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Posts posted by climbertrev1

  1. The secret is learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA.) Renditions of Thai words without it, using only approximations of the sounds represented by standard consonants and vowels, cannot duplicate the correct pronunciation. For example, there is no "r" sound anywhere in the Thai word for hand.

    No, the secret is becoming literate in Thai.

    Thai is very regular, with very few exceptions.

    I agree 100%. If you are literate in Thai script and that includes reading the tone correctly you will stand a chance of getting your spoken Thai correct.

  2. none whatsoever, most are quite easy to pronounce actually

    Making the sounds is one thing making the correct ones is quite another.

    ไม้ ใหม่ ไม่ ไหม้ มั้ย Transcribed into english something like;

    maai (high tone) mai(low tone) mai(falling tone) mai (falling tone) mai(high tone)

    and the real challenge isn't pronunciation of vowels and consonants, it is tone.

    Incidently the above translates as : New wood doesn't burn, does it?

    I have been working on tone for years now. Sometimes I can hear it clearly other times I still miss it. For me getting falling tone right consistently is a real challenge. But I will perservere I love the challenge of trying to master the Thai language.

    If as a mature adult you want to get the pronunciation and tone right you probably have to learn to read and write Thai script. This is far easier than it first appears.

    • Like 1
  3. What seriously?????? , phone call checking into people with know criminal records, staying at the resort, at the same time as the McCanns, is only recently been checked.

    Again, another big lesson to be learned by RTP investigators into the activities on the night of the Koh Tao murders. If they really want to solve the case, that is ????

    I agree with you in theory but how to search for people with criminal records when there is no accountability in this country. Anyone with influence or cash can pretty much kill at will.

    That includes Farang as well. I was present at Central Condo when a Norwegian drunk alledgedly threw his girlfriend off their 5th floor balcony. I was also friends with a New Zealander who was alledgedly stabbed in the back by a Swedish guy in a premeditated attack. Both suspects are back in Scandinavia after paying what is rumoured to be in the order of 1 million Baht a peice.

  4. Looks like a quality ex pat......

    Felt for the guy that he assaulted, I mean who would want there Shoulder Bag, Strap broken....

    How inconvienent, it seems Dick Emery is not Dead, he is living it up in Pattaya....

    "Ooh you are awful, but I do like you"....

    Just for your information if you happen to have a confrontation with this guy. He carries a bottle of acid around with him in his shoulder bag. How do I know? he showed it to me. He also told me that he would use it on anyone who tried to attack him and or steal any of his copious amounts of gold jewelery that he likes to flaunt.

    I don't really understand why the guy is allowed to wander round Thailand intimidating people including the Pattaya police.

  5. I'm sorry but if you are dumb enough to send money like this, you deserve to lose it.

    Preying on the naivety of Thai women! Two sacks of shit, whether Nigerian, Russian, Western or whatever. I do not think the Thai women deserve this. Not at all.

    I hope these guys do some hard time before being deported.

    Criminals should be put to work on a tread mill, to generate electricity, to pay for the cost of their incarceration.

    I agree with you 100% This scam has been going on for at least 2 decades. In the early days many gullible people in the UK were duped by it. I brought my children up to understand that if an offer seems to good to be true..then it probably isn't. Avoid these scams like the plague.

    I also like your ideas of punishment. I wish this could be introduced where ever individuals are lawfully and fairly imprisoned.

  6. I think Harvard Medical School "DISAGREES" with this article and all the fear mongering going on. Time to stop the Urban Legends. Here's the "facts" and not hearsay.


    That is only one side. What about the RUBBISH factor? that is truly just as concerning. AND as for HARVARD? that was the HEALTH news section which OFTEN has different opinions and they quote ONE DOCTOR not a consensus.

    The view MEDICALLY on plastic and Styrofoam is IT IS BEST avoided. No need to consult Google. I am a Doctor and that is what I am trained in. CHEMICALS in = CONCERN. Plastics are a concern and we still DO NOT KNOW the full effects of these products but we do know they lead to certain CANCERS.

