royal Australian Navy as they're looking for a new helicopter carrier. Here's your opportunity mate, and at a price that has to be negotiable.

    Who is Australia going to amphibiously assault now? Should we be worried here in Thailand? Are they about to send us some democracy? tongue.png

    Who indeed? With Australia's close military links to the USA and the A(NZ)US treaty in the background where the USA goes Australia is sure to follow. To date the RAN's amphibious capabilities have only ever been fully utilised for humanitarian relief work.

  16. I hope France terminates this contract completely.

    If someone thinks that you can do business with someone who threatens and lie you ... sobering going to be very painful.

    We, the Westerners, should finally realize that Russia(Putin's regime) is an enemy; autocratic, oligarchic and expansionist state ruled by former KGB agent.

    I agree entirely Matej.

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