    To the contrary, we do know the long term effects. Poly expanded foam has been around for decades. Certain "release " agents used to separate the plastic from the molds caused most of the trouble. Those issues have been resolved. And as a "Doctor" you know that every frigging thing on this planet we come in contact with can cause some form of cancer or disease. Too much or to little will kill you. Petroleum products just being one of them.

    But I do agree with the problem of "Trash" being a major concern here and the rest of the world too for that matter. Look at all the garbage floating out in the ocean.

    I agree with you. I have worked with styrene for 40 years and according to the latest reports in the British Medical Journal and EU reports there is no correlation between styrene and cancer.

    My field is Water & Waste treatment and recycling and therefore I have considerable experience dealing with toxic materials.

    Personally I don't trust doctors who say they are "experts". I lost a two week old son and nearly lost my life four times in the past, due to Doctors not being up to date on the latest in treatments for bacterial infections and toxicology.

    I helped write the Bangkok Solid Waste Master Plan. AIT say that styrofoam cannot be recycled so they don't do it here. However, Styrofoam can be recycled very easily. All that is needed is a conveyor belt feed to a rotating knife/chopper and then a press/extruder. It is not allowed to be reused for food containers for psychological reasons, but can be reused for many other uses including packaging. I used to work with a Vietnamese Company that mines plastic from old landfills and turns them into pipes, conduits, furniture, paving tiles and a host of other uses. The benefit is that it reduces the demand for oil. The technology is popular in Vietnam and China.

    New recycling centres are proposed, following the fires on current tips, let us hope that this time they are run correctly. They will also need to force Thais to put their rubbish in the right bins as they could not care less about separation at source. They put hazardous waste, dry waste, wet(green waste) and non-recyclables all in the same bins if they don't just throw it over their shoulders.

    They put hazardous waste, dry waste, wet(green waste) and non-recyclables all in the same bins if they don't just throw it over their shoulders.

    And where does all the refuse end up? legally or illegally it is dumped into landfill, thrown into gullys or just strewn anywhere. Thailand needs to institute a well regulated and enforced waste management system. Hazardous waste needs to be properly tracked and documented as such from source to processing or disposal. Law breakers, however powerful, need to feel the full force of the law. Fines and prison sentences need to be commensuate with the severity of the offence.

    Of course like so many other Thai problems any efforts to regulate and police are totally undermined by corruption. I would have thought the recent landfill fires would have heralded real and genuine change. I won't hold my breath.

    I save that for everytime I cycle past a large landfill a couple of km from and a few metres above Mabrachan reservoir (Pattaya's water supply). The landfill is nearly full now there are piles of earth being brought in to complete and cover up the tasks. For months I watched as rubbish and trash of all types was thrown into the large water filled quarry. Eventually a make shift fence (totally ineffective) was errected to try and stop people getting to use a big hole for free to get rid of anything they liked. Was the waste hazardous ? no one knows. There were lots of people using the landfill so improssible for anyone person or company to know.

    Thailand will not be able to manage it's waste properly until it can control the filth causing corruption. Important, connected, rich, people need to experience jail time. Until that happens nothing meaningful will ever change.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

    The Thai Gestapo. Soon we'll all have to wear yellow stars on our clothes.

    Jai yen yen- yah jai rawn (keep your cool relax don't get heated)

    In most countries of the world if you stay in a hotel as a foreigner it is the law that the hotel has to collect your passport/visa details and keep them so they are available to the authorities. In some places the police routinely collect the data on a daily basis. I have always been amazed that the Thais don't do this as a matter of course. It takes the onus off the traveller and puts the responsibility onto the hotelier and the authorities to keep tabs.

  8. The bouncers messed with the wrong guy.

    Has it occurred to anyone that the reason he got some apparent justice was that as a Kuwati army officer he was able to afford to buy a chunk of Thai justice.

    If he didn't pay and the police actually did their job, excellent and I apologise to all involved. I just wish some justice could get meted out to the Jet Ski thugs who are still apparently operating on Pattaya beach with impunity.

  9. And more accidents could be expected....as there are many more tiger kingdom's in Thailand were Tigers are mistreated....Koh Samui, Chiang Mai,...kanchanaburi....

    I say Mistreated !!!!, because tigers should not be in zoo's. they need a lot more space than zoo's can provide....

    These zoo's are not interested in the well being of the Tigers, despite what they pretend...

    There only interest is in to the money it generates by letting people been photographed with them.....and once in a while they sell one to rich Chinese.....

    I have no prove of that, but just wait a while....it will eventually come out.....I just know..

    I have just this minute returned from Kanchanaburi. Yesterday I had the misfortune of visiting the famous Tiger Temple. I was persauded to go by my mother. Of all the Tiger attractions in Thailand I have visited this is by far the worst. The 600 Baht entrance fee makes it a joke of a day out. The park is a dump. Whether any good, conservation wise, comes out of the enterprise is harder to judge.

    My advice to anyone intending to visit is don't. The big draw for many is the opportunity to have hands on experience of a Tiger. I had always believed the tigers in these resorts were drugged: I have to admit the one young tiger I saw yesterday didn't look drugged. That leads onto this particular article and a continuation of the idea that large wild animals and humans do not mix well at close quarters. A wild animal like a Tiger, if not drugged to the eyeballs, just has to be a risk to anyone in close enough proximity to get attacked.

    But really the wonderful Tiger Temple close to Kanchanaburi is truely dreadful. A Zoo/Circus rip off of the worst kind.

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  10. This is a joke isn't it? And if it isn't how can construction begin in 30 days time? Was there any public consultation?

    Another more feasible way of easing traffic congestion in Pattaya if you want to see the continued encouragement of private traffic would be to build overpasses from Pattaya Klang, Nuea and Dhai over Sukhamvhit and then over the railway and adjacent roads. These would work just as effectively as the overpasses and highways built over Bangkok eased the traffic congestion there.

    If you really want to ease traffic congestion in Pattaya you need to control the traffic entering and leaving Pattaya. This involves a planning strategy to control parking and driving. Traffic rules must be enforced. Pedestrian crossings, yellow boxes, no U-turns, traffic lights etc have to be used properly.

    While we are it why not have some proper planning to create some green public spaces, proper foot paths (without motorcycles etc), cycle lanes etc. It would also be sensible to have some proper control of building etc.........Ok I will now stop dreaming and go for a run instead, in Pratumnak Hill Park and hopefully avoid being run down by a motorcycle being ridden at excessive speed.

    You can't even walk on Beach Road without fear of being run down by a motorcyclist or cyclist.

    Pattaya needs more traffic, so build the tunnel, build more roads, more overpasses and bring on Grid lock ......then and only then will attitudes change.

  11. Chanin Liangsuwan,chief of Koh Samui District Prison: "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

    How sick is this statement ?

    It depends entirely on whether they committed the crime or not.

    They certainly haven't had their day in court so no one has found them guilty so it is pure speculation or wishful thinking on the part of the police. The whole affair is making the police and Thailand in general look very foolish, amatuerish and corrupt to it's very heart.

    This has the smell of scapegoating and cover up I feel very sorry for the two in detention and their families. Their chances of a fair trail are looking very remote. I dread to recieve the next news update on this appalling investigation saga..

  12. Where to start ?, When all the high up officers have paid to be in that

    job with money, not by proficiency,or hard work,so the most corrupt rise

    to the top,leaving the ones at the bottom to do anything and everything

    to try and move up the ladder.

    regards Worgeordie

    Quite. How much did the Police Chief pay for his position? Thais expect to be able to buy privilege. Police officers are buying the privilege of being able to extort money out of the weak and those who are not well connected. The system works for the rich and influential and their government officers. Until that is acknowledged nothing will change.

  13. how convienent that a piece of wood was nearby.and look at the smirk on the coppers face as he squeezes his arm.

    You seem to have missed the expression on the Brit's face. Obviously playing it for all it's worth. And undoubtedly he played arrogant Khun Farang when approached by the attendant. He certainly is to be congratulated on saving the Baht 40.

    You have jumped to every conclusion going without knowing the facts of the case.

    Lets hope that the 19 year old has to face assault charges in court then all the facts will emerge.

  14. Have to admit to being a bit skeptical of this claim. Did it get to human trials? If not, then jumping the gun on this announcement. Then the steps of getting FDA approval internationally can take months to years. The below announced Sept. 17, 2014. Though they say vaccine rather than cure.

    First British volunteer injected with trial Ebola vaccine in Oxford

    If vaccine tested on Ruth Atkins and other healthy volunteers is found to work, it will be fast-tracked for use in west Africa

    More here - TheGaurdian

    I am extremely skeptical about this claim. The attempts to develop an Ebola vaccine to prevent developing the disease. No one is expecting to develop a cure for those already infected with the virus. No one has ever developed a cure for any disease caused by a virus to my knowledge. All we can do is protect by developing preventitive vaccines.

    So if this article about an Ebola cure is true it would be absolutely astounding ground breaking stuff. Nobel prizes will surely follow..............

    Or is this just another example of a bunch of Thais just trying to look good in the eyes of the Junta?

  15. You are aware that since 'Democracy' first inception in Thailand, that the military have been in power for more than any one civilian party. Do you not think they have to bare a large part of the responsibility for the current state of ills of the country, and secondly why in the world would they suddenly kill their own gravy train as well. The only reason the police have a worse reputation for corruption is they are in contact with the public a lot more. The corruption, cronyism and all other ills associated with the police are equally as prevalent in the army, they are just less visible to ordinary citizens. Would you trust the police reform run the country? No, so why do you trust the army?

    Try to understand that to answer your question, I would have to accept those unsupported "facts" that you use to frame your question. Which leads me to ask "Why would i trust you?"

    You need to learn to read. No where in the above does he ask you to trust him. As for the fact that the military has staged many many coups and held power for many many years. Those facts can easily be checked and cross checked from several sources freely available on the internet.

  16. Why I have to think of Don Quixote and fighting against windmills?

    The answer to the problem is to increase the costs (through fines and charges) of releasing clamped and towed vehicles. It works everywhere else in the world. Back in 1976, in London, my girlfriends car got towed and it cost her 200 pounds even then to get the car back. I dread to think how much it would cost today.

    The last time I was back in the UK I was caught doing 35 mph in a 30 mph limit. The fixed penalty is now 100 pounds and 3 points on my license. Get 12 points and you loose the license.

    I also wonder what damaged means in this context. They shouldn't be worrying about that. Brand new illegally parked Merc just tow it and charge. People will soon get the message.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Corruption has not stopped in Phuket. This is a huge undertaking for him and it may be too big for him to tackle. Just sayin'. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    I want to know what his definition of corruption is. Does it include army officers and police officers buying their commissions because if it doesn't then the core will remain rotten. Anyone buying in to anything wants to see a return on their investment. In Pattaya and elsewhere the authorities believe they have the absolute right to skim from everyone in their power.

  18. Yea.. another moralious from the bible belt.laugh.png

    Perhaps you are to quick to jump to conclusions.

    I walk past those bars almost every night and the Ladyboy's do get physical at times. If you have been here a while it is not a problem. But I can understand some people especially the inexperienced not reacting well for many reasons perhaps including moral ones. Someone needs to get these Ladyboy's to become a little more reserved. Perhaps they should stay inside their bar and massage palour and not come into the street and physically prevent you from walking along the street.

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  19. As Frank James sayed already , poor vibrating of the concrete , also what i very often see in Thailand and other countries , They add a lot of water to the ready mixed concrete arriving on trucks .


    An engineer can calculate a perfect strong building , but when construction workers and foremen add water to good concrete the engineers calculation are out of the window .


    Water / cement ratio is one of the most important things in any building , and ofcourse the right rebar in the right positions .



    It is common practice in most western countries to take core samples of the hardened concrete to ensure the concrete was and is still to standard.

  20. . . . and you wonderful "authorities" just let him leave with yet another child . . . he was under suspicion/investigation at the time, why let him leave?



    The same reason a Swede who murdered a Kiwi by stabbing him in the back, a Norwegian who threw his girlfriend off a 5th floor balcony are now living back in Scandinavia in comfort and freedom. I am sure there are many other examples of individuals paying off the authorities. The corruption in the Thai system is so embedded  that the rich can do just what they want. It doesn't matter if they are Thai or foreign. Money talks in this place.

    The cost of escaping a murder charge appears to be about a million baht incidently.

